Chapter 15: Scum Like Others (END)

[Root Headquarter]

In a quiet corridor, two black shadows suddenly appeared... they are Kaen and Uchiha Shisui.

After half an hour of constantly running and resting, they finally arrived at the place where the root ninjas operate.

Uchiha Shisui looked at where a lot of root ninjas are stationed, they have different roles but weirdly all of them contain a blank expression and were moving like lifeless machines.

"Such an impeccable brainwashing" Shisui scanned the place for a minute, he fixed his messy suit and calmed his breath, "Danzo was really ruthless to the extreme and he can do anything to achieve his goals".

Kaen who was silent for a while now looked at where Shisui's eyes were, he narrowed hi eyes slightly from the number of ninjas they have to bypass. "It seems our operation might not proceed smoothly"

Shisui nodded as well, he was here to help Kaen, his role was of course to buy time while Kaen was engaging Danzo.

Kaen stared at the ongoings, he activated his Byakugan to see through the distance, his eyes suddenly glowed in purple.

Shisui beside him was staring at his eyes with curiosity and bewilderment.

'It seems he has also special eyes like me, I wonder what abilities they have.

"Don't, the abilities that it gave was nothing impressive, it only enhances my eyesight and gives me a better view of the surroundings."

"Ohh... so it's like Byakugan, no wonder, eyes that contain abilities are rather rare after all."

Having filled his curiosity, Shisui focused on the surroundings again and said, "So, what now? should we start?"

Kaen deactivated his eye power and looked at the ninjas in the distance.

"Yeah I manage to locate that old foggy, I will fond a way to ambush him to gain the advantage while you will act as bait, after all, we can't cause a lot of noise to avoid alerting others"

"Got it!"

Shisui nodded slightly.

After that, he used 100% of his speed and attacked the nearby ninjas.

"Enemy attacked!"

The roots quickly organized themselves much like experienced veterans that were trained countless times.

Shisui had already finished his hand signs before they even manage to react, a massive fireball was launched and burned the root ninjas to ashes, while some of them manage to dodge, they were already injured badly.

One of the root ninja who manages to leave unscathed at the powerful fireball quickly escape to report to his master, "Don't let him enter! I will report to master".

"Where do you think you are going?"

A deep voice came behind him.

A flying head quickly appeared after the voice, a gush of blood sprouted like a fountain.

Kaen looked at the corpse with his usual indifferent face, he looked at Shisui who was busy engaging with the remaining ninjas like he was dealing with kids, he smiled at the sight, "Don't forget to erase the evidence!"

"Roger that"

With Shisui's tremendous battle experience and strength, dealing with the remaining pests was not a big deal.


Kaen was watching Every Danzo's move when he suddenly had a bad premonition.

His body was being covered with dark matter erasing his body and cell.

He tried to fight using his body's special power, but it was useless and the process only accelerated.

"What's happening" The calm facade he had from the start was now gone.

He is panicking because of the suddenness of the situation.

"You failed the test, you are scum like others, you don't deserve this power" A voice that contains the law of creation and chaos reverberated throughout the whole Omniverse.

It was the last thing he heard, He was unwilling. But there was nothing he can do he was thoroughly helpless.

Before he vanished he gave his last bitter smile because he understood something from the statement of the mysterious being.