Bai Shuyin, your time is up

"About time," Li Fantong huffed out, rolling her eerily yellow eyes. It was as if the wait had thinned her patience so much that she was losing control of her white lotus image. Her eyes dried as the crocodile's tears were gone and her eyes were clear of any patheticness she demonstrated before. 

"It took too long," The tortoise princess continued grumbling about. "Should have fucking upgrade this first," The next sentence was said softly as she complained and Bai Shuyin didn't catch any of it. Her ears were ringing so loudly in her ears. 

"Told you this one is useless," The little girl rolled her eyes. She went on protesting. Weirdly, it appeared like a two-way conversation was going on despite the tortoise talking alone. 

Maybe alone in Bai Shuyin's view.