The Beginning Of Horror

In the Chen Residence's guest room in Guyue Village, the warm setting sun shed its glorious light on a young man's face.

Fang Yue slowly opened his eyes.

"Huh? The sun is still up?" He was rather annoyed.

As long as the sun was still shining, it could not be considered night.

He got up from bed and stretched his body.

Surprisingly, even though he still had the [Severely Injured] status, he was able to move freely.

Unfortunately, he could exert strength or do any big movements. He had to get up slowly like someone terminally ill, or else damage numbers would pop up above his head.

Even so, Fang Yue was delighted. He no longer had to lay on the bed like a dead corpse.

He called up his status window and accidentally saw a bunch of messages from his friend list.

Shi Wuliao said, "Brother Night, I heard you were severely injured. I tried to visit you with some friends, but Captain Chen stopped me outside. Are you alright?"

"Brother Night, did the villagers trick you? Give me a name. When I am strong enough, I'll avenge you!" Niu Niu said.

TacticalBreathingFox asked, "Brother Night, I didn't leak the news of you being crippled. I only told the others that you were injured, but I want to ask you if you are beyond saving once your meridians get messed up."

There were a lot of other messages that revealed concern, and all of them were sent to Fang Yue right after he went offline.

He scrolled through the messages and saw some newer messages from 2 to 3 hours ago.

Some of them even sent him multiple messages.

"Brother Night? When are you coming online? Is there a way to get Lifespan? I'm waiting. It's a little urgent!"

"Pro-gamer, bro! I want to buy Lifespan. Do you have any?"

"I'm happy to buy Lifespan at a high price, or at least, a way to get Lifespan. Brother Night, do you have any?"

It seemed like the players that Fang Yue brought into the village were starting to worry about their Lifespan.

The Lifespan was like a countdown to the character's death. The players were as anxious as ants on a hot pan. Since he had not been online, he was unable to reply, so the messages stopped there.

Only Shi Wuliao kept sending him messages every half an hour. The latest message from him was half an hour ago.

"Brother Night, contact me once you come back! I have a business proposal!"


Curious, Fang Yue replied to Shi Wuliao's message, and to his surprise, Shi Wuliao replied almost instantly, "Brother Night! You finally came back online!"

"Yeah. What is this business that you are talking about?"

"Okay. Niu Niu, myself and a few other players received a mission from the village patrol while in a party…"

Fang Yue soon realized what Shi Wuliao was talking about after a quick look at the message.

The players in Guyue Village were being tortured by the Lifespan, and they were out of options.

They got info from Niu Niu, who had gotten into the reserved patrol members, that the missions from the village patrols could reward them with Lifespan. Henceforth, they joined a party together and accepted a mission.

At first, Niu Niu planned to take on the mission alone, but considering the danger level and his own safety, he contacted Shi Wuliao who then brought the others in.

The news got out and spread like wildfire. Now, there were five members in the party, and all of them had been assigned the mission.

However, Shi Wuliao needed more insurance, so he planned to invite Fang Yue, a professional gamer, to boost the party's confidence.

A professional gamer who had secured first blood must be more than capable of clearing a simple mission.

"The final offer is 50,000 yuan! There are six members in a single patrol team. There are already five of us, and each of us will offer 10,000 yuan. Please keep us safe while we complete the mission. If we run into a Wicked and you are able to handle it, I'm willing to pay you 10,000 yuan per Wicked to get the last hit!"

It would be a lie if Fang Yue was not moved when he saw the offer. However, he was already a cripple, so how would he keep them safe?

"It's not that I don't want to accept the job, but I am currently severely injured. I'm not as powerful as I was, so I can't guarantee your safety. Sorry."

"Brother Night, is it that serious? When will you be able to recover?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe I'll recover at night, or maybe never."

Shi Wuliao was speechless when he heard Fang Yue's reply.

Recover at night or never? That was a little drastic and difficult for Shi Wuliao to accept.

"If you recover at night, what time would that be?"

"I don't know. Maybe I'll recover when it gets dark; maybe I'll recover before dawn."

Fang Yue was telling the truth but Shi Wuliao did not reply anymore.

Just when Fang Yue thought Shi Wuliao would give up, he got a new message.

"Brother Night, here's another offer: we have decided to lower the price to 5,000 yuan, plus an extra 50 in-game money if you are willing to join us. You can think about it first. We don't require an immediate answer. As for the price, I don't need you to be in your prime. All I need is you in the ragtag group and keep us safe as much as possible."

Fang Yue might be looking at a huge opportunity, but it somehow felt wrong. In fact, it felt a little too easy.

"Brother Night, come on. We can give you the money first! You are a professional gamer, so there's no reason for you to reject a job, right?"

He could get the money first?

"Okay, I'll take it!" Fang Yue replied almost immediately. He then started to console himself.

'I have to trust [Night Breathing]. It's a Human-level talent, so it will definitely work!'

Shi Wuliao was delighted when he saw the news. He sent Fang Yue his location and told him to meet him right away.

Without further ado, Fang Yue was about to head out.


The moment he opened the door, he heard a loud scream followed by the noise of something breaking. It sounded like a ceramic cup shattering into pieces.

Fang Yue looked ahead and saw a decently dressed middle-aged woman lying down on the ground, looking at him in shock.



Behind the woman were two maids. They ran up to the woman and helped her up immediately.

'Ma'am? Does it mean she's Captain Chen's wife?'

"Madam Chen, are you alright?" Fang Yue offered his concern.

Madam Chen recovered from the shock and replied with a warm smile, "I'm fine, but, Mr. Night, you are still injured. Where are you going?"

"I'm feeling better already, so it's not appropriate for me to disturb your family."

"But Dr. Hong said—"

"Madam, I feel a lot better. Martial artists like me tend to heal faster."

"If you say so, I won't stop you. I'll tell my husband when he comes back."

"Thank you, Madam Chen." Fang Yue thanked Madam Chen before he left.

The two maids glared at him as he walked outside.

"Ungrateful b*stard! Ma'am brought medicine for him, and he's acting like a rascal!"

"I know, right? He doesn't appreciate Ma'am's effort! Ungrateful b*stard!"

Madam Chen shook her head but did not say anything. She was not offended by Fang Yue's rude manner. On the contrary, she was just curious as to why her husband would show a young man so much attention.

Her curiosity drove her to Fang Yue's room, asking for a meeting while delivering the medicine.

Now that she had met him, he was just a normal person.

Madam Chen leaned down and reached out her fair hands to the broken cup. She widened her fingers and was going to pick up the broken pieces.