One Punch

While Fang Yue was messaging Niu Niu secretly, Chen Mu spoke to him in person, "Night, why don't you go give the rock a punch? I want to see how good your foundation is."

"Me? I…don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not?"' Chen Mu frowned. He raised his voice and said, "Don't be afraid. No matter how lousy you are, I'll do my best to train you!"

Chen Mu's voice attracted the attention of the other young men in training. They turned to Fang Yue and stared at him.

Shi Wuliao and the others in line also heard the little commotion inside the courtyard. Everyone extended their necks and tried to find out what had happened.

Niu Niu also stepped aside and looked at Fang Yue with an intrigued gaze. He too was curious about how strong the person who got first blood on the Wicked was.

Fang Yue was annoyed and slightly moody. 

'Wait…Why is this happening? Do you understand what I just said? Niu Niu has 3 points in Control while I have 32! If I punch the rock in front of him, I will ruin him from head to toe!'

Despite the nervous thoughts, Chen Mu urged Fang Yue to give it a try.

Fang Yue walked to the rock, and his [Insight Vision] was activated.

[Name: Gray Rock]

[Description: Gray rock. 2 meters tall. Grayish black, feels a little like metal and looks sturdy.]

[Remark: A strong rock.]

Fang Yue sized the rock up carefully. He realized that there was not even a dent on the surface even after so many punches from Niu Niu.

He took a deep breath and set up his stance. Without further hesitation, he lifted his hand, clenched his fist, and punched as hard as he could.


He punched the rock, but it felt like he was punching a brittle wooden plank. His punch went deep into the rock without any form of resistance.

Crack! Crack!

As Fang Yue's punch sank deeper, the rock started to deform. Cracks started to spread from within.


A loud bang later, the rock was shattered from the inside. Fang Yue's fist was left idle in the air without a single scratch.

The astonishing scene silenced everyone present.

"How the f is that a punch?! It's even stronger than a stick of dynamite!"

Niu Niu was stunned on the spot. His mind went blank.

He had the talent, Superstrength, and it granted him 3 points in Control. However, even after launching a barrage of punches at the rock, it did not even budge although his hands were chaffed.

Fang Yue only gave one punch, and the rock shattered.

How high must his Control be to perform such an astonishing act?

Niu Niu looked at Fang Yue in horror. He believed both himself and the others had completely underestimated Fang Yue.

No wonder Fang Yue was able to secure the first blood. His power was off the charts!

Apart from Niu Niu, even Shi Wuliao at the entrance was profoundly stunned.

"What the f****!? What kind of strength is that?!"

Shi Wuliao could not even think properly. He had heard about many things before coming here. The rock in the courtyard was usually used for training punches. It was unusually sturdy and would require at least 10 points in Control to move it. 

Even with 10 points in Control, only a dent would be left on the rock.

It was said that only the co-captain and the captain of the guards had the power to shatter the rock completely.

"Could Brother Night have acquired the strength of a co-captain?! How long has it been since the server opened? His power is scary!"

The other young men slowly regained their senses and gasped in awe. They started talking about Fang Yue.

Both Chen Mu and the coach looked at each other with eyes of joy. Fang Yue was indeed a raw gem!

"General Captain Chen, I have a request. May I train him myself?"

Chen Mu chuckled. "To be honest, I can't allow you to even if I wanted to because Lord Han has placed Night in my hands."

"Well, since the order comes from Lord Han, then it can't be helped." The coach looked slightly disappointed. Then, he ordered his men to bring a new rock over and told Niu Niu to continue training.

The coach was a lot fiercer and stricter than before as if he was trying to vent his disappointment on Niu Niu.

Niu Niu happily enjoyed the torture because his stats were slowly increasing. He understood the coach's feelings, but it would not end well if he tried to compete with Fang Yue.

"Compared to Brother Night's monstrous strength, my Superstrength is really nothing!"

While Niu Niu was enjoying his torturous training, Fang Yue followed Chen Mu into a wooden house.

Chen Mu sized Fang Yue up happily and walked around him in circles.

"Night, you have an amazing foundation. Can you tell me your current stats?"

"32 in Control and Block."

"32 in both?! Both your attributes are so high and balanced!" Chen Mu was once again shocked by the revelation.

Fang Yue's stats could already rival the co-captains of the village guards, but they were martial artists whereas Fang Yue was just someone strong.

"You have a bright future! A blindingly bright future!" Chen Mu clapped his hands excitedly and only calmed down after a while. He then gave Fang Yue two manuals.

"I originally thought you had a poor foundation, so I planned to teach you from the basics before going into the saber techniques, but now we can skip the hassle."

Fang Yue excitedly accepted the manuals. He could finally start learning martial arts!

[Starfire Saber Techniques] and [Starfire Cultivation Method]

He stared at the manuals for a while.

[Name: Starfire Saber Techniques]

[Level: Third-rate Postcelestial ]

[Requirements: 30 Control, 20 Block, Starfire Cultivation Method]

[Description: Using the human's soul as a catalyst, the Starfire is lit and imbued into the saber, hence the name Starfire Saber Technique.]

[Effect: Increase 10 Control. Increase damage against Wickeds.]

[Remark: A garbage saber technique that will waste more than a dozen lives.]

There were three requirements that Fang Yue had to meet. The first two were green because he had met the requirements, but the last one, the [Starfire Cultivation Method], was red because had yet to learn the cultivation method.

In other words, the saber technique must work together with the [Starfire Cultivation Method].

Other than that, this set of martial arts could only be used at the cost of the human soul, meaning his Lifespan. The cost was remarkably huge.

Other than killing Wickeds, Fang Yue did not know how to increase his Lifespan.

On top of that, the [Starfire Saber Technique] was considered a third-rate technique, but Fang Yue was not overly bothered because he had no idea what being third-rate even meant.

He then looked at the other manual.

[Name: Starfire Cultivation Method]

[Level: Third-rate Postcelestial ]

[Requirements: 20 Control, 20 Block]

[Description: Using the human's soul as a catalyst to absorb the energy of the realm and quench your body. This is the Starfire Cultivation Method]

[Effect: Increase 5 Control, 5 Block, and the power of Starfire Saber Technique when you move]

[Remark: A garbage cultivation technique that will waste a dozen more lives.]

He could learn the [Starfire Cultivation Method] right away, but judging from the Remarks, both manuals were not highly rated.

'So, this is the treasure that Chen Mu has been keeping?'

Fang Yue shot Chen Mu a confused look. 

Chen Mu rubbed his chin proudly.

"Are you shocked? That's right. These two manuals are Third-rate Postcelestial ! They are the real martial arts heirlooms!"

Judging from Chen Mu's reaction, he must have thought that the two manuals were something great.

"Throughout the entire Guyue Village, other than the two captains who have Third-rate Postcelestial martial arts inheritances, everyone else is simply using some makeshift martial arts technique. Now, you will appreciate the value of these two manuals."