Chapter 20: A Doctor's Concoction

Doctor Li entered the room and stopped in his tracks.

He looked at the two with an unreadable expression. His calculating eyes caught the fresh bite mark on Yuan Ling's neck before casually looking towards Zhu Hui who avoided his gaze.

He also recognized that Yuan Ling was wearing Zhu Hui's outer robe.

How could he not know what was happening?

Doctor Li had lived in the palace taking care of Yuan Ling since he was only an infant. He could read Yuan Ling easily and also understood Zhu Hui since the two had grown up inseparable.

He placed down a package of powder and a bottle of what looked like oil. He spoke calmly, "Mix the powder in your drink three times a day at each meal. It is bitter, but you must make sure to take it. Your body has always been weak and you need to make sure that you avoid catching a chill at all costs."

Yuan Ling nodded then looked at the oil, "And… This?"

Doctor Li let out a sigh, "This is for your urges."

Yuan Ling flinched, "U-Urges?!"

Doctor Li watched him carefully, "If I may be blunt, my Lord. If you engage in this kind of activity with Chancellor Zhu, you should use this oil. It is an excellent lubricant with healing properties. You both will enjoy the sensation while it simultaneously soothes your body."

"T-That?! I-I! It's not that! W-We aren't-"

Doctor Li interrupted Yuan Ling's rambles, "My Lord, I have been at your side for your entire life. I can tell you have always looked at Chancellor Zhu Hui in a… Special way."

Zhu Hui was speechless as he listened to Doctor Li speak without a trace of disgust or surprise. Yuan Ling was shocked as well, but he didn't remain speechless. "Are you not sickened?! We are two men... "

Doctor Li shrugged, "These urges are completely natural. Men and women, men and men, even women and women can have it. As a doctor, I don't find it strange at all. However, it is important to remember to be safe. If you use up all of the oil, feel free to request more."

Yuan Ling reached out and picked it up, staring at it carefully. He raised an eyebrow, "How do you use it?"

Doctor Li's sharp eyes turned to Zhu Hui who looked away immediately. His voice was low, "I am sure Chancellor Zhu Hui can show you."

Yuan Ling looked at Zhu Hui who met his eyes.

Doctor Li stood up, "I will take my leave now. Take your medication and don't be too difficult. I'm afraid if you don't take it then the Empress Dowager will command me to examine you in front of her."

Yuan Ling's face turned blue at the thought. Zhu Hui removed the sleeve from in front of his mouth and gave a nod, "I will make sure he takes it."

Doctor Li looked at Zhu Hui carefully, "As for you… Do not lose control. Please keep in mind that the Lord was born with a weak constitution. If his body is pushed too much, his sickness will return and become worse."

Zhu Hui's expression turned solemn at the thought of Yuan Ling becoming too sick to move. Yuan Ling was didn't understand the meaning behind Doctor Li's words and looked at him in confusion. What did Zhu Hui's control have to do with his health?

"Please call for me if there are any changes." Doctor Li bowed before hesitating at the door, "I will speak to Eunuch Wan to relay the message to the Empress Dowager. You two will have more than enough time to solve… That."

Doctor Li's eyes were drawn to the pillow that covered Yuan Ling's lap.

Yuan Ling blushed feeling slightly ashamed by being caught. He didn't know how to respond, "I-I see… Thank you Doctor Li."

As soon as Doctor Li left, the room became awkwardly silent. Yuan Ling couldn't stand the tension and let out an awkward cough. He glanced at Zhu Hui bashfully, "H-How do you use the oil?"

Zhu Hui felt his lips twitch. His hungry eyes turned towards Yuan Ling. His voice was hoarse, "Does my Lord wish to know?"

Yuan Ling felt that his gaze was oddly predatorial and gave a nod with a bit of apprehension. "I am a bit curious…"

Zhu Hui stepped near him and pulled out the cork from the bottle. A smell of plum flowers wafted out, spreading slowly across the room. A grin spread across his previously stiff face. "Would my Lord like me to show him?"

Yuan Ling fidgeted under his intense stare and peered into his eyes coyly. He slowly gave a nod, "I-I do…"

Zhu Hui's face came closer to Yuan Lings as his voice taunted him, "Then allow for this Gege to show you."