Striking Back?

Beep beep... Suddenly, the ground shook. Everyone outside Thirteen Hall looked up to glance in the direction of the sound.

Hundreds of excavators were driving over from both sides of the street.

Hundreds of workers wearing safety helmets and with shovels in their hands trooped up and came to stand in front of Thirteen Hall's entrance.

Selina emerged from Humanity Hall with a group of people, appearing in front of everyone.

Clarence's face darkened slightly. "Selina, I knew it was you."

Selina's face seemed a little grim. Clarence was only an ant to her.

However, this ant had been strong enough to resist her first wave of attacks.

She had been forced to activate Plan B!

"Hmph, it's me.

"Clarence, I didn't guess that you would be able to fight back, but so what?

"Even if people here know that there's nothing wrong with Thirteen Hall, they're only a minority of the city, after all.