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Chapter 55: Flashcard

"Coming over alone, we need to talk."

That was all Liu Wei had sent. Refusing to answer when or what was up.

Feng Biao impatiently waited for Liu Wei. Sifting through his PDS Feng Biao saw how much junk was posted on the DCN. Now that he was a Divine Mortal he could see a lot more posts.

'Some people are even treating this thing as a diary.'

Searching up his condition Feng Biao found that it wasn't unheard of for a Marked to anger their Divinity after Contact and to have their path for future advancement barred. Apparently, some Divinities were much more sensitive than others, and even a small slight would invoke their wrath.

'But I don't think I ever talked to Indra?'

'So how exactly did I piss him off?'

The slang term for this was "timeout" and it was generally considered a temporary thing. Divinities would get mad at their Marked, their Marked would beg for forgiveness, eventually, he was off the hook.

'I can't find anything about a Mark being "empty".'

Feng Biao had distinctly remembered Shuten-Douji say that multiple times when they talked even explaining a "timeout" as his Mark being empty.

"Liu Wei you're here," said Feng Biao, setting aside his PDS.

"Yeah! Just came to see how you were doing," Liu Wei said enthusiastically.

Their conversation was odd going from there. No matter how many times Feng Biao would try to address the whereabouts of Song Zhilan or why Hunter hadn't visited him he was cut off.

It seemed all Liu Wei wanted to talk about were Feng Biao's experiences. Which he relayed back with clarity.

"Hey Feng Biao I gotta study but it was nice catching up, bye!"

Saying so Liu Wei got up and left.


It wasn't that Feng Biao disliked Liu Wei, but his demeanor through the conversation felt unnatural. And his insistence on keeping the conversation on topics Feng Biao wasn't excited to share made him concerned.

'What happened to Song Zhilan? Why won't Hunter come here?'

It was then Feng Biao noticed Liu Wei had dropped something on his way out. It looked like a flashcard for memorizing topics. Picking it up Feng Biao was mildly interested to see what Liu Wei studied.

It was to his great displeasure he saw mathematical symbols far beyond his understanding.

'I guess Liu Wei was serious about skipping the physical exam.'

In doing so Liu Wei had ensured he would not be offered a spot in anything combat-oriented after the boot camp. Unless he earned a top ranking in the Sparring Event he wouldn't be qualified.

Thus his options were narrowed down into the sciences. Which of course required a great willingness to persevere in mathematics.

'If he's hidden some sort of code in this I'm afraid to say I won't be able to decipher it...'

Despite that Feng Biao tried, however since he wasn't even aware was a ∑ was supposed to mean he couldn't begin to find meaning in the flashcard.

'Messaging Liu Wei to ask him for a hint seems to counteract the purpose of a hidden message.'

Setting it aside Feng Biao decided it was then best to contact Hunter. He was now able to leave the hospital and resume his regularly scheduled training.

Due to the extenuating circumstances of his ordeal, he had been given a pass on physical training, but even in the hospital, Feng Biao had been required to do coursework prepared by Tang Ruolan.

Informing the doctor and being given the greenlight Feng Biao was allowed to slip back into the HCF boot camp. Upon opening the door to the room he normally slept Feng Biao found Hunter doing pushups.

Hunter quickly bolted up and hugged Feng Biao.

"Hunter, you're sweating can you please settle for a handshake?"

"Ahaha, sorry it's just wow been a while, huh?"

"Can't exactly say why though," Feng Biao said wishing for Hunter to take the hint.

"Set your things down, we'll talk," Hunter said opening his bag and placing his PDS in it, motioning for Feng Biao to do the same.

Feng Biao complied and now had a new question.

"Can our usually PDS hear us? Like are they recording everything we say?"

"Yeah, but it's saying keywords around them one too many times that is supposed to raise red flags."

"You shouldn't be too surprised Biao, they can literally read our minds when we hold them."

"It's a trade-off you know? I heard the higher class models don't do that, part of the subsided cost of these less expensive ones is their propensity for snatching information."

"I get it, Hunter, now can you explain what exactly you didn't want to talk to me in the hospital about?"

"Sorry, couldn't trust me not catching some serious heat if anybody overheard what I was gonna say there."

"It's about Song Zhilan, Biao there was an incident."


"From what I've gathered, it doesn't sound great."

"It seems like she wasn't supposed to take the exam, in her case it was supposed to be waived."

"But uhh things happened and she apparently took it? Anyways seems like there was a bunch of in-fighting behind the scenes. Political stuff, my dad told me it seemed pretty serious."

"It's kinda ridiculous you couldn't have just told me this in the hospital."

"Biao, even gossiping about a Primordial Marked is grounds for serious punishment."

"Thanks for sticking your nose into her business, Hunter. I know you don't want to be associated with her."

"I only did it because we're friends, and because I've started rooting for you."

"Rooting for me?"

"Of course, star-crossed lovers the poor slum denizen who creates an unbreakable bond with the greatest princess. I guess even I can be a sucker for the sappy stuff"

"Fuck off idiot."

"Oh is that any way to speak to the only guy who looks out for you?"

"It is if you keep acting like a dumbass."

"Would a dumbass pass his exam?" Hunter said triumphantly.

"You passed?"

"Of course Biao, I'm too strong to get killed by some fish-faces."

Putting aside Song Zhilan, the flashcard, and a lot of other things on his mind Feng Biao decided to just sit and listen to Hunter. Who regaled him with tales of his exploits during his exam.