131. Vengeance

A few days later,

Mack opened the door of the hotel room and saw Lorin inside, talking with Harlack, but once she noticed that Mack had entered, she gave a small bow to Harlack and another one to Mack and walked out of the room, her walking was yet to improve, but she felt way better with her legs healed, and that could be seen on her serious but joyous expression.

Once Lorin left the room, Mack closed the door while saying, "She seems to be recovering very fast" as a passing comment, with no importance.

"Indeed. Next time, don't cut people's legs off, or I will use your contributions to pay for the nano-implant" Said Harlack, but not feeling a bit of pain by using his contributions points to re-grow Lorin's leg and fingers, for Harlack she was indeed perfect for the plan.

Changing the subject, Mack asked, "So... why did you ask me to come here? You could have just said using the mind link."