Will you feel sad if I leave this world?

"Xiao Bai, what are you thinking about?" Wu Jiangfeng asked.

Strong wind blew by and Bai Shuyin shivered, she turned around, pulling her gaze away from him and looking at the scenery beyond the balcony.

Wu Jiangfeng had just looked at her with the most tender and warm looking eyes. The older man frowned. He didn't like the look on her face. He was unfamiliar with the odd feeling emanating from Xiao Bai, like he had interrupted Bai Shuyin in the midst of something. 

Wu Jiangfeng's hand gently stroked the back of her hand, nose at Bai Shuyin's jawline and breathing in deeply like he depended on her scent. 

His touches actually made her feel safe and secure. Wrapped up like this, she felt like she belonged here. 

"Hey," She said softly. "Will you feel sad if I leave this world?"