4.The Summon

The time was about 2.15 p.m.

All were all most ready to decide about what to do next...

"So Heidi tell us what exactly we are suppose to do?" Noah asked.

'We are suppose to do all the rituals from where all of it started, then we will do some seance and then maybe play Ouija board and basically try to detach it.' She answered.

'So I think it all started from Hotel Mandarin Oriental, and we need to go there maybe to end it?' Jake predicted.

"NO, it did not start from the Oriental, it started from my hometown." Tyler revealed.

'You mean, it all started from Comoros? How? Why? You never told us about this!' Aiden beamed.

"I was in my teens, when I use to try to summon spirits or contact them, and I think that's the only reason why I am being the most effected." He answered.

While everyone was trying to come out of the shock they have just got, Witch lady took it as a plus point, she was happy 'cause now they won't have to fly to that place and hotel again and waste anymore time. She told the same to the crew and they too agreed her.

'Alright so tonight at 3:00 A.M. we will start the rituals, we will need candles, salt for protection and some black crystals too.' She demanded.

"Black crystals? How will they help us?" Noah queried.

'They are just for protection from the spirits, while salt creates a boundary, black crystals won't let them attack us even if they are somehow able to break the salt "barrier". Luckily I have all the stuff so you guys need not to go anywhere.' She explained.

That night at 2:45 A.M.

'I think we should start doing the set up, so while it's 3 a.m. we should be ready for this rituals.' Aiden suggested.

'Yeah, true, true.' They agreed.

The witch lady ordered all of them to stand in a way forming a circle, she than drew a rough circle out of salt around the place where all were standing, then she lit the candles up and requested them all to sit down in the same circling position.

"Alright guys, I hope all of you have something green with you, this green will again protect you from being possessed, we have to be very respectful if we wanna stay away from possession." She guided.

'Okay, yeah, we will do as you have suggested.'

"Cool." She replied.

'Now hold the hands together and repeat after me, before we actually start, make sure it's 3 a.m. so that it works well, and one way to determine the presence is by EMF meter, since we don't have it with us right now, the other way is that when there will be a presence we will get chills and may be even goose bumps. Okay?' She insisted.

''Yeah, I think we should start now, it's like 3:02 a.m. now.'' Tyler claimed

"Okay, repeat after me... Are there any spirits here, that would like to communicate with us? We welcome you, make yourself present." She voiced.

'... Are there any spirits here, that would like to communicate with us? We welcome you, make yourself present.' They repeated.

'Aw! I just got chills.' Aiden whispered.

''Yeah, me too." Tyler added.

'Okay, now I will be starting the rituals, keep your hands joined and try to put in your energy, because the spirits uses our to give signs and stay quite.' She show ordered.

And after that she started the seance...

'If there any presence in here, give us a sign, flicker a light, make a sound, show your presence.'


'OH MY GOD! Did you just hear that, right after she said!' Noah gasped.

'Yeah, it came from the kitchen, again.' Jake strutted.

"It's here, now is the chance, it's now or never. Let me continue." She whispered.

"If there is any presence, now is your chance, tell me, are you evil? Make a sound, give me a sign if you are evil."


'It is evil!' She explained to the boys.

'Alright, what you want? Why are you here? answer me.'

Right after she said that, her nose started bleeding...

"Oh my god! Heidi, are you okay? Let's just stop it here." Noah trembled,

'No, it's now or never, this is my job and I fairly know how to do it, I will free you guys from this spirit; my nose started to bleed, it's paining. That indicates, it wants your lives and it wants to kill you in pain, I need to detach this thing.'

Suddenly the lights started flickering.

'Oh Heidi, may god bless you.' Aiden prayed.

And then she shrieked in great pain, she took some kind of dust in her hands, which seemed more like ash, grey in color. The moment she threw it in between of the circle which they had formed, the candles too started to flicker, the door slammed and the four friends fainted.

After 35 min...it was 4: 10 a.m.

Aiden got up...

'Yo, Noah, Jake, Tyler get up.'

"Don't say anything, give them some time, they will be alright." Witch lady suggested.

'But what happened? Is that presence gone? Or is it still there?I saw you in my dream when i fainted; what was that?' Aiden asked.

"Don't worry, that thing should not bother you anymore, it is now gone, forever. Thank you for giving me a chance to help you. I shall now proceed home." She hinted.

'It's really early, you can stay with us tonight, we have a guest bedroom, you can stay here and then you can get back to your home after sunrise.' Aiden insisted.

"Thanks for asking, but it's normal for me, good bye." She replied.

'Alright, as you wish, good bye;thanks.' He smiled and the witch lady left their house.

The next morning...

'What actually happened last night?' Jake inquired.

"There was a point when all of us fainted down, and then I again dreamt of that spirit as I used to dream in the past, but this time, the witch lady talked something with that spirit and then that spirit left my dream and then I got up. And after I got up, she said me, don't worry now it's gone and it won't return." Aiden explained.

'I think we should take a step back and just think for a moment about whatever happened with us in the last 6 months or so.' Tyler put forth.

"Yeah dude, so correct.That lady actually had the power to visit our dream, and she literally closed the door to that dimension. It all started from a dream and again ended at a dream, a dream can change the lives, the beliefs, the thinking . We are blessed that we got to a chance to experience this, not all people on earth would get this chance, god choose us for this purpose." Jake confessed.

'Yeah, he made us the medium, and no matter if anyone us believes or not, but we got to know the other side of the world, the other dimension, which may be human existence would never believe on.' Noah admired.

"We only got a glance of it though... Just think of it, all of us just experienced a bit of paranormal world and still we are confused and we are thinking that what all just happened to us."

'There are some things which are out of human beliefs and because we don't believe them, we won't be able to get to the other side.' Aiden exclaimed.

"You know what, I will am gonna devote a part of rest of my life understanding this other side, I wanna know more about it. I am no more a skeptic." Jake continued.

"Yeah, it was definitely a life changing experience, and none of us might be a skeptic now... right?" Noah replied.

"Yeah, so true." They answered.

And so their lives continued, better than before, they were living with a new thinking in their minds where everything could be possible and they believed that they should trust their life 'cause it can give them a new perspective. They continued their lives without any more paranormal activities with them or their homes.