WebNovelSky King30.65%

Chapter 17: Steele

With their lesson over the recruits had the rest of the day to relax. Feng Biao was quickly grabbed by Hunter on the arm as they exited the room.

"We need to go, now."

Before Feng Biao could protest Hunter yanked him away from the classroom. Looking behind Feng Biao saw a confused Song Zhilan who looked like she was planning to talk to him.

As Hunter's pace increased Feng Biao tried to wrest his arm away but found their physical strength was not on the same level. Resigning himself to the embarrassing display Feng Biao didn't scream for help as he had trust Hunter meant him no harm.

When they got to a relatively isolated part of the complex Hunter released Feng Biao.

"Holy shit dude you have no fucking clue how lucky you are," Hunter said with wild eyes.

"What are you even-"

"Stay away from Song Zhilan at all costs I'm pretty sure Liu Wei might be able to take the heat off you."

"Hunter calm down what are you talking about?"

For a second realization seemed to come to Hunter. His tone became quieter but filled with rapid nervousness permeating every letter

"My dad checked up on me this morning. Asked me how my first day went. Then kept talking, basically a bunch of advice I didn't ask for."

"Anyways he asked me if I met any bigwigs and I told him I saw Song Zhilan but I hadn't spoken to her. He got real fucking worried. Made it real clear I wasn't even to stare at her."


"Because she's engaged dude. To Brandon Steele."

Instinctively Feng Biao pulled out his PDS, but before he could unfold it Hunter reacted.


With a quick smack, Hunter slapped it out of Feng Biao's hand.

"Can you explain why you just smacked my PDS?"

"Because Brandon Steele is a Primordial Marked. You know what that means, right?"

"Actually, yeah, I do. Thanks, didn't realize what I almost did there," Feng Biao said dusting off his PDS and shoving it back into his pocket.

"How does that even work? If I just ask it anything relating to him he'll know?"

"No clue, I think they like to keep it that way."

"So basically Song Zhilan is engaged to this Brandon guy, what's any of that got to do with me?"

"According to my dad, and he said all this without even mentioning Brandon's name mind you, people who get close to Song Zhilan tend to go away."

"Go away as in...?"

"As in they're never seen again. Apparently, her dad bragged about this to my dad one time. Said it was all the work of the Steele family."

"OK, that's not great, I can see why you were worried," as Feng Biao thanked Hunter he thought back to the conversation he had with Song Zhilan for the first time.

"So that's why she seemed a bit starved for interaction, and why she was so unhappy about the reasoning behind me wanting to switch rooms."

Shaking his head Feng Biao returned to the matter at hand.

"I can't do anything about this Brandon guy can I?"

"Not a thing."

"Then I'll have to cut my ties with Song Zhilan."


Looking upwards towards the blue sky Feng Biao sighed.

"It doesn't feel great having to stop talking to someone you thought seemed interesting."

"Hey, cheer up I know exactly how to make you forget this crap. It'll be my treat," Hunter said as he patted Feng Biao on the back.

They walked towards a destination Feng Biao hadn't even bothered to ask Hunter about. With uneasy steps thoughts raced through Feng Biao's mind.

"Who really is Brandon Steele?"

"Why didn't Song Zhilan warn me about this?"

"Is it really alright leaving Liu Wei to take the heat for me?"

"Will he really be able to take the heat for me? If he isn't can I handle what's coming?"

No answer came for any of those questions.

When they arrived at what seemed to be a gate outside the compound Hunter flashed a few things to a guard who slipped a few things into his pocket and waved the two of them forward. They were now well outside the HCF Boot Camp on their way to a neighboring slum.

Feng Biao gave Hunter a glance and began to feel thankful he had been able to make a friend with a good heart like Hunter. He judged that their pairing was born out of Hunter's personality, not his own.

"So, Hunter where are we going?"

"No clue."


"Honestly, I just kinda assumed there would be something interesting going on outside the camp," Hunter said while he scratched his head.

As they continued to walk past people dressed in an assortment of clothing, ranging from rags to bright t-shirts Feng Biao saw a stall with a sign hanging out front, "The Greatest Escape".

Deciding to check it out he tapped Hunter on the shoulder and pointed at it.

"Seems like something we could try out, no?"

"As long as it ain't drugs, sure. Sorry, but I ain't trying to become addicted to something with you to help you escape the heartbreak you just went through."

"Ass, I didn't go through heartbreak and I'm not dumb enough to do drugs while in a boot camp."

"You were dumb enough to walk outside with me here. You know if we get found out we could get kicked out of the camp?"

Looking at Hunter to see if he was serious Feng Biao could see he was making a very serious face.

"If I get kicked out it won't be so bad," Feng Biao said with confidence.

"Oh, it will, they'll chop your hand off and take your Mark away."

"Are you joking?"


"Then let's just go back."

"Nope! You said we should try this place so that's what we're doing."

Dragging Feng Biao with one arm to the stall Hunter made a showy entrance.

"Good sir, I would like two of your finest concoctions for me and my good friend here!"

Giving Hunter a mean stare the man at the stall quickly served up two clear drinks.

Taking a sip Hunter said to Feng Biao, "Yep, alcohol, shitty, I mean home-brewed alcohol."

Grabbing the glass Feng Biao decided to chug it. As far as he knew Hunter was still unaware of his amazing resistance to alcohol. If he was going to risk his future he could at least get a laugh while he did it.

The drink burned his throat as it went down, it tasted like chemicals and had the consistency of gel.


The burly man in front of him shook his head and brought another of the drink to him. And in a second that too went down Feng Biao's gullet.

"Give me as much as you have!"

The man was about to leave when Feng Biao stopped him.

"Sir, I said all you have, not as much as those glasses can carry!"

Nodding his head the man returned lugging a barrel of the material over his shoulder.

Feng Biao grabbed it and with some effort managed to lift it over his head.

"No fucking way..." Hunter said with eyes the size of saucers.

And so Feng Biao began to chug a liquid that he was sure was not safe to drink to scare his friend.

Unaware his Contract had changed as a result.