We'll Get It

Chapter Thirty Two: We'll Get It

she looked at him and smiled

Emma: He's so handsome, his lips are so pretty, and his nose is cute, I want my son to look like his father in everything, but Yeon is an idiot so far he doesn't think of marriage and hasn't proposed to me, an idiot.

Emma got up to see Yona

But Yeon grabbed her hand

Yeon: I'm not an idiot

Emma: you were awake

Yeon: You woke me up, you sat talking

Emma: You are an idiot

Yeon: Well then your son is also an idiot

Emma: Why??

Yeon: You said you wanted him to look like me in everything

Emma: Well, you're not an idiot, you're a big idiot

Emma wanted to run but Yeon grabbed her and dragged her to bed and tickled her

Yeon: Take your word back

Emma: Oh, that's enough

Yeon: I won't stop until you take back your words

Emma: Ok ok I take back my words

Yeon: Good, be a good girl

Emma: How are you now? Is it okay?

Yeon: When I'm with you I'm better off

Emma: Then you should stay with me a lot

Rose: Sorry to interrupt you, but you two have a lot of time, so prepare dinner and Yuna and I are going to the market.

Emma: ok my aunt

Yeon: Ok mom

Rose: Good, let's go, Yuna

Yeon: We were left alone

Emma: Let's make dinner were left to prepare dinner, come on, get up

Yeon: What are we going to do?

Emma: What do you think of pasta?

Yeon: I love pasta, let's do it

Emma: ok

Yeon: I'm going to boil water

Emma: I'm going to get the noodles

Yeon: Put the noodles in the water

Emma: I put it

Yeon: We'll wait for it to boil

Emma: Let's make the sauce, then

Yeon: Well, where's the paste and spices?

Emma: I found it

Yeon: Good, mix them up

Emma: And you cut the onions?

Yeon: ok

Emma: Your house is beautiful. I loved it. I want a house like this. Yeon. I want to live simply away from the palace. and his problems

Yeon: I also want this

Emma: We'll get it

Yeon: Of course, the noodles ready

Emma: Take it out!

Yeon: I took it out

Emma: The sauce is his device

Yeon: That's how we mix them up and now we wait for it to be ready

Emma: Well, cooking with you is fun

Yeon: Yes, it's good that we have a cookbook

Emma: Without it, we would have made the worst pasta

Yeon: it's saved us

Emma: Right

Yeon: You are so beautiful when you laugh

Emma: I'm always beautiful

Yeon: Yes, you are

Yeon put Emma on the wall

Yeon: I want you

Emma: I want you more

Emma stretched out her hand, slowly opening his shirt as he kissed her

Rose: What are you doing???!!!!

Yeon: Mom, what made you back?

Rose: I forgot something and came back, don't do these things again in my kitchen, are you understand

Emma: We get it

Rose: You come with me and you stay here bye

Yeon: Why is my luck so bad