Chapter 9: Power up again

-Kaen's House-

Kaen was sitting on the ground in his usual position, he was meditating preparing his mind for the incoming process of blood integration.

he quickly brought out the syringe he used to extract the blood, after that, he proceeded to inject it on his left arm.

To be honest, he was truly nervous, he knows that it will take one minute before that pain will act.

'Here it comes' Kaen gritted his teeth fiercely.

A sudden rush of pain assaulted his entire being, his mouth started to bleed due to the force he was applying.

He clenched his fist tightly injuring it in the process, he didn't expect that the pain will reach this level, he was now on the verge of fainting, his mind was clouded due to the intense pain he was experiencing.

He knows that he can't afford to faint now, he will die directly if he did, he was thoroughly going nuts, he regretted injecting the two blood at the same time.

He overestimated his body, he forgot that blood is not to mess with, just one mistake will cause the entire DNA to collapse.

If other normal people did what he did, they will die instantly, if not for his body being special he will not be in the same situation.

"I can do it, this is the price of walking in the road of powerhouses!" He was exuding the aura of an emperor in his body.

After waiting for hours that looks like an eternity for him, the pain finally subsided replaced by a warm feeling enveloping his whole body.

So with a smile, he fainted, his body relaxed from the hellish pain he just experienced.

While he was unconscious his body was undergoing major changes that will shock anyone shitless.

His hair became longer and parted, the left side became red in color and the other became blonde, it became smoother and thicker, it will leave the top beauties in shame.

His face became more gentle but mature at the same time, his eyebrows became sharper, his muscles are now more apparent.

The six abdominal pacts in his lower body have now fully emerged, they are perfectly symmetrical to each other, it looks like a masterpiece that a grandmaster sculptor made.

but the true benefit of it was, it was made for fighting, his muscles were tight and compact.

His eyelids opened after getting sufficient rest, he examined his body thoroughly.

He was elated by what he found, his chakra finally reached Jonin level, while his body is what truly managed to shock him.

A maniacal laughed can be heard in the area.

After regaining his bearings, he quickly executed a series of punches and kicks, the air was booming loudly one after another as a result.

'Now I have the capital to haggle to old man Sarutobi' He smirked.

His body strength was now comparable to Monkey D. Garp of One Piece who was at his peak era.

He was truly awed with the specialness of his body, because it managed to not just integrate the blood perfectly, but it also purified them to their origin.

Meaning his blood was now as pure as their ancestors, he has now unrivaled talent in space, woods, and seals in this world.

How's the wood element related you say? Well because Senju and Uzumaki had the same origin, Honestly, they are just one clan that was separated because of internal conflicts in the past.

Asura Otsusuki is their Primogenitor! While Indra was the Uchiha Clan's oldest ancestor.

Shocking right?

He deduced that he inherited ninety percent of Asura's sage body considering the massive increase of strength of his body that even reached Garp's strength directly.

Meaning his body has the same ability as Senju's or even better! he possessed their monstrous regeneration and affinity to wood elements.

He just had to get the Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu now to maximized Uzumaki's potential, because of its monstrous vitality provided and Senju's regeneration, he can now bear the massive damage of the information transmission of hundreds or even thousands of clones at the same time.

Simply speaking he can train martial arts, ninjutsu, and other fighting skills with the efficiency of thousands of people.

This was obviously cheating! his main body will focus on other matters, while the clones will take care of his training for him, this is the mighty two birds in one stone at its finest!

He was now unwilling to go to the academy with a bunch of children that still had milk in their mouths.

After all, even though his body is young he was now an old man in terms of maturity.

Because he was in his thirties in his past life, he just needs to reveal a Jonin strength and challenge a Jonin to be exempted.

As for an excuse to explain his strength? he doesn't need one he has now the strength to trample them upside down.

He believes that Sarutobi is wise enough, he will be a valuable asset in the village, in case a war broke out, he can participate in it and greatly improve their battle prowess.

After looking at the mirror he managed to obtain on the traders during his touring's spree in the village, he let out a satisfied smile, his appearance was like an immortal who was carved out of painting.

Girls will try their hardest to pursue him, but he doesn't hate it though, he can relieve some steam to them, his body was truly in the heat after not doing it for a long time, he needs to vent and release the accumulated emotions, lest his mental health declined.

For his next plans, his goal was the Multiple Shadow Clones, he plans to take advantage of the Chaos the Uchiha Clan Massacre will cause, he will steal it when their focus was on the incident, it was a perfect cover for his actions, he just has to wait then he can easily obtain it.

Even if there are guards he can just beat them, so a disguise is a must, after that he can also take Uchiha blood on some corpses sneakily, but to do so he needs to be extremely fast.

Without his newfound strength, he will not even think about it but now everything has changed, he has a lot of options now, strength is truly the most important thing in this world besides his handsomeness!

*Cough" 'You didn't hear anything.'

Now he plans to train madly to improve his strength control and learn how to use his chakra to greatly boost his already strong battle power.

But he needs to spar with Might Guy who was known as the current strongest taijutsu user in the Village.

He can also get the Eight Gates from him while at it, with his naiveness it was a piece of cake.

He can also use the Eight Gates as an excuse for his massive increase in strength, it will greatly lessen their suspicion, It was perfect because they don't have complete information about it, as the name itself this technique has eight levels.

Namely, the gate of opening, followed by healing, life, pain, limit, view, wonder, and last death.

In history, there's only one who managed to reach the Death Gate and that is Maito Duy, Unfortunately, he died right after, he can just bullshit and claim that he reach it, as for how, Well his a Taijutsu Genius better than Might Guy excuse.

When your bullshit skills reach this kind of level, everything will become smooth, but he had to be honest that he can't still match Constantine in DC in terms of it, that dude can even fool the gods and other powerful beings using only his overpowered mouth.

That was what he was trying to achieve, Unfortunately, he has still a long way to go, the path of bullshit is truly a long one.