"This god-forsaken place."

I hugged myself as I walked through the crowd of vendors and potential buyers. I looked around for the oversized man, my worry growing by the second.

What if he's dead? I'm already traumatized enough from just spending a few hours at Tyler's house, if I end up finding Jerry's corpse I'm seriously gonna lose all my sanity.

I shook my head and attempted to be optimistic. I'm sure he's fine, maybe he offended someone and they knocked him out or something.

That was the most optimistic I could've been in a place like this.

At a scrubby-looking bar was a group of men with their fists raised in the air while chanting, "Chug!"

I furrowed my brows, "Jerry couldn't possibly be in there right?"

It is a bar though so I won't put it past him. I squeezed past the burly, sweaty, and smelly men, "Excuse me...sorry...pardon me."