Chapter 16: A Promise Kept

It was the early hours of the morning just before everyone would be waking up to start their workday.

The two men were still inside of Yuan Ling's workroom where he usually received the daily updates from all of the Chancellors. Yuan Ling had teased Zhu Hui until the stoic man finally crumbled. Zhu Hui then tormented Yuan Ling until he begged for mercy, but he still wouldn't let the delicious midnight snack go.

The pleasurable torment only ended when Yuan Ling finally fainted from exhaustion.

Eunuch Wan's hurried voice whispered out, "My lord! Please, my Lord! We have to return now! The Empress Dowager is about to wake… If she discovers that the two of you… Well… That the two of you stayed here all night, then she will have my head!"

Zhu Hui and Yuan Ling looked at each other realizing they had been too reckless. Neither one feared their secret being leaked nor did they fear the other advisors and chancellors. There was only one person they feared: The Empress Dowager.

Yuan Ling shouted back, "One moment! We will leave soon!" Yuan Ling went to get up but felt something pinch his waist. He fell back into Zhu Hui's arms with a pained expression. Yuan Ling whispered in aggrievement, "You… You really did make true to your promise… I… I really can't get up, let alone walk…"

Zhu Hui felt a twinge of guilt. He had only said that because Yuan Ling had purposely teased him and made his desires uncontrollable. Zhu Hui was an obedient dog that was calm until someone dangled savory meat in front of his face. Then he turned into a ravenous beast who acted as if he had been starved for many days. Once he started, he couldn't stop.

His head lowered slightly, "...Sorry."

Yuan Ling hesitated for a moment before grinning. He leaned forward and kissed Zhu Hui, never once looking away. He let out a giggle, "Well… It's not like I didn't dislike it… But what should we do? I have to be in the audience chamber in a few hours… And it's not like I can walk."

Zhu Hui pondered it for a moment before he sat up with a sudden idea. He supported the exhausted Yuan Ling as he covered his beautiful ivory skin with his tossed clothes. Then, Zhu Hui put his clothes back on quickly without worrying about their appearance. He bent down and picked up Yuan Ling bridal style without a change of expression.

Yuan Ling flushed as he was held in Zhu Hui's arms as if he was a dainty maiden. He spat out in embarrassment, "Hui-Gege?!"

Zhu Hui ignored him and went to unlock the door that had been locked. He flung open the door suddenly. Eunuch Wan flinched on the other side. The color in his face drained as he saw Yuan Ling blushing as he was held in Zhu Hui's arms.

Eunuch Wan managed to stutter out, "M-My Lord?"

Zhu Hui spoke for him, "The Emperor was working fervently at his desk and lost track of time. His childhood illness seems to have come back as a result. The Emperor needs to rest and see a doctor."

Eunuch Wan nodded quickly, "Ah! Right away! I will send someone to fetch the doctor and explain what happened to the Empress Dowager!"

As Eunuch Wan scurried behind Zhu Hui and Yuan Ling, he carefully eyed them both. They were both disheveled and their hair messy. If not for Zhu Hui remaining stony-faced and calm, he would have thought the two fought violently the previous night.

Eunuch Wan wasn't a smart man. Since he lacked certain equipment, he didn't understand what two people could possibly be doing so late in the night that would cause them to look so unkempt. Yet, he could still sense something was off between the two's interactions. However, he didn't want to bother thinking about it so he accepted the reason readily.

After all, if he didn't then he would have more than just a stone tablet thrown at him.

There were only a few court servants outside at this time, but Yuan Ling still hid his face against Zhu Hui's chest as if no one would realize it was him. Even though his face was unnaturally thick, he still felt prideful in his image and didn't want others to see him being carried like a maiden.

Zhu Hui glanced down and felt his heart thump harder in his chest. He considered why he didn't carry Yuan Ling like this more often. Whenever Yuan Ling looked ashamed or embarrassed, Zhu Hui's urges became quite unbearable. He quite liked when his spoiled Emperor showed him this expression.

But how could he allow for others to see it?

Zhu Hui held Yuan Ling even closer to hide that expression as if he was a territorial dog.

Yuan Ling could hear Zhu Hui's heart beat rhythmically in his ears. He closed his eyes as he counted each one. The sound soothed him and filled him with ease. Yuan Ling recalled that during the night before, he also had his ear pressed against the strong chest as he was panting for air.

Yuan Ling had no idea that Zhu Hui would become so insatiable after he teased him. Even though he pleaded with him to let him go, Zhu Hui wouldn't allow him to rest. Not even for a brief moment.

However, Yuan Ling didn't dislike it. Instead, he found it far too enjoyable.

Zhu Hui would be rough, yet gentle. He would treat Yuan Ling as his personal treasure that only he could enjoy.

He would tease Yuan Ling to the point where Yuan Ling had no choice but to beg for release. Only when he begged until his eyes watered would Zhu Hui finally allow him to.

Then, Zhu Hui would continue to ravage Yuan Ling's body, driving Yuan Ling further insane from pleasure.

Yuan Ling was so exhausted, but he didn't want it to end. He forced himself to stay awake and revel in the intoxicating sensation, but his body was too weak. He fell asleep in Zhu Hui's arms, straddling Zhu Hui's waist as if he didn't want to part for even a moment.

After recalling the sweet pleasure from the night before, Yuan Ling felt his lower region turning hot with desire and panicked.

How could he get excited over memories!?

Especially when Zhu Hui was carrying him??