You will be fine

Chapter Twenty Two: You will be fine

Emma: So that's what happened

Kai: Yes, I looked like an idiot because of him

Emma: Don't say that

Kai hug Emma

Emma: It's okay, don't be sad

Kai: Thank you

Emma: No thanks, go to sleep, you'll get better

Kai: ok

Then Emma went to her room

Emma: Yeon seems to have had a hard childhood, oh how I love this guy

In the morning

Emma was walking in the park

And shocked the crown prince

Emma: Good morning, Crown Prince

Crown Prince: Good morning, you look like the most beautiful flower in this garden

Emma: Thank you

Crown Prince: Your eyes are very beautiful

*close to her*

Emma: Really?

Crown Prince: Yes, it is

The Crown Prince approached to kiss her

Emma got away from him

Emma: I'm sorry I can't

The Crown Prince: Did you just reject me?

Emma: I'm sorry but I can't

Crown Prince: Why you can't ?

Emma: Because I have a boyfriend

The Crown Prince: Who is he?

Emma: Major General Han Yeon

Crown Prince: Do you really love him?

Emma: Yes, I love it

Crown Prince: I see

Emma: I'm sorry again

Crown Prince: It's okay

Emma: Oh, my heart almost stopped

Then Emma went to Yeon's office

Emma: Good morning

Yeon: Good morning

Emma: How are you?

Yeon: I'm fine, what about you, sweetie?

Emma: Fine, I want to spend some time together

Yeon: Well let's meet in the garden and then let's go out

Emma: Great, see you there

Emma came out

Yeon: Oh, I feel like I'm going to die every time I see her smile

In the evening

Yeon went to the park waiting for Emma to come

but she's late

Yeon saw the crown prince walking alone without a guard and not carrying his weapon with him

And Yeon noticed that some men were chasing after him

Yeon ran towards the crown prince

At the same time, the men came out to attack the Crown Prince

Yeon pushed them back

The crown prince was shocked by the surprise attack

Yeon was fighting with everything he had but they were more than him

One of them stabbed him in the back

But Yeon quickly turned around and killed him

Yeon was in so much pain that he hit him so hard that Yeon bled a lot

Then the servants and guards came quickly

Guard: Lord, are you okay?

Even the king came quickly

Everyone was taking care of the crown prince and no one noticed that Yeon was injured and was going to die

Yeon fell to the ground because the pain

And he looked at them sadly, no one cared about him

Then Emma came and she looked very beautiful and her clothes are very beautiful

As soon as she saw him, she ran to him

Emma: Yeon what happened you're bleeding so hard you will pass out

Emma picked Yeon and started walking hard

Emma: Hold on, I'll take you to the doctor

Yeon: You look beautiful

Emma: It's not the right time

Yeon: It's always the right time to tell you that you're beautiful

And he fainted

Emma: Don't worry, I'll get to the doctor soon

Emma was completely covered in his blood

Emma: You will be fine

Will Yeon recover quickly?? Will he be rewarded for protecting the Crown Prince?...