113. Leave Your Head Behind

Seeing the man in black still alive and walking amidst the flames, and having lost a mage already, the four guys panicked, and panic in a battle could only result in death.

As their thoughts went wild, thinking about what to do, Mack dashed to the front, bringing with him a gust of flame behind him.

The guy at the front slashed his sword vertically, trying to stop Mack's momentum, but for his surprise, Mack still running took a large step to the left using his right leg, completely evading his strike, when he was about to swing his sword to the left, Mack right sword sliced his chin in two.

Mack didn't stop his advance at any moment and barely his right sword slashed the guy at the front. He twisted his body and took a step with his left foot, showing his back to the guy behind the first man.

The man thought was his opportunity, but the moment he raised his sword to strike, blood spurted from his mouth.