He looked at me in disbelief, "You went there? What did you do?"
I ran my hand through my hair, "Well, it was all just a big misunderstanding really, I didn't really do anything wrong."
We stopped at a stoplight and he looked at me, "What did you do?"
I released a breath from my nose, "It was an accident okay? Bare that in mind." Dylan nodded, "Okay, go on then."
I took a deep breath, "My grandmother didn't have any money to give me for lunch one of the days so I brought instant noodles with me. The cook was being a bitch and didn't want to give me hot water so I snuck into the kitchen."
Dylan gasped, "You killed the cook?"
I rolled my eyes, "Anyways, the stove was a lot trickier than I thought it'd be. It was one of those stoves where I'd need to use matches."
He laughed, "When you said the stove was tricky I thought you meant like you had to rub rocks together to get it to light or something."