I've never seen him so happy like that

Chapter 20: I've never seen him so happy like that

After a week

Emma: Where are you going?

Yeon: I'm going to visit my mom and sister

Emma: Right, it's been a while since you've visited them

Yeon: Yes, I want to tell my mom that I became a major general

Emma: Can I come with you?

Yeon: Do you really want to come with me?

Emma: Yes

Yeon: You can come with me

Yeon went out with Emma and went to the market first

Emma: Why are we at the market?

Yeon: Let's buy some things for mom

Emma: right

Yeon bought food and clothes for his mother and sister

Then he went home

Knock Knock

Rose opened the door

Yeon: Mom, I miss you

Rose: Yeon, I didn't expect to visit you, I'm glad to see you, oh and who's with you, Miss Emma

Emma: hello aunty

Rose: Welcome dear, come in

Yuna: Brother

Yuna ran and hug Yeon

Yuna: I miss you

Yeon: Me too

Yuna: you again

Emma: hello

Yuna: you are welcome

Emma approached Yona and whispered in her ear

Emma: Now we are lovers

Yuna: Oh, I knew you two were perfect for each other

Rose: What's going on?

Yuna: Mom, your son has grown up and has a girlfriend

Rose: Really?

Yeon: not really

Emma: What do you mean not really, we are lovers

Rose: That's cool, Yeon don't be shy

Yeon: I'm not ashamed

Yeon: Mom, I got a promotion

Rose: Really?

Yeon: Yes mom, I became a major general

Rose: Oh, congratulations, dear. I'm so proud of you

Yuna: My brother has become a great general

Yeon: Mom, why don't you come to live with me in the palace

Rose: No, I told you, I don't want to i love my life here in the city with the simple people

Yeon: But I want you with me

Rose: I'm with you always

Yeon: As you wish

Rose: Have you become more beautiful or am I delusional?

Emma: Yes, he has become more handsome

Yuna: That's right

Yeon laughed and said, "Stop!"

Rose: Ok stop it, Yeon I want you to go and get these things for me

Yeon: ok mom

After Yeon left, Rose sat down to talk to Emma

Rose: Do you really love him?

Emma: Of course

Rose: Please take care of him and stay with him, I've never seen him so happy

Emma: Don't worry aunty, I'll take good care of him

Rose: Oh, when will I see my grandchildren?

Emma: Soon

Yuna: Are you really pregnant?

Emma: No, I'm not pregnant

Yuna: Oh good I thought my brother became a pervert

Emma: he is not like that

Then yeon came back

And they stayed with his mother until the evening

Yeon: We'll go now

Rose: stay longer

Yeon: No, I have to go

Emma: Bye

Rose: Bye

Emma: Shall we go back to the palace?

Yeon: Do you want to take a walk?

Emma: ok

Yeon and Emma walked together, holding each other hands

Until they reach the palace

Emma: You have to go now

yeon: I don't wanna , i want to be with you

Emma: let's go yeon

Yeon: Well, good night

Emma: sweet dreams

They both went to their room

But suddenly Emma saw kai in her way

Emma: hello

Kai: You were with him right

Emma: what?

Kai: You were with him so late

Emma: I think that's not of your business

Kai: Yeah, it's none of my business

Emma: I don't understand why you hate Yeon so much

Kai: You really don't know

Emma: Yes, I don't know

Kai: Do you want to know?

Emma: Yes, I want to know. Please tell me

Kai: This happened when we were kids

I wonder what happened between them????