Locking Heart Pill

"There's actually a way. I've gotten a Locking Heart Pill in my early days. It can recover one's lifeforce greatly in a short time. It might be able to keep him alive, but the pill is poisonous, and he might die on the spot if he takes it. Does your friend want to give it a try?"

Fang Yue realized that Xin Jue was peeking at the heart Niu Niu had in his hand when he spoke about the pill.

'What's so special about Niu Niu's heart? Why is he looking at it like that? How strange.'

For some reason, Fang Yue had a feeling that Xin Jue wanted Niu Niu to take the pill.

'Is there something wrong with the pill?'

Fang Yue looked at Niu Niu who was on the verge of dying though he, too, sensed the malicious intent behind the man's offer.

Then, Fang Yue received a private message (PM) from Niu Niu.

[Brother Night. After I take the pill, remember to hold me back. I'm afraid I might kill this b*stard NPC once I get better!]

'Okay…I thought he sensed something wrong with the pill. I guess it's just his hatred toward Xin Jue, but do I even need to hold him down? Even if he gets better, he still won't be Xin Jue's match.'

After all, Niu Niu was just a reserved member of the village guard whereas Xin Jue was the leader of his patrol team. It was almost impossible for Niu Niu to beat the latter in a fight.

Fang Yue did not tell Niu Niu about his suspicion. It was just a one-sided thought, after all, and he had no proof.

He sent Niu Niu a message and asked for his opinion about the pill. 

Fang Yue then said, "Brother Xin Jue, he will take the pill."

"For real?"

Fang Yue nodded, but Xin Jue wanted more assurance. "I'll need him to tell me he's taking the pill by himself. I can't bear the responsibility of potentially poisoning a patrol team member."

'Isn't that a little too much?' Fang Yue was rather curious. 

He looked at Niu Niu who spat the words out from his clenched teeth. "I'll take it."

The moment his words subsided, he lost one more HP.

Niu Niu was terrified to death when the 1 damage popped up above his head; he now had 1 HP left.

He put on an even fiercer expression as he glared at Xin Jue like the man was his father's murderer, not his life savior.

Fang Yue quickly sent Niu Niu a message. [Calm down!]

'Phew! The world is beautiful and I shouldn't be this angry! No, no, no!'

Niu Niu gradually calmed down and flashed him a grateful look.

Fang Yue nodded. 'The boy is worth teaching. That's right. Why should you be angry with an NPC? Getting the pill is the priority here.'

"Okay, since you said it yourself. I'll give this to you. If you survive this, you owe me one and must help me whenever I request it. Is that okay?" Xin Jue was looking at Fang Yue when he voiced his condition. It was obvious that Niu Niu could no longer answer verbally in his current condition.

Fang Yue nodded. "I'll accept it on his behalf."

It was just a verbal promise. Even if Niu Niu went back on it in the future, it was none of Fang Yue's business.

After getting the confirmation, Xin Jue took a small linen box out of his pocket. He opened it and revealed a scarlet red pill. Picking the pill up, he wanted to feed it to Niu Niu.

Fang Yue curiously stared at the pill for a moment, and a description window popped up. Surprised, he realized that he accidentally activated the [Insight Vision] on the pill.

[Name: Heart Corruption Pill]

[Level: Common-level low-tier]

[Effect: Recover HP, ??? (Unknown)]

[Description: Made using the filth of a Wicked-pede combined with some herbs. When consumed, the Wicked-pede inside the pill will be rejuvenated, and it will infest the host's body. It will recover and heal the host's body at first, but slowly, the host's heart will be consumed. The host will be slowly transformed into a living herb. The effects of the living herb varies according to the ingredients used to make the pill. Its effect and appearance highly resembles a Locking Heart Pill and was usually mistaken by people, thus they ended up dying unknowingly.]

[Remark: Heart Corruption Pill. It's crunchy! Let's share it, and we all can die together!"

A Heart Corruption Pill? It was not a Heart Locking Pill?


Fang Yue was shocked. He tried to snatch the pill away, but Niu Niu grasped it before he could do anything. Niu Niu was nervous and afraid that Fang Yue might take the pill away from him, so he quickly grabbed it from Xin Jue and tossed it into his mouth.

'What the…' Fang Yue was stupefied. 'What is this? What just happened? Is he trying to get himself killed?'

Fang Yue could not do anything anyway, so he scoffed helplessly and grabbed Niu Niu's hand.

"Spit it out!"

However, the moment he grabbed Niu Niu's hand, he already felt resistance.

'Has he already regained his strength?'

Fang Yue was astonished. Upon a closer look, Niu Niu was recovering at an incredible speed. He closed his eyes in pleasure, as though he was enjoying something.

Before Fang Yue could react, Niu Niu flexed his muscles and opened his eyes. "I feel better already!"

Fang Yue was even more confused. 'You look great.'

"Brother Night, you have no idea how great I feel now! Have you ever felt the rush of your HP healing from 1 to 100? The feeling…Phew…Awesome! I really wish there were a few more Wicked here. They can attack me all they like, and I will just sit back and watch my HP heal itself! I enjoy watching my HP regenerate!"

Fang Yue was even more speechless. 'I hate to break this to you, but I have been enjoying my HP healing ever since I got into the game.'

Nevertheless, he curiously asked, "Is that pill's regeneration effect that awesome?"

Awesome? It sounded like the best joke to Niu Niu.

He pulled his hand away from Fang Yue and picked up his other broken arm plus his heart before he stood up straight. He slightly leaned back and lifted his head up by 30 degrees. He announced loudly, "Brother Night! It's not just awesome. It's special!"

Niu Niu closed his eyes and savored the feeling.

"It feels like there are a few hundred bugs inside your body, massaging your muscles. The comfort is bone-deep, and don't even get me started on the amount of pleasure it provides. Let's just put it this way: I don't even have to go for a health check anymore. I can just stay in the game and take this all day, all the time!"

"Is it that comfortable?" Fang Yue was slightly surprised. He then sent Niu Niu a message.

[But I have to tell you bad news. The feeling of a few hundred bugs isn't just a feeling. There really are a few hundred bugs in your body right now.]

Niu Niu was stunned when he saw the message. He could no longer enjoy the pleasure mindlessly anymore.

[Brother Night, what do you mean?]

[I mean it literally. The pill that you took isn't the Heart Locking Pill. It's called a Heart Corruption Pill. It should consume your heart, but since your heart was pushed out by the Wicked, I don't know what will happen to you now.]

[It's not a Heart Locking Pill? That f**ker lied to me?!]

Niu Niu was furious. He glared at Xin Jue while messaging Fang Yue.

[Brother Night, help me! I'm really unlucky! I haven't recovered from the Wicked Curse and I've gotten tricked by this f**ker! Life really sucks for me!]

[Brother Night! Save me, and I will share my earnings after selling my Lifespan with you!]

Fang Yue did not feel pity at all at first, but when he heard Niu Niu's offer, he got excited. Whenever there was money involved, he felt more alive than ever.

Niu Niu had at least earned 100,000 for selling his Lifespan, and if he were to share half of it, Fang Yue would get at least 50,000 to 60,000!

With that huge sum, he got motivated!

[You can count on me!]

After messaging Niu Niu, Fang Yue looked at Xin Jue and his men who had quietly surrounded them with their weapons.

"Don't you dare come near me!"