is it possible that the end will be happy

Chapter 41: is it possible that the end will be happy


Emma: push harder

Yeon: What if you fall?

Emma: No, I won't fall

Yeon: okay

Yeon pushed the swing even harder

Emma: Oh yeah, Emma screamed loudly

Yeon: Are you okay?

Emma: I almost fell

Yeon: What did I tell you?

Emma: But I didn't fall

yeon laughed

Emma: Why are you laughing?

Yeon: Because you are childish

Emma: It's okay to be childish, Yeon

Yeon: what?

Emma: You're going to push our kids on this swing too

Yeon: Of course if their mom agrees

Emma: It's my kids so I'll agree

yeon: good

Emma: Yeon, you know I feel scared

Yeon: from what?

Emma: I feel like I'm going to lose you

Yeon: Don't say that, I'll stay with you forever, we'll be old together

Emma: You will be a handsome old man

Yeon: I will

Emma: yeon

Yeon: what?

Emma: is it possible that the end will be happy?

Yeon smiled and said, "Of course it's happy."


Emma woke up tired and her body ached

And her tears started falling

Emma: Yeon it's not happy it's very sad

Emma: I had a dream about you and I'm so happy to see you again


Yeon arrived in that city knowing nothing there and was very tired and his body ached

Yeon: What should I do oh

Yeon went for a walk by the forest

He saw a girl running and boys chasing her

Yeon followed the girl

Until the children surrounded her

And the girl was screaming loudly

One of the boys tried to get close to her

But suddenly someone grabbed his hand and twisted it

Yeon: Didn't your parents teach you not to lay your hand on a woman?

Boy: who are you?

Yeon: You don't need to know

Boy: Guys, attack him

The boys attacked him but Yeon knocked them all down and then ran away

Girl: Thank you, sir

Yeon: No need to thank me next time, don't come here alone, the world is dangerous, so be careful.

Girl: I will

Yeon turned to leave

Girl: Wait, what's your name?

Yeon turned to her and smiled and said, "My name is Han Yeon, bye little girl."

Yeon went without knowing who this girl was

I wonder who this girl is and will he meet her again...