"Wilica District"

I looked at him as if he was crazy, "Are you sure?"

He walked over to the vine covered wall near the entrance and pushed the wild plant aside, "Look."

The brick wall had cracked lines running through it and was covered in webs and residue. Nonetheless, the 'Welcome to Wilica District' that was stylishly carved on its surface was still visible and readable.

"Are you sure this is where the little girl said her big brother lived?"

I was sure I read Wilica District on the letter but looking at the place filled with old, grey buildings and tall dried grass, I started to doubt myself. Why would anyone that is human live in a place like this?

"I'm sure it was Wilica District that was written on the envelope. Hold on."

Just to make sure, I went into the car for the envelope. I looked on my seat, Sebastian's seat, the backseat, the floor and even the roof of the car. My left hand went to my slightly tangled hair and I groaned, "Seriously?"