Remember She Loves Me

Chapter Seventeen: Remember She Loves Me

Yeon pulled away a little from Emma, ​​looked at her eyes and smiled

Emma felt like she was in heaven

Kai in a loud voice: What are you doing here?

Yeon: None of your business

Kai: really I'm going to kill you now, how can you touch her?

Emma stood in front of Kai

Emma: No, it's okay, we're lovers

Kai: What?

Kai was shocked

Kay. : lovers?? do you love him?

Emma: Yes, I love him , what's the problem?

Kai: No, no problem, sorry for interrupting

Kai went heartbroken

Kai screams and hits his hand against the wall

Kai: How could she love him that's unfair to take her I didn't let this happen I wouldn't let this bastard win


Yeon: he is annoying

Emma: No, he's cute

Yeon: What's the spectrum?

Emma: shut up the important thing is there is a party today that you will be banned right

Yeon: I'll come for you

Emma: Great, I'll see you there. Bye

Emma went to her room

Emma: What am I going to wear? I want to look very beautiful

After an hour

Emma: That would be cool. I'll wear it

Emma wanted her clothes and got ready

And she went to a party

Emma: Yeon hasn't come yet

Kai was looking at her a lot

Then people started dancing

Emma: he is too late, maybe he won't come, am I just standing alone

Emma was disappointed

Then suddenly she saw Yeon entering the party and walking towards her

He looked so handsome and gorgeous

At the same time, Kai was walking towards her

Both of them stood in front of her

Yeon: Will you allow me to dance with you?

Kai: Will you allow me to dance with you ?

Emma felt confused

But she grabbed Yeon's hand

Kai was very angry

Yeon took Emma to him and started dancing

Emma felt warm in his embrace

Then everyone stopped dancing and just watched them dance

Woman: How beautiful they are together

Man: They really are

Emma: yeon everyone is looking at us

Yeon: Don't worry about them, just me. and you are here

And they keep dancing

Then the music ended and they stopped

And everyone applauded for them

Emma grabbed Yeon's hand and walked with him

And they sat together

Emma kissed Yeon on his cheek

Emma: You were awesome

Yeon blushed and smiled

Yeon: Not very much

Then the party ended and Emma went to her room

Emma: good night

Yeon: sweet dreams

Yeon walked over and met Kai on his way

Kai: You look so happy

Yeon: More than ever

Kai: Have fun, it won't last long

Yeon: Say whatever you want, I don't care

Kai: Be careful, I do too

yeon: Ok but whatever you are going to do remember that she loves me

Yeon went and left him

Kai: I will make you regret it, I swear

What will Kai do?....