"Will you stay the night?"

He continued pushing the trolley, "Forget it."

"No, I want to know why I can't meet her." He released a breath from his nose, "It's complicated." I pressed on, "I passed calculus, I'm sure no matter how complicated it is I'll still understand."

He gasped, "You passed calculus?"

I rolled my eyes, "Nice try changing the topic." He eventually gave in with a loud groan, "Fine, I'll tell you." With a proud smile I urged him to continue, "I'm listening." Sighing once more, he began explaining, "The day after I met you for the first time at Faux Towers, Hayley gave me a big envelope to give Dylan."

He took a carton of milk from the shelf and placed it into the trolley, "Dylan didn't turn up that day so I kept the envelope and brought it home with me. I was curious about what was in it so I opened it and I saw pictures of you."

I rose a brow, "Pictures of me? How did Hayley get-" I stopped myself and internally facepalmed as the memory of my small photoshoot re-appeared in my incredibly shallow mind, "Nevermind, I know what pictures you're talking about."

He dropped a box of teabags in the trolley, "They were extremely arousing to look at." My entire face flushed red at his confession. He lowered his voice as he continued, "My girlfriend, Claire, walked in when I was jer-"

Sebastian was interrupted by Cloey suddenly popping up beside us, "Ok guys I'm here."

Cloey always had such perfect timing.

I didn't bother pushing him to tell me what he did that made his girlfriend despise me before even meeting me. I've decided to leave it all to time since I was sure he wasn't going to breathe a word of it ever again.

Cloey looked into the trolley, "Only a carton of milk and a box of teabags? What have the both of you been doing all this time?" The both of us looked in opposite directions.

She huffed and took the trolley from Sebastian, "The both of you are just impossible." We followed close behind her to the fridge of yogurts. I frowned, "Cloey you know I don't like yogurt."

"Do you want to recover quickly or not?"

If yogurt's involved, not really.

With a groan, I was forced to give in, "Fine, just a few." Cloey smiled and pinched my cheeks, "You're such a good girl." I glared at her and she erupted in laughter.

She skipped over to the fridge and did the unimaginable. Sebastian's eyes and mine widened as we watched her throw all the yogurts into the trolley. I whined, "Cloey I said just a few." She took up one that fell and placed it into the trolley, "The more the merrier."

There was no escape, I was going to eat yogurt until I turn blue in the face. I already knew the answer but I asked anyway, "I don't have to eat all these right?" Cloey smiled brightly, "Of course you do."

I stared sorrowfully at the multiple cups of yogurt in the trolley. There's no way I'm eating all of those. Just the sight of them made me feel nauseous.

Cloey pushed the cart towards the cashier, "I'm sure overtime you'll start loving them." I stared blankly at her, "I highly doubt that." Staring at the multiple cups of yogurt, a very important question popped into my mind, "Who's paying for all these?" The smile never left Cloey's face as she placed the yogurts on the counter, "Sebastian of course."

I looked at him, "You're paying?"

He sighed and fished his wallet from his pocket, "I guess I am."


We reached Cloey's house in Hanson Meadows. She lived alone in a very classy two story house. Her house was shrouded in darkness giving the view that no one was home.

A shirtless man appeared from the dark house and greeted her at the door. I couldn't make out his features clearly but from the shadow of his bushy hair, I could tell it was Jerry. He waved to me, "Get well soon, Katie!" I smiled and waved as well, "Thanks!"

"I'll stop by tomorrow to check on you." As Cloey said that, a wonderful plan brewed in my head. Maybe the yogurts could go missing or-

As if she was reading my mind, she made her way to the trunk and took out the bags with the assistance of Jerry. She smiled, "I'll take these with me tomorrow. Wouldn't want them going missing overnight right?"

With a frown, I narrowed my eyes at her as she bid Sebastian goodbye.


He hummed in response.

"Do you know where Wilica District is?"

He turned into my driveway and put the car in park, "Yea I do but that place is pretty much abandoned. Why do you ask?" I looked at the envelope, "Alice asked me to deliver something to her brother."

"The little girl from the hospital?" he inquired and I nodded in response. "Could you take me there?" He took the wheelchair from the trunk, "When?"

I shrugged, "Whenever you're free." He placed me into the wheelchair, "Is tomorrow okay?" I nodded and he pushed me towards the front door.

I opened the door and Sebastian came in behind me with my belongings.

Looking around the house, I realized it was still empty with no Grandma of mine in sight. Where is she? It's already pretty late, she should be done doing whatever she's doing with Mr. Jenky by now.

Sebastian placed my things on the couch, "Will you be okay by yourself?" A slight smile played on my lips, "If I say no, will you stay the night?"

He visibly gulped and ran his hand through his already messy black hair. He avoided my gaze, "If you really want me to." I laughed, "Go be with your Claire, I'll be fine."

I followed him to the door. Before he could leave I pulled on his pants and looked up at him with a smile, "Thank you for everything today." He returned my smile before leaving.

Watching his car speed away, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the people I met these past few days. My life still sucked but it sucked a lot less with them in it.

Just as I was about to close my door, I saw Mr. Jenky making his way towards my house.