izuku pov
as i looked over to see who was talking,i see the familiar black-purple clothing,already knowing it was leon,though i don't know what she was singing,i think it was something made by the living tombstone,"my ordinary life",if i'm correct,not my cup of tea,rather prefer something along the lines of "runaway by AURORA",but,ya know music is music.
hi leon!how have you been?
leon:i've been pretty good,anyway,who's the girl?*scary smile*
ochako:i'm ochako uraraka,who are you?*smiles menacingly*
izuku:i think i'll just go........
leon/uraraka:no need!
izuku:i think it's starting,let's hurry
mic:ok!today we will be having 3 types of robots to defeat,the first being the 1 point robots,then 2 points,then 3 points,the last one is for 0 points,it is the biggest,and if you try to fight it,you lowkey will get hurt,but while that may seem very enticing for some of you,we have to take a test to find your iq,so be ready!let me hear you say YEAH!!!!!!
leon:'did i just hear crickets?'
'leon pov'
man,this test is easy!when did the song 'touchoff' come out?
i made the damn song in this world,3 years ago!
what is endeavors quirk?hellflame
------------------timeskip no jutsu fighting-----------------------------
if you look you can see a girl wearing a black blindfold,and black-purple clothes,while laying on an invisible cloud of air,zapping everything with lightning,this girl is of course,leon.
whenever she saw a member of the original cast(who's the grape again?jkjk but honestly,if it's meliodas or master roshi,even issei,mineta at least has common sense,he does basic stuff,why people hate him?i would take him out,have a good talk with him,ya know,every one pervs,but in their head,you know you do)she would help them out,but for some reason,she felt a really strong electronic pulse,coming from the 0 pointer.
wasting no time at all,leon flew at speeds faster than light straight through the robot,and just in case used a sound so high it disintegrated the robot.
'general pov'
leon:'why is everyone looking at me like that?is it my rocking bod?'
[message from R.O.B.:even i know that's not true,anyway,i forgot to give you a starter pack,it's just low level stuff don't worry]
x1 starter pack opened!
received:uchiha bloodline(otsutsuki)royal tamaranian bloodline(blue)kree bloodline(captain marvel)demon bloodline(rachel roth white form)royal legendary ancient saiyan bloodline(strongest as can get)omni king bloodline(zeno)supreme kai bloodline(including destroyer ki)
[all bloodlines multiplied by 300x!]
r.o.b.:oh yah,forgot to give you a heads up,you have really wanting to go to that yakusoku no neverland verse,but it's not that interesting,so i'm going to forcefully put you into the naruto verse
leon:what about the kids?!
r.o.b.:fuck them kids!norman got that shit handled!
leon:ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!fine!if i go to naruto,can it wait until i meet kirishima?i wanna try dating,as a girl,ya know?
r.o.b.:yeah yeah,kid,bye
>[blessing mastered!]
>[blessing multiplied!]
next chapter we meet the cast of ua,i will focus mostly on kirishima,and in succubus form mc is pink in skin color,has purple hair,dark blue eyes with gray pupils,big akeno sized breasts,and a medium sized ass,can't forget the aura,every man will want her,izuku included.
anywho,i choose to still go to the yakusoku no neverland verse,narutoverse will be next,then the harry potter verse,she will be wandless,and with the copy and past-i mean copy and multiply,she will be the greatest witch in existence.(in naruto will be the greatest kunoichi)