Kira and Kazuma rematch

Kira's POV

I feel excited today because me and Kazuma are going to have our rematch and this time there'll be little interference I plan on completely dominating of course I should be this confident considering I have tricks that'll give em a shock.I blitz into the clearing surrounded by mountains back then I would've been a little tired after scaling over one but now it's no sweat.(big boi mountains){author humor guys}

I have a sense of excitement to test out my new growth.

POV Change

An aura of darkness gathered around her she had a smirk of anticipation."Well someone's fired up to lose" Kazuma said walking out with a smirk of his own a orange-black aura surrounded him they both walked up to each other tryna size up."Ok children don't start without a properly doing it" Kara said flashing in the middle pushing them both back a bit she draw her sword."You both have to draw blood and clap that hand with your opponent then take 9 steps then I'll call it ok"she explains Kazuma shrugs in response while Kira nods they both walked up pricking they hand a small cut shows blood and they clap they're hands then a red light flashes in-between they're hands before part they take the nine steps."Begin!" Kara says kira and Kazuma blitz meeting they're blades the ground cracked from the little shockwave before Kazuma pressed down but Kira fell back causing off balance for him before he does a defying twist blocking a upward stab from Kira's knives."Got you" Kira says with a big smile a black aura surrounded her knife as before Kazuma could block it was to late he knocked him back as she was in the air as he had a cut on his arm only for a dark hue was seem before Boom! he was sent flying into the dirt making a crater.As Kira looked expecting to see a beaten Kazuma but she saw him pick himself up suddenly she felt heat behind her she turned only to be grabbed by the cause."You can make-" but before she could finished but she was blown into the Same direction as Kazuma grabbed her before she landed "yep I make clones" he said before punching her in the face letting go she fell only to respond with a hand stand kick to his face knocking him flat before the ground crumbled before a chain grazed her. But it started to sizzle before she was electrocuted for 1 painful minute causing her to fall on one knee with Kazuma standing with a orange-black ball in his hand as he was about to shove it in her with a quick slash of her knife the ball split before exploding in his face as he was knock down 5 kicks hit him in 2 seconds driving him deeper in before he grabbed and launched in the air be met with a combo of punches and kicks landing him back before more could happen he slammed his hand creating a lightning field shocking Kira back with a cloak of darkness surrounding her with a smile on her face"I hope your ready to heat this up cause this won't be easy for you" Kazuma's aura exploded before condensing it into a chakami cloak of his own.(oh yeah I don't forget that much) Before they could go further they were both knocked out "sorry but let's call this a draw I can't let my precious students blow this entire clearing causing that foolish king to send his army to clear out the threat" Kara says dragging the 2 to the house.

(Oh my looks like we don't get a full finish oh yeah hope you guys enjoyed this lovely chapter of mine😈 13k+ views and 41 favorites love it ha hope you enjoyed this'll be the volume finally stay tuned for volume 3 also they have more abilities but you'll have to wait for the next step hahahahahaha you stay loyal my lovely readers piece)