chapter 27-Lari and Kai's sibblings date

That same day Marchioness Melody and Princess Sophia went on dates Kai had proposed Lari to go on a 'sibblings date' in town and she gladly accepted seeing as Kai hadn't gone out in months now and she might not see her dearest brother so often after she marries.

First they went to a dessert shop, they were dressed as commoners too thinking it more fun that way. They joyfully gulped down coutless desserts including strawberry shortcake and sone other strawberry desserts, mango desserts as well as chocolate ones accompanied by piping hot black tea or milk tea with pear flavour. The bitter-sweetness of the tea gave a nice finish to all the sweetness of the desserts. They both loved creamy desserts and bitter-sweet milk tea.

There was a long queue and much commotion in down and Lari's curiosity got the bestt of her so she dragged her dearest brother in the crowd to see what the commotion was about. Some old men were demonstrating a puppet show. The story was quite a dark one. so they left some coins for the old men and headed to where the street food stalls were at. Eating countless rice cake skewers, spicy fish cakes and grilled chicken and pepper brochettes, their hands and moyth were full, drinking piping hot spicy beef soup with mifune noodles in. "Ahh this feels so good, life of commoners and cottage people and farmers seems very lively. They don't constantly have to care for their behavior and image, or deal with too many people, especially people in high society, they are literally massive headaches and love to gossip at gatherings, smile at your face and stab you in the back as usual. And always wanting to know what you are doing, they are way too nosy when they should mind their own businesses, don't you agree Kai?" expressed Lari in most earnesty. "I couldn't agree more sister, life of commoners may be poorer, but it seems warmer, and most of our commoners here are quite well off too, the men work to feed their families, the women tend to their houses, husbands and children, the men are loyal to their devoted wives, and the women are loyal to their devoted husbands, they live in their own little world with no care for high society and prioritize their own peace over all, living a quiet and peaceful life. I feel envious too of such a life. But sadly we were born as..." before Kai could finish Lari spoke and said "We can achieve that life as well. Thanks to father, the wisest Emperor of all times and mother the wisest Empress of all times, the Western empire has no records of poverty and our people can enjoy their lives as such, we don't lack in crops either, and in drought or flood, no matter our social standing we all work together to overcome the calamity. Plus forming an alliance through marriage between Leiden Empire and western empire will make sure both empires' people never suffer from insuffiency. I'm glad they also fell in love. Meanwhile my marriage to Leisenburg kingdom was arranged, I never met my fiancee. I hope he is handsome, kind, gentle, caring, taller than me, and loyal, just as our brother Rhydian is to Sophia and our father is to our mum. And if we want to keep the peace of our people, we are responsible to make it happen and continue in our father's footsteps as the heirs, don't you think?" Kai smiled and nodded, then pat Lari's head and said "my sister is so mature now huh? I agree, If I can be cured as Rhydian says, then I will definitely continue in father's footsteps of keeping the peace steady and train my future children in doing the same. As a wise and just ruler cares for their people more than their own greed. It is best to have a ruler without any greed to prevent corruption." They both smiled at each other and Lari suddenly said "Hey why don't we use the names that only members of the family knows, so we can get by the crowds without drawing anyone's attentions to us? what do you say brother Rauf?" Kai chuckled and said "alright sister Daria" in agreement. They then left the food stall, going around looking for their usual plant shop.

"Look brother Rauf, blue hydrangeas, let's plant this in the front gardens, oh they have tomato seeds and other crops' seeds, let's purchase them all and revive our little crops garden in the backyard, remember when brother Faik suddenly said he'd start farming when he was six and we played along, the garden was well maintained but now abandoned for almost a year. Let's revive it." exclaimed Lari all excited. Kai nodded in agreement and their hands were now full woth seeds and plants. "so heavy, let's head back home..." complained Kai and Lari tapped his back so he stumbled forward a little. "oi oi oi sister, be more gentle..." Lari smirked and said "Let's send the seeds to the palace through the super fast courrier service, look we're right next to their office. Then get back after the fireworks. Next time we ought to have a sibblings and parents date, the three of us sibblings with mother and father, what do you say brother Rauf?"
"Right, that would be fun, it's been so long since we all went out together. And besides, we ought to have a family portrait painted now we're all grown up like this." said Kai.

Lari and Kai wandered some more around the town streets. They fragrance of fried and grilled and spicy foods rising in air, making one's stomach growl and on the other hand the fragrance of fresh flowers being sold, and one of the most enticing fragrance of all, the fresh cold crisp air, light to breathe, free from dust particles and smog. Kai brought Lari to an old book shop as Lari loves novels. There rise the fragrance of books and pages, and tea, various types of tea as well as coffee. The shop owner always serves tea or coffee and snacks to the readers and to customers. It had a warm and cosy atmosphere, very welcoming, adjacent to it was a bakery the book shop owner's wife owned. and from the bakery, the fragrance of freshly baked bread and pumpkin spice goodies rose. Kai went to get some. croissants and pumpkin spice cupcakes from the bakery for everyone at home while Lari looked around for some spicy fantasy comedy romance novels that peaked her interests. after their successful purchases and after having some tea at the shop it was already quite late and there were fireworks signalling the end of the festival. They observed the colourful display in full satisfaction while walking towards the palace. They had to take a carriage back since ot was quite a long walking distance. Meanwhile their courrier had already reached a long te ago.

Lari run to her mother to tell her all about the day and how she dreams to have a family outing all together again and have their new family portrait painted before she marries. The empress chuckled at her daughter's livelihood, pat her head and agreed. "The castle was all for the empress and myself all day today, that was a most fun hoke date you know." said the emperor in a most teasing manner while looking at his empress with adoring eyes. "Oh please father!" exclaimed Kai while laughing.