A Problem In The Forum

[Dear user, your virtual account No. 5203 has received 343 yuan. The current balance is 343.00 yuan.]

'Awesome! Coming into Blue Ocean was the right choice! I actually made 300 plus on the first day!'

Fang Yue was over the moon as he looked at his virtual account.

The so-called virtual account was an account he had registered on the biggest pro-gamer platform of the country. It was mainly used for trading in-game.

As someone who was lingering at the borderline of poverty, Fang Yue never left any money in his virtual account.

He planned to withdraw the money from the bank later today and celebrate his first day's earnings with Sister Yuan by going out for an amazing dinner.

Having started his adventure in Blue Ocean on a good note, his determination to progress further in the game soared.

"The central core is ahead of us. It is where our village stores the Human Soul Fire." Lord Han's voice entered Fang Yue's ears and pulled him back from his delusion.

Fang Yue looked ahead and saw a giant square with a colossal rock floating on top. The rock resembled a ball and was spinning slowly.

Around the square were many guards wearing makeshift defensive gears and weapons.

The guards stared at Fang Yue cautiously upon his arrival. It was only until Lord Han waved at them that the guards bowed respectfully at Fang Yue and their hostility faded.

"The Human Soul Fire in Guyue Village is only this big whilst the central core is small. That is why the village can only be this size because the fire can only cover so much ground."

Despite Lord Han's claims, Fang Yue realized the village was not that small. He followed Lord Han to the central core, and on the way there, he noticed that the village was properly equipped with blacksmiths, tailors, inns, and all kinds of public infrastructure.

"You must now meditate 2 hours under the central core for seven days. Only then the [Cold Night's Corruption on your legs will go away."

Then, Lord Han called someone, who seemed to be the captain of the guards, over. After Lord Han pointed at Fang Yue, the captain looked at him, probably committing his face to memory.

The captain then left.

"Can I meditate later?"

"No. The longer you stay outside, the harder it is to heal. Well, unless you want to cut your legs off, that is."

Fang Yue shook his head.

"Great. Start by meditating for 2 hours. I will come back for you then."

"Thank you, Lord Han."

After seeing Lord Han off, Fang Yue walked closer and sat under the central core with his legs crossed, and immediately, he felt a warm stream of energy from the bottom of the square going into his legs.

The cold and stiffness on his legs decreased significantly.

Even though the game did not notify him of the [Cold Night's Corruption], the feeling he felt before was real, and Lord Han had no reason to lie to him.

Fang Yue believed that the game would only inform him of the [Cold Night's Corruption] when it had done enough damage to his body.

Although meditating for two hours was a little boring, he sat down as he was told.

After Lord Han left, the captain of the guards told his men to give him some space, and he walked closer to Fang Yue.

"Brother Night, my name is Lin Ling. I'm the third captain of the central core guards. You can come here to heal your injuries for a week, but after that, you are not welcome here without Lord Han's permission."

"Brother Lin, I know the rules."

"Great. Then, I have another question for you: who are you to Lord Han?"


Captain Lin chuckled at the answer.

"Brother Night, you really are a joker. Why would Lord Han befriend you given his status and identity? I heard that he has been troubled by illness for a long time and wants to find an heir to his knowledge and martial arts. He has been running into dead ends until he came back with you. Are you the one Lord Han has been looking for?"

Throughout the little chat, Captain Lin was staring at Fang Yue dead in the eyes. His gaze had a hint of a threat to it.

Fang Yue's heart raced, but he showed a helpless look. "Brother Lin, you must be kidding. Look at me. I've got the [Cold Night's Corruption] and I can't even move properly. Plus I'm already over the golden age to practice martial arts and yet I know nothing, why would I be the ideal heir to Lord Han? Lord Han is just being kind and generous, he showed me mercy and offered a helping hand."

Fang Yue got a lot of information from Lord Han during the walk.

He knew that it was best for one to start practicing martial arts at the age of 11 or 12 because the body would be more flexible and one could reach higher heights.

Given Fang Yue's age, even if he started practicing now, he would not achieve anything amazing theoretically. Therefore, he was able to simply brush Captain Lin off with his quick wits.

"I guess you are right." The threat in Captain Lin's eyes faded. After some small talk, Captain Lin left Fang Yue alone.

Fang Yue subtly stared at Captain Lin. There was something that bothered him, but he did not say it out loud.

"This guy…is probably a player too."

Players in the game should have a certain assist in learning martial arts. They should not be going through the same process as NPCs, hence age was not a problem.

15 minutes had passed, but Fang Yue had it. He set his character to maintain position and decided to log out of the game.

[System notification: Your character will still be in the game after you've logged out of the game. Please make sure you are in a safe place or in a safe zone before logging out.]

[Reminder 1: Logging out at inns, schools, or your own house will increase your safety level.]

[Reminder 2: Players can set a safe zone through formations, illusions, potions, and talismans. It will increase the safety level greatly.]

[Reminder 3: When the character in the game encounters danger, the game watch will notify the player in the real world to return to the game. Please have your watch with you at all times. Other than that, the player can also preset reactions for the character to deal with all kinds of situations.]

[Do you want to log out of the game now?]

Fang Yue logged out of the game and opened his eyes back in real life.

He looked at the time. It was 2:10 a.m.

"I've been playing for 2 hours? Hmmm, looking at the time, I'll have to go back to the game around 3:40 a.m."

He set the alarm and then opened up his laptop in a hurry. He logged in to Dragon Play, the biggest pro-gamer platform in the country. Then, he accessed his virtual account and withdrew the money inside.

A while later, his phone buzzed him with a notification.

Fang Yue saw 300 plus in his bank account. He was happy for a while before he went to the kitchen for instant noodles. The small earnings boosted his confidence, so he added three sausages and two eggs into his noodles as a reward.

When the noodles were done, Fang Yue slurped it down happily. He cleaned up the table after eating and went back to Dragon Play.

Dragon Play was the biggest pro-gamer platform in the country, therefore all kinds of pro gamers were gathered there. Other than the trading function, it also had a forum.

Fang Yue went to the forums. When he opened it, what he saw shocked him.

The hottest thread in the forum was bold in red, and the thread owner's name was shiny. The topic of the thread was "NightDawn, a rising pro gamer".

"I...I...I'm famous now?!"