I love you ❤

Chapter fifteen: I love you ❤

Yeon: I love you

Emma blushed and felt her heart would explode

Emma: I love you

Yeon was shocked by what Emma said to him

Emma hugged yeon

Emma: I love you

Yeon's face turned red

Yeon: Do you love me?

Emma: Yes, I love you

yeon smiled

Emma and Yeon sat under the tree

Emma: This is our place

Yeon: What

Emma: Yes it's our place we'll come to here every day

Yeon: alright

Then they sat talking for hours

Until the night came

Emma: Oh we didn't feel the time

Yeon: It's okay to spend time with you

Emma: The sky is beautiful

Yeon: Yes it's beautiful because there are stars in it

Emma: And the moon

Yeon: it's beautiful

Then suddenly it started raining

Emma: It's raining

Catch. Yeon held Emma's hand and ran with her in the rain

Yeon: Oh, I've always wanted to run in the rain

Emma: But you will get sick

Yeon: It doesn't matter

Emma: let's dance

Emma took his hand and started dancing

and laughed a lot

Emma will run try to catch me

Yeon: ok hurry up

Emma ran and he ran after her in the rain

Then they lay on the grass and they were tired

Emma: Oh, I'm tired

Yeon: Me too

Emma: Let's go back inside, we'll get sick

Yeon: ok

They returned to the palace completely wet

Emma: good night

Yeon: sweet dreams

Emma entered her room

Emma: Aaaaaaaah my heart oh I can't believe he is mine now he is my love I can look at his eyes all I want I'm going to sleep now

Emma fell into a deep sleep

Yeon entered his room

Yeon: She loves me She loves me Is that possible Oh I hope everything goes well I want to hug her but I can't She fell asleep now I will sleep now and tomorrow I will hug her

In the morning

All morning Emma haven't seen Yeon

Emma: Where is he maybe he has a job, I'll go to his office

Emma went to Yeon's office

Knock Knock

Yeon: come in

Emma: hello

yeon smiled

Yeon: Emma, ​​you're welcome

Emma: Fine, what about you?

yeon: ok

Emma: So how is work?

yeon: good

Yeon: Did you sleep well last night??

Emma: Yes, and what about you?

Yeon: yeah good

Emma: We are lovers , right?

Yeon: Yes we are

Emma: Great I'm going now to let you finish your work but don't talk to any woman are you understand

yeon laughed

Yeon: ok

Emma: Why are you laughing?

Yeon: You look cute when you say that

Emma: I'm always cute

Then hours later

Kai: Hello, how are you?

Emma: Fine, what about you?

Kai: I'm fine,

Emma: How's it going with you?

Kai: It's good

Emma: ok I'll go now bye

Kai: she does look like something is going on with her

Will Kai find out?...