179. The Arena

After a few minutes of small talk with the professor, both parted ways and Mack went to reserve a room in one of the hotels from the 6th floor, he needed to take a bath and eat something, but before that he needed to put in motion his next part of the plan.

In the next part of the plan Mack needed to garner attention inside the tower, more than he already have, he needed to really make himself seem strong compared to the people in the 6th floor, because no matter what someone had done in the lowers floors, things changed drastically when entering the 6th floor, because there, was the place for the strong.

"So, this is the stadium, huh?" said Mack to himself, looking at the gigantic construction that resembled a baseball stadium from Earth, the only difference was that here people didn't play baseball, but instead, they played with their lives, because here, people fought with their lives on the line to get the crown and become the 'king' of the 6th floor.