Huge Terror

Niu Niu held Fang Yue's hand excitedly.

"Brother Night! You are my future, you are my professional booster…Uh, I mean you are my golden buddy!"

Fang Yue looked at him in disgust.

'D*mn. Why didn't I notice that Niu Niu has that kind of fetish?'

Fang Yue shook his hands and tried to draw distance from Niu Niu. "We are both guys! Don't you come near me!"

"No, Brother Night! I'm just trying to be your follower. I don't mean anything else!" Niu Niu explained nervously, afraid that Fang Yue would distance himself because of the tiny misunderstanding.

'A follower? I am not even doing that good myself.' Fang Yue was speechless, not knowing what to answer.

Then, Niu Niu squealed in sudden realization. He quickly asked, "Oh, right, Brother Night, what is the Wicked Curse status? How do I get it off? And how can I put my heart and my right arm back?"

Without the [Insight Vision], the status was just a line of words without any description or explanation. Niu Niu did not know what the Wicked Curse would do. If Fang Yue kept quiet, he would have to go to the captain or someone stronger for answers.

Fang Yue briefly explained the statues and showed Niu Niu his right hand.

"That's it? It will recover when the duration is up?" Niu Niu found it difficult to believe. It sounded a little too easy. He had been scared to death earlier because of it.

However, he realized that he could not see the duration that Fang Yue mentioned no matter where he looked.

Without the [Insight Vision], Niu Niu did not have access to all the vital information. In the meantime, Fang Yue could only do so much to help. Niu Niu had to believe that he would also recover like Fang Yue after 48 hours.

He put his broken arm back on the shoulder and 1 damage appeared above his head. His shoulder felt a stinging pain instead of an itch. 

Niu Niu moved the torch closer to his shoulder for a closer look, but what he saw made his expression twist in bitterness. 

The flesh around his shoulder had started to rot and fester, and disgusting pus was dripping when he looked at it. It was nothing like what Fang Yue said. 

Would his arm heal when the time is up?

Terrified, Niu Niu's face was as pale as a sheet.

Fang Yue quickly consoled him, "Maybe…the wound is a little too big. Why don't you give your heart a try?"

Niu Niu put his broken arm down and tried to stuff his heart back into the hole in his body.

However, the shape of the heart did not match the palm-shaped hole in his body, and the hole in his body seemed bigger than before. It looked like some corrosive power was eating the flesh around the hole away.

"B-Brother Night!" Niu Niu was even more terrified than before. He looked at Fang Yue, pleading for help, but Fang Yue simply shrugged helplessly. 

"Don't look at me. I have no idea either."

"But your right hand...that small piece…"

"Niu Niu, it's not the same. You cannot assume that it will work for you because it worked for me. You saw it yourself. I killed the Wicked under extreme rage. Do you think you can do the same?"

Niu Niu shook his head. "I can't…"

"That's why if you want to stay alive, you have to go to Dr. Hong or the captains. Maybe they can help."

The captains? The captain closest to them would be…Captain Chen! 

Niu Niu thought of something important when the Chen residence came into his mind. "Right, Brother Night! I almost forgot to ask you. Why did you come back? I thought you went ahead with the unconscious guy. Where is he now?"

"Dead," Fang Yue answered succinctly.

Fang Yue did run away with the guy and he had been fast. He did not plan to come back and help Niu Niu at all.

After he got to a safe distance, Fang Yue put the guy down and told him to keep up.

The guy was fat, so it was too tiring for Fang Yue to run with such a burden on his shoulder.

The two of them continued running towards the Chen residence. 

Fang Yue then saw a head hanging above the gate with a dismembered body on the ground.

The head was Chen Mu's and the body belonged to Shi Wuliao.

Fang Yue was shocked. Chills ran down his spine as he quivered uncontrollably.

Chen Mu was the general captain of the village! The one who had taught him the Starfire Saber Technique, and yet he had died just like this! The man died silently in front of his own house!


Fang Yue's first reaction was to run, but before he could do anything, the fat guy beside him screamed. He was so loud that the entire Chen residence could hear him.

"I-it's Shi Wuliao! He's dead!"

Fang Yue knew that things just escalated when the guy screamed. Without a second thought, he quickly ran back to the way he came.

Moments after he started running, he saw the fat guy dismembered on the spot.

Without a sound, he got ripped into pieces. A terrifying number in red even popped up above his head.


"Holy sh*t! Overkill! The damage is 10 times more than a normal player's HP!"

Fang Yue was shocked and dared not stay for another second. He ran madly without turning back, fleeing as fast as he could because his life depended on it.

Fortunately, he was able to escape in one piece. Maybe he ran fast enough or the Wicked simply did not want to leave the Chen residence.

Fang Yue's legs were still shaking when he recalled the scene.

"F**k this sh*t! I didn't even have 1,000 HP! I've only got 200 HP now, and I can't even see the attack coming! If I get hit with that, I'll die without a doubt!"

Fang Yue held his racing heart as he ran. When he got a clear look at the direction, he realized that he was running back to where Niu Niu was. Then, he heard fighting noises and saw light ahead.

"No way! Niu Niu is still alive?" Fang Yue was in disbelief.

"Wait a minute. If Niu Niu is still alive, the Wicked that he is fighting must be weak…It's time for me to steal the kill!"

With that in mind, Fang Yue quickly moved forward.

If he arrived and found Niu Niu dead, he could just jump in and finish the job. If Niu Niu was still alive, he could protect the guy.

"My job is to protect my bosses, and killing the Wicked is the best form of protection!"

When Fang Yue finally made it through the dark, he saw Niu Niu fighting the Wicked, to his joy.

"If Niu Niu is able to put up a fight with his pitiful 3.7 Control, does it mean I can kill it easily? I'm here to protect you, my boss!"

Fang Yue picked up the torch and waited for a chance to ambush the Wicked.

However, he immediately regretted his decision after he decided to join the fight. He realized that he underestimated the Wicked because it was strong.

Niu Niu was not evenly matched. He was purely stalling because he ran fast and the fight happened at the last minute. He was lucky enough to stall the fight until Fang Yue came back.

What happened next was history.

Of course, Fang Yue would never tell Niu Niu his true thoughts. He just told the man some vital information.

'I, Fang Yue, am a professional gamer. I will never trick people and my reputation speaks for itself!'

Niu Niu was astonished after hearing Fang Yue's explanation.

"Holy sh*t! A Wicked in the Chen residence? Captain Chen is dead? Shi Wuliao is also dead? You came back alone?"

It was too much for Niu Niu to accept, and he had a hard time wrapping his head around what happened.

It took him quite a while to digest the information. Then, he looked at Fang Yue with a strange expression.

"Brother Night, do you think…the Wickeds have invaded Guyue Village?"