Chapter Thirty-four: I see the love in your eyes to her
After a month
Kai: We haven't gotten rid of Yeon yet
The Crown Prince: I have prepared a plan to get rid of him
Kai: Really??
The Crown Prince: Yes, it will be his end
Kai: What's the plan?
While the Crown Prince and Kai were planning to spend on Yeon , Yeon was at a store
Yeon: Not pretty enough I don't think it will fit her hand
The shop owner. : What do you think of this then?
Yeon: It's so pretty. It'll be pretty on her hand
Shop owner: Are you going to proposed to her today?
Yeon: Yes, I will proposed to her today and then we will get married and she will be mine and we will live together forever
Shop owner: She's lucky to have you
Yeon: What?
Shop owner: I see the love in your eyes for her. I hope to you both happiness
Yeon: Thank you, I'll take this
Shop owner: here you are sir
Yeon: Thank you
Yeon walked out of the shop very happy as he looked at the ring and thought of a beautiful way to present it to her
Kai: So what are we going to do?
Crown Prince: These files will be in his office
Kai: What's wrong with it?
Crown Prince: They are state files, and only the king should be with him
Kai: Then we will accuse him of treason
The Crown Prince: And do you know the punishment for a traitor?
Kai: Of course I know
The Crown Prince: He will be sentenced to death
Kai: The end is near
The crown prince went to the king's office
Crown Prince: Dad, what are you looking for?
King: I searched for these files and did not find them
Crown Prince: It may have been stolen
King: What?
The Crown Prince: Anything could happen
The King: Search the offices of the ministers
Crown Prince: We will search everyone's offices
They searched the offices of the ministers and found nothing
Crown Prince: I will search Yeon's office
King: No need for that. Yeon wouldn't do such a thing.
The Crown Prince: I will search quickly, as a precaution
King: ok
The Crown Prince entered Yeon's office and began to search it
Crown Prince: Dad!!! See what I found!!!
King: It's the files!!!!!!!!
The Crown Prince: I did not expect this
King: Summon General Han Yeon
What is waiting for Yeon.....