"My best friend or my baby sister."

"It's my call," I whispered to myself.

It's a tough decision, but I had to choose what was more important to me, my best friend or my baby sister.

To be honest neither was more important than the other. Hannah is my younger sister, but we're not related by blood and Cloey has always been like a sister to me.

It was a matter of who needed me more and I think I made the right choice by following Sebastian and Dylan to the hospital's morgue to check the body of my supposedly dead sister.

The hospital's halls were dark and empty since it was already quite late into the night and not many doctors work the night shift.

Sebastian glanced back at me, "You okay?"

I nodded, "Yea."

I'm just a bit creeped out by how ridiculously quiet this place is. A loud, harsh cough suddenly came out of nowhere and I jumped.

Dylan who was beside me chuckled and held onto my hand. He caressed my hand with his thumb, "Relax, it's just some old dude coughing."