Blue Oni:
Blue Oni are the most numerous and weakest Oni on Oni Mountain. A strike from one is still able to injure a Divine Mortal. They are treated disposable by higher-ranking Oni and do not seek to command, instead instinctively following the lead of a higher-ranking Oni. A Blue Oni will eventually become a Red Oni naturally over time.
Height: 94 cm, Lethality: A threat to Divine Mortals in a group
Red Oni:
Red Oni are less common than Blue, but still abundant. They can be found bullying Blue Oni in their spare time or squabbling with another Red Oni. However, they will still willingly work with a Red Oni as long as a Green commands them to. They are known to kill Blue Oni simply to fashion a weapon from their skeleton.
Red Oni can only become Green Oni by consuming other Oni. Since this is a normal action Red Oni undertake it occurs eventually.
Height: 1.15 Meters, Lethality: A threat to an unprepaRed Divine Mortal
Green Oni:
Green Oni are rare and when found are typically seen lazing about. They never work with another Green Oni and when left alone have been observed warring with one another. However, they are too lazy to personally engage in these wars and so have Red and Blue Oni who serve under them act as their soldiers.
A unique trait they have, when compaRed to all other Oni is their immense girth. They resemble morbidly obese humans. The corpses of dead Oni from their constant "wars" are served to appease their appetite.
It is theorized that the reason for the wars and their inability to work with other Green Oni is their appetite. Simply put, they can't fathom the idea of sharing a meal. When starved they put their immense physical might to its full use in search of a meal. Only Green Oni who have won multiple "wars" and consumed other Green Oni become Black Oni.
Height: 1.5 Meters, Lethality: A lethal threat to a Divine Mortal with a high-grade Divinity
Black Oni:
Black Oni ignore the squabbling of most Oni and instead choose to hunt one prey exclusively, Marked. Those that have managed to escape the confines of Oni Mountain have only ever assaulted Marked, ignoring regular humans. They seek only to gather the corpse of Marked and offer them to Shuten-Douji.
They are distinct from all other Oni in one major aspect, they have a Monstrous Ability, [Night Hunter]. Black Oni will work together and are intelligent enough to avoid attacking Marked who they register as threats they are incapable of killing.
In contrast to Green Oni they are incRedibly slim. While Black Oni ignore other Oni they will occasionally harass Green Oni. This is seemingly done with the intent of forcing the Green Oni to speed up its "war" and consume another Green Oni as fast as possible.
Height: 2 Meters, Lethality: A group of 4 Divine Mortals would barely be able to fight one. And only if they had spotted it before it used its ambush tactics.
Yellow Oni:
Yellow Oni are only ever seen following Shuten-Douji. They act as his drinking companions but are not immune to the effects of his liquor. All carry at least one Oni-no-Ochoko on their person. While incRedibly weak, theorized to be an effect of constantly imbibing on the sake, they are not recommended targets for lower-ranked Marked.
Upon sensing danger, they will immediately vocalize a high pitch screech that will alert the Fragment of the Marble. This seems to be the reason other Oni avoid them. The Oni-no-Ochoko scatteRed about the Marble are actually left by dead Yellow Oni. The typical cause of death for a Yellow Oni is from the poison of the sake they constantly drink.
Any Oni can become a Yellow Oni. Simply ingesting the alcohol from the Oni-no-Ochoko for long enough will cause an Oni to turn into a Yellow Oni. No Oni will refuse an offer to drink from Shuten-Douji, and the addictive property of the poisonous sake ensures weak-willed Oni fall prey to the effect of the sake.
Black Oni are technically capable of becoming Yellow Oni, and do often drink with Shuten-Douji when they seek him out with an offering. However, unlike other Oni, they will not fall victim to the addictive nature of the sake and instead choose to resume their hunt afterward.
Height: Varies, Lethality: Negligible