Life-Borrowing Miracle Twins Symbiosis

Rattlesnake and Datura rushed to the edge of the bridge and watched what was going on underwater.

"Damn it! Get someone down there and search for them!" Rattlesnake stamped his foot.

Datura frowned. "Search for them?

"We should hurry up and leave. The police and the Reed family will be here soon. We can't let anyone get anything on us. We've destroyed all the cameras around us beforehand.

"Go at once. Disguise yourself as ordinary passers-by. We'll meet at the villa in an hour."

Hundreds of people evacuated the place, abandoning the cars they had driven there with.

The only thing left on the bridge was Bill's body, wide-eyed with agony.

Ten minutes later, Roger's men arrived. He was calm when he saw his dead son Bill.

He was terribly calm.

He was truly someone formidable, someone worthy of ruling the city!