This is you, I miss you

Chapter twenty-eight: This is you, I miss you

Kai: Get your stuff ready, we're going home

Soldier: Sir, what are we going to do about Commander Yeon? He's bleeding heavily. will we get the doctor?

Kai: No, we'll leave him here, put it on the wall there

Soldier: Alright sir

Soldier put Yeon against the wall, took off his scarf and placed it on his wound

Soldier: I hope you will be okay, but you must be very lucky

Kai: let's go

King: Where is Yeon? I didn't see him. I heard he was the one who declared victory

Kai: He will come after us

King: alright


Emma: come in

Her father: The son of Defense Minister Kai has proposed to you

Emma: What???!!!

Emma: I don't agree

Her father: Emma he is the son of the Minister of Defense

Emma: I don't care, I don't love him, we'll discuss later. I have something to do

Her father: What?

Emma: My cousin needs me to go and when I come back we will talk

Her father: ok baby

Emma ran out and took medicine, bandages, and clothes with her

Maid: Please stop

Emma: leave me

Emma got out and took a horse and ran with it

Emma: I'm scared but I have to, Yeon needs me

Emma was crying all the way

Then Emma saw the army returning, and she looked to see if he was with them, but she did not see him, so she knew that he was injured

Emma: please be okay please bear I'm coming

Emma reached the battlefield and saw many soldiers dead

Emma: Yeon, where are you?

She was trembling in fear and crying hard

She kept searching among them until she saw Yeon

Emma: Yeon!!! yeon it yeon

Emma ran to him

Emma: He's been bleeding heavily for hours, please be alive

Emma placed her head on his left chest

Emma: He's still alive, thanks god

Emma grabbed his hand, put it on her shoulder, and started walking with him

Emma: I have to find a place

Emma walked until she found a little hut

Emma entered the cabin and did not find anyone there

she put Yeon on the bed

Emma: You will be fine

Emma opened the bag and took out the medicine

Emma reached out to take his shirt off

Emma unbuttoned his shirt

Emma was horrified by what she saw

Emma: Oh it's scary oh my God help me I have to bandage it and sew it oh I'm scared

Emma bandaged the wound and was crying

Then she grabbed the thread and the needle while trembling

Emma: It will be painful, so bear with it

Then she sewed it

Emma: I'm done, I know my stitching is bad but that's all I can do, oh he's still asleep

Emma got up and went into the kitchen but there was nothing in it

Emma: I'm going out to get water and food

Emma went out looking for water and food

But it took hours

Yeon slowly opened his eyes

Yeon: Where am I, am I alive, what is this place, oh my body hurts

Yeon saw a stick next to him and grabbed it and got up

Yeon: I have to go back to thepalace Emma wait for me

Yeon opened the door and saw Emma in front of him

Emma: Yeon woke up thank God why you got up go back to bed

Yeon: Emma, ​​this is you. I miss you