I will stay Han Yeon forever

Chapter 38: I will stay Han Yeon forever

Yeon: Denied out of the country !!!!!!

King: Yes, you cannot enter this country again. You have two days to say goodbye to your family

Yeon didn't say a word, he wanted to cry and scream hard, but he kept silent

Kai and the crown prince were very happy with this ruling

Emma's servant heard the ruling and ran to tell Emma

Maid: Emma, ​​Emma

Emma: What's the matter?

Maid: I know what they sentenced him to

Emma: tell me

Maid: He has been exiled and will leave in two days

Emma fell to the ground crying

Emma: I won't see him again, I won't look him in his eye again, I won't hold his hand, I won't see his smile again, Yeon won't see his mother and sister again, I can't believe it

Maid: We can't do anything

Emma: Yeon, I will love you forever. I will never forget all the beautiful moments I had with you. You will always remain in my heart.


Yeon walked out of the courtroom and Kai appeared on his face

Kai: Bye, Han Yeon

Yeon smiled and said, "Bye, Kim Kai, nice to meet you."

And walked and left kai

Kai: How is he smiling after everything that happened I can't believe that he can bother me even when he is like this

Yeon: I've lost everything, I've lost my whole life I just want to die when why i going to live I wish I wasn't born just because I'm so miserable Mum You should have thought before you brought me to this life Why didn't you think about how I'm going to live, it doesn't matter

Yeon got up and went to his mother's house

Rose opened the door

Rose: Yeon!!

Yeon held his mother

Yeon: I miss you so much

Rose: Me too, please come in

Yeon: Yuna, I miss you,

Yuna: Brother, you finally came to us, I miss you so much

yeon: Me too

Yuna: Brother, why are you so injured?

Yeon: Don't worry I'm fine, I came to say goodbye

Rose: What do you mean?

Yeon: I've been exiled abroad

Yuna: What does that mean I won't see you again?

Yeon. : I am sorry

Yeon sat with his family for two hours

Rose: You will go now

Yeon: Yes mom, take good care of yourself

Rose: you too

Yeon turned to leave

Rose: I may never see you again and I don't know what will happen to you, so you have the right to know who your father is

Yeon: Who is ?

Rose: It's Kim Soo Joon. It's your father. You're Kim Yeon

Yeon: Kim Soo Joon is my father

Rose: Yes, you are the king's son

Yeon turned around and hugged his mother and said, "Mom, I will stay Han Yeon forever."

He ran out of the house and smashed his hands against the wall

Yeon: So Kim Soo Joon I hate you

Is Yeon going to talk his father what will happen between them...