chapter 24-Wolfgang pirates' attack and Princess Sophia's secret martial arts skills

The next day, they all loaded the ship after tea time at the port of Prague and since morning Sophia had been avoiding Prince Rhydian. "Why are you pouting my little petal?" Rhydian asked when he finally got the cahnce to talk to Sophia alone. Still she royally ignored him and went on with her chores and Rhydian, slightly displeased kiseed her on the back of her neck. " You, this, all this, they aren't really proper. Please refrain and hold back until after our wedding or else, I-I won't be able to resist either, it's sweet and nice but please, do me this favour, no more kissing until after our wedding." requested Sophia firmly.

Rhydian put his hands over his eyes and said " I agree and cannot wait for our wedding either, first I need to tell father and mother once we reach the imperial palace so he can send out a marriage proposal letter to Leiden's imperial palace. Next we need to find that medicinal herb to save my brother Rauf, I mean Prince Kai Rauf Alles Lazlo, so he can be the crown prince again. I am not that interested in being the Emperor of the Western Empire, staying an imperial prince or goving me a dukedom is more than enough however since I am marry you, I shall become Leiden's Emperor since you're Leiden's crown princess." Sophia nodded and said "But Your Imperial Highness, you are very fit to be an emperor, you have the demeanor of a good and honest ruler."

Rhydian smiled and said "That may be true however I do not wish my older brother to die from illness so soon. Oh Sophia, my little petal, just call me by my name please, no need to be so formal with me." Sophia was slightly hesitant then said " Rhydian, oh Rhydian." while looking at him in the eyes. "No, when we're alone like this, call me by my second name, not the official one, not even the fake name Sebastian I use, my middle name..." whispered Rhydian in her ears. Sophia stood up on the tip of her toes and whispered back in his ears "Faik, oh my dear Faik..." which tickled him a little and sent some excited chills down his spine. He then nodded and the both reaumed their chores and finally lifted the anchor and set sail for the Western Empire.

Halfway through the route, they were suddenly attacked by a gang of pirates near the bay of Bart. Their roger had the mark of the Wolfgang pirates, a very notorious gang. The Pirate ship started bombing cacons in their direction however Prince Yusha was a skilled navigator and managed to avaoid being hit. The ship was shaky however, due to the canon balls falling into the sea water at close range. "Get our canons readdy and fire back, take aim, quick!" ordered Prince Rhydian.

It was fierce and the danger hadn't subsided, frustrated Kristina took a riffle and went on the top deck, took aim and shot one of the many ropes holding their sails. She managed to shoot all the sails. "Pull us closer to their ship brother!" Ordered Sophia who carried a Sword "I'll go there and finish them off one by one." she said. Yusha nodded and did so. As they got close enough Princess Sophia and Prince Rhydian, as well as Prince Yusha jumped onto the pirate ship, leaving Marques Helio on the steering wheel of ghe ship.

The three of them were highly skilled martial artists, however Prince Fhydian was surprised to find Princess Sophia's skills, she was hiding thise skills until now and was simply breathtakingly outstanding. "She reached the level of Martial Arts Grand Master at the age of ten, do not be so surprised, my elder sister is but full of surprises however I shall ask you to keep what you see here a secret." Said Prince Yusha. The three of them were of the level of a martial arts grand master and barely needed to draw their swords to finish those measely pirates off. It only took them five minutes to wipe them all off. "Now this ship will be floating around those seas with corpses, that will scare off travellers." said Marchioness Melody once the three of them got back to the ship. "We'll sink it" said Prince Yusha and saw to it as quickly as possible.

"Now, now trash is gone, among all pirate gagns, they were the most barbaric and notorious. The Blue Lotus Pirates may be the King of pirates, however they only bring peace around small lands, protecting them against the even more notorious world government marines, even the Western Empire is against the marines. The order of knights and the Blue lotus pirates are better off than them." said Prince Rhydian. Sophia nodded and said "That's right Leiden Empire and Qing Qiu Kingdom are against the marines as well."

After five more days, the Himawari ship finally reached Western Empire's port and docked.