
A Walk To A New School

[A/N: Before we start, I would like to inform everyone that I will be switching and experimenting with 3rd-person point of view writing for this chapter. Another thing is that I'd like to inform everyone that I had recently suffered some minor injuries on my fingers, fortunately, it should heal in about a week or two. The former won't affect anything, but the latter would slow down updates by quite a huge margin. Apologies for the delay.]


Four years. It has been four years since Arthur had been reborn into this world, and he still hadn't had the slightest clue of his previous identity. Over his first year, not a single tidbit of new information about his previous life had come back to him, with the exception of countless more hours' worth of memories, amassing purely of every media and literate he had assumedly consumed in his previous life. Quite infuriating, as that barely gave him any context about his previous incarnation aside from that he was an avid fan of reading and watching anything he could get his hands on.

But now, after all these past three years? What else did he get? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Even the enormous amounts of memories about the books, movies, and anime he had watched just stopped arriving one day, and vanished entirely. Nowadays, Arthur's not really expecting much when it comes to finding more about his past life, only having a faint hope deep in his heart that one day, all of his restless and unknowable questions will be answered, somehow.

Anyways. After Arthur had reached the age of three, his Mother had decided that she would need to personally supervise his growth and education in order to prepare him for the future. She taught him about various different topics; be it the English Language, the virtues of Catholicism and its teachings, and all the Posh Etiquette demanded for people of royalty blood, she taught it all.

Arthur didn't even know they were royals.

Technically, they are a noble family, a close but distant cousin of the British Royal family to be precise. This was mainly due in part to my father's grandfather being the second prince in line of the throne back in his time, though he might be unable to succeed the throne, it was enough that Arthur's family was automatically given the title of royal nobility.

Not to mention that Arthur's family were basically nationally renowned figures at this point, with his parents having an abundance of popularity and influence amongst the professional heroics community, they are bound to receive an unofficial noble title at one point or another.

Back in the house, his Father frequently spent a lot of time with Arthur, to the point that they were nearly inseparable from each other every time his Father was out of his duty. The reasoning of his Father for this was apparently because he wanted to mold his son into a Great Man, and that Arthur's mother wouldn't be able to baby him too much. Or as he put it; "The Sheep have to stick together in this Den of Wolves, naught they are devoured."

Years later, however, he confessed that his real reason for sticking around Arthur so much was because he just wanted to spend more time with his only male son. He begged Arthur to keep that one a secret from his Mother, much to his embarrassment.

Overall, Arthur had a pretty nice, even great family. His Father and Mother pampered him like a little spoiled prince, and his sisters spent time with him talking about their experience at school while showing their baby brother Arthur their quirks off; with Guin making it rain around her and Morgaine creating simple shapes using her strings.

While Arthur was a little jealous of their abilities, he was eagerly looking forward to awakening his own. And before anyone asks, he is not Quirkless. The Wrymson family had him tested since he was two, and had found through genetic testing and anatomical scans that he indeed possessed the required genetic and biological markers that indicated he had a quirk. It's just he hadn't awakened it yet.

In other, much more important things. Today was the day Arthur was finally able to go into a proper school. His Father had talked with Mother about this, and the two of them had decided to send me to a private school for the first time. Arthur can still remember his Mother's teary eyed face when she told him of the news. Frankly, he was just relieved that I could finally step into the outside world without an ever present doting mother following his back on every step.

Currently, Arthur and his parents alongside all of his three sisters were on their way to see him off to his school for the first time. Even dressing nicely for occasion, though Arthur only thought of it as an excess show of wealth.

All of them were seated inside and awaiting their arrival at our destination. We were occupying was a short-white limo with thick black tinted windows. It was Probably bulletproof, last time Arthur checked, glass doesn't give off a metallic sound when knocked on.

"Sir, Madam. We have arrived," A cool, soft, and baritone voice spoke past through the driver's seat. That was Charlie, our head butler's grandson. He was a pretty chill dude to hang out with, Arthur definitely found him cool.

"Alright, Arthy? Have you made sure that you have all your belongings in your bag?" Arthur's Mother asked him with trepidation as she dotes all around besides him.

"Yes, Mum. This is the fourth time I've checked my backpack, I'm pretty sure I would have noticed something by now," he said with a slightly annoyed tone.

Checking the inside of his bag again and again for things that aren't there is getting quite irritating. Father, close beside Viviane who is both sitting adjacent in front of Arthur and his Mother, just smiled and chuckled at my expense.

"Ivy, I think the boy has had enough. Look at him, he needs to grow a little without the help of his mother," Arthur's Father teased, "Besides, his old man taught him good. I'm sure he's ready to face his present endeavors now, he only needs to recall upon my wise words and teachings to overcome them," He said. While he was smiling, his Mother gave him a withering glare. He chose to ignore it, much to his regret in the future.

"Nonsense! You barely taught my baby anything!" She squawked, indignant, "The two of you boys just played around like witless monkeys in containment for hours and hours. How could he learn anything from that?" Arthur's Mother reprimanded his Father. His Dad frowned and was about to talk, but she interrupted him before he could speak.

"Need I to remind you of the Plunger incident that happened three weeks ago?" Her words cut through any statement my father was about to make. Even the ever calm and collected Arthur made an instinctual gulp hearing about that. That accident was so bad and catastrophic that he could still feel the marks his Mother made on his behind till this day.

"... point taken," My father nervously squeaked out.

"Mummy, Daddy. We're here," Viviane tugged the hem of his Mother's skirt to get her attention. While Viviane and my other sisters decided to accompany us for my school debut, they go to another entirely different all-girls school. The school Arthur was chosen to go into was decided by his father, a claim he painstakingly earned through Arthur's Mother's authoritarian grip on his life.

The school he was going to was called St. Jannis, a public government funded school is open in service for every British citizen. Arthur's Dad actually went here once for his elementary education. It was one of the main reasons why he wanted his son to go here. The other reason was so that he would be humble, and see through the eyes of the common folk, or so he says. Arthur's pretty sure that he was forced to send him here because he lost on a bet when he went there to drink with his friend the principal.

As the Wrymson family entered the entrance gate and passed through envoys of plain looking cars, they could finally see the main school building and its entirety. The school was not your regular average government funded school, Father made sure that it wouldn't be the same shithole as the one he previously went in.

The main building was made up of four floors in the style of a brick renaissance aesthetic and a dash of modern thrown in. It was clean, freshly painted with white and maroon, and the place looks crisply new. He remembered hearing a conversation his Father told him about how this place used to look like a brutalist's pipe dream, with big blocky angular cement shapes consisting of every building, graffiti garbage littered walls, and run down patchy laden lawns. Just the sight of the school previously might have been mistaken for a landscape fresh from eastern Europe.

Now, not a hint of litter could be seen on the grounds. The lawn is as green as the most verdant of trees, surrounded by lush grass hedges that gave it a guarded feel. The once brutish buildings are now replaced with softer angled brick buildings colored with warm and inviting colours.

Arthur's Dad and most of the peers he had in his youth invested a lot in rebuilding this school, with him contributing the most out of everyone in the renovation of his former school, even helping with the building process for quite some time. Admittedly, he might just have wanted to demolish the place for himself, probably due to all the terrible memories the place gave him as a kid.

Back on the driveway, our long and prim limo stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the more plain and quite shabby lower classed cars surrounding us. It was expected, we're rich after all, this limo wouldn't even have been noticed in the place where Arthur's sisters go as it was the norm there, but here it was akin to a white and regal steed walking amongst a herd of grey and a dirty herd of donkeys. This naturally drew lots of attention from curious and interested gazes into our vehicle.

Charlie was the one who got out first. After the car was parked, he walked out of the limousine and walked to the door to open it for us. He was tall, tall as Arthur's father, who was at least seven feet tall. His overall appearance gave off a rugged and freakishly muscular vibe, part of his quirk maybe? Nevertheless, he was built! His dark chocolate skin and tight black suit only highlighted more of his musculature to any onlookers.

His monstrous appearance made some of the parents back off and even made some of the children they are holding startle and cry out loud. He ignored those distractions and focused on pulling open the limo's carriage for us. Arthur's Father was the first to step out of the car, thanking Charlie as he surveyed the place with visible satisfaction. Inspecting his well worth investment to the place.

Even from here, Arthur could hear the surprised and shocked squeals of the children outside. After all, one wouldn't expect the Gallant Knight of Britain to appear in your school every day. Plus, his Father never did have any intentions to hide our secret identities, as he does believe that one should be accountable for their actions, both in their civilian life and the hero's side of his life. We're basically a publicly known family.

It may seem odd, as in the more stable East, Heroic professions are governmentalized. But, for most of Europe and in a majority of the Americas, the Hero profession was still not widely institutionalized for the most part due to conflicts and such, leading to people developing secret identities to cover up their hero work to protect anyone related to them if they're found out.

Arthur's Mother was next to exit the car. The awed murmurs were lessened, but it was still audible enough that I could hear the appreciative whistle of the Men and their admiring compliments, most of it coming from the female parents. As she surveyed the crowds, she cracked a small gentle, and inviting smile that only caused a further uproar.

It was his sister's turn to exit. First was Viviane, then it was Guinevere and Morgaine, who were briefly followed by Arthur as the last one to exit. The crowd had a quieter reaction, but it still garnered attention and some whispers from the people. By now, the surrounding crowd had grown into quite a numerous one, with children asking their parents who the nicely dressed people are, and the parents fangirling and frantically taking some pictures of the celebrities that had just appeared.

Everyone wore simple but classy clothes. All of Arthur's sisters wore simple dresses, while my Mother wore a long flowing elegant skirt that trailed all the way to her back. She's quite a grandiose person, eager to express herself and impress others. Dad was the complete opposite. He just wore a clean simple white shirt and jeans, with a blue bucket hat and glasses to top it all up.

Unlike his Father, Arthur wore dark tight shorts with a white long-sleeved shirt and a black bow tie to wrap it all up. Eyes covered with cool glasses, his hair was styled and combed over, and his shoes are a bright shade of monochrome. The school doesn't really have any strict dress code, with the only requirement is to dress decently as well as having a backpack.

They walked forward, headed for the main school building together as a group. The awestruck crowd stared at our figures as we wandered around like we own the place. Well, technically. While Arthur's Father does have some sway in with the school, he said that he'll never use it if he ever gets into trouble.

As they entered the door of the building, all of them followed Arthur's Father as he headed straight into the main office of the school. Children and parents alike parted around them and gazed at us like they're aliens descended into the earth. See, but not touch.

Reaching the office of the school, the family entered the room and reached for the front desk. While the rest of us waited and sat at a wooden bench nearby, our parents

chatted with the receptionist and asked for the principal.

Beside me, my sister spoke and caught my attention.

"Ugh, This place smells… weird!" Guinevere said, scrunching her face after taking a few whiffs of the air earlier.

"Yeah, and it looks so dirty. So many ugly kids too," Morgaine added in, also with a scrunched expression.

Viviane flicked both of their foreheads, much to their indignation, "Watch your tongues, you two. Just because this place is designed for lower-class citizens -unlike our school- doesn't mean you can say ill of it in public! Mother would be disappointed in you two, and already Father invested a lot into this place so have some respect to it," She said scoldingly.

While she did chastise her sisters, she also made sure to throw in some jabs in as well. Clever, though she really acts like a jerk now that mother isn't here to leash her.

"I'm standing right here, you know. And this is going to be my school for the foreseeable future," Arthur said in clear irritation.

The three of them just looked at me as if it wasn't obvious enough. It was like a gaggle of sorority girls awkwardly looking at the freshman who asked one of them out at a party. That just made Arthur even more irritated.

Grumbling, Arthur decided to ignore them and just waited for his Mother and Dad to be over with what they're doing, he wished he could already get this thing over with. A few minutes later, his parents finally returned alongside another adult.

They talked there for a while, but it was mainly his Father and the guy who's doing the talking. Mother stood on the side, a timid smile plastered on her face while she listened to her husband and his old friend talking about the good old days. She clearly wants to yell at him to get it over with, but is quite too respectable to interrupt the men from talking .

Arthur sighed tiredly, this day is going to be a doozy. He looked to my sisters, who were sitting at the side. Viviane was reading something on her tablet, while Guinevere and Morgaine sat cross legged below their older sister playing with each other's powers. Sneakily of course, because OI! you need a license here in the UK to legally use your quirk for some retarded reason.

The blonde boy leaned back deeper to the hard plastic back of my chair, exhaling a deep breath as he looked at the ceiling. Without looking, he grabbed a pen out of his coat and tried twirling it.

It fell off after two revolutions.

Arthur groaned in irritation. His powers still hadn't manifested despite being alive for four years now. Arthur knew that they would come about eventually, but seeing as he's the only one in the family that still didn't have an ability bothers him on a personal level. What's good being reborn into a new life with overpowered abilities but being unable to have access to it? That's like the main appeal of the dozens and dozens of fanfiction/novels he has stored in my media memory.

Nevertheless, he did not despair. Arthur knew it would come eventually, it was just a matter of time before it would manifest, so he was patient. It's still annoying as hell just waiting though.

"Alright, Arthur? Want to walk around the school with your sisters?" Arthur's father asked him as he finished talking with the principal.

Arthur looked at his sisters, who only shrugged in response, "Sure, I guess. Nothing better to do here anyways," He said.

"Great! Go, then. Let us adults talk for a bit here, and make sure to not walk out of the building, yeah?" His Dad said.

"Yeah, sure," Arthur said as he got off his seat and followed his sisters who had already gotten out of the room in front of him.

As Arthur closed the door behind him, he noticed that his sisters, who were standing right beside the door's entrance, just took their phones out of their pockets and began playing games or watching videos online, completely ignoring their little brother and everything around them.

"Aren't you guys going to walk around with me?" I asked with confusion and bafflement on my face.

Viviane was the first one to respond to Arthur's question, "Beat it Arty. This might be the only time I can use my phone again before mom takes it back again. Besides, this places sucks,"

"I can already tell that it's gonna stink and be boring. Why bother, we can just watch the tube from here," Morgaine said, not even sparing a look in his direction.

"Yeah, what Sis said. Why would we walk around this place when we can just watch videos and play games on our phone?" Guinevere pointed out. Crap, she's right. I'd probably do the same thing too if our positions were swapped.

"Mom's gonna be mad, you know that," Arthur said, frowning. His Mom's wrath was legendary, she spares no-one, not even his father was safe from her punishments. Arthur still remembers that week where his father was forced to sleep in his room because his Mother forbade him from sleeping in their bedroom.

They scoffed, dismissing his "threat" entirely, "We'll deal with it, Mom's easy to convince when we put on some good acting. Besides, if you're so eager to walk around this place, why don't you just walk around by yourself? Don't bother us brother," Viviane replied, and pushed me in the direction of the hallways.

Arthur glared at her, but decided that it's futile to argue more as once they have decided on something, it's damn near impossible for her sisters to change their mind. And such, he might as well walk around and discover this place for himself, who knows? He might encounter something interesting.

And if anything happens, he could always blame his sisters for it. Works every time, just as long as Viviane doesn't use her ability though. Who knows? He might actually like this place if he sees it with his own eyes.


[A/N: Should I continue with the 3rd person pov? Or should I switch back to first-person. Reviews would be appreciated.]

[Looks like I lied, no powers reveal in this chapter, sorry. This chapter was supposed to be longer, but I decided to cut it. Another thing, I'm actually planning to start another fic similar to this, but it's still in the early bare-bones planning stages and I estimate that I'll have it finalized after this fic reaches 15 or so chapters. That's all, thanks for reading.]