
This Story is about a boy that's looking for his purpose while also battling conflicting feelings about the human race.

We will start from the beginning….

One day there was a child and his father training in front of his home, his father teaching him how to use magic and In this world everything is ruled my magic.

"Father this is to hard I can't concentrate"

(Child's voice)

" Because your not feeling the flow of mana in and outside of your body you have to feel."

(Middle aged man's voice)

" Honey he's only 12 he isn't going to get it on his first try."

(Women's voice)

This Drake family the 12 year old boy is Dracul the middle aged man is his father Tatsuya and the woman is his mother Hiroko, but this wasn't an ordinary family the father who's the King of the mighty Dragon race and his mother who's the queen of the Celestial Spirit race so in turn that makes dracul half dragon and half celestial the two strongest race in the world of Aria.

"Mother can your teach me spirit magic it's easier than dragon lighting magic" (Dracul)

"Ill have you know it took me til I was 16 to have full control over my spirit magic" (Hiroko)

"I was 14 when I had full mastery over my dragon lighting magic" (Tatsuya)

Then 6 months go by and now Dracul is have mastered spirit magic at the age of 12 while he is still lacking in his dragon lighting magic is is proficient enough to use tier 3 spells. In this world of magic everything is split up into tier and whatever race you are highly determines your tier.

Such as…..

Tier system

Humans-Max tier 50 with certain conditions met they can go beyond to tier 55

Dwarves-Max tier 80 with certain conditions met they can go beyond to tier 85

Beastman-Max tier 100 with certain conditions met they can go beyond to tier 105

Elves-Max tier 300 with certain conditions met they can go beyond to tier 350

Demons-Max tier 600 with certain conditions met they can go beyond to tier 650

Dragons-Max tier 900 with certain conditions met they can go beyond to tier 950

Celestials-Max tier 1000+++ never stop getting tiers

Everything is determined by your tier but the race who stacks everything on tiers is the human race who are greedy and take what they can't have because humans are the weakest race is the world and only make up 20% of the world.


One day while Dracul's mother went to the market for food she was taken by humans and their church seen her as their goddess and forced her to do things like kill "sinners" for their wrong doings in the name of the goddess the empire was called the Draterra Empire who worship the goddess of light and peace. And than dracul's father enraged and ended of destroying the empire but while destroying the empire he accidentally killed his own wife so when he returned he couldn't take what he done and took his own life but not without leaving someone behind that was dracul and when the kingdom of the dragons caught wind and the celestial race also caught wind the both went to see what the commotion was they ended up finding dracul with all his fathers belongings and curled up next to his dead body zyndrahr of the dragons and Crista found their "Prince of both their races and decided to train him since he already mastered spirit magic he needs to master his dragon lighting magic which only a certain few can so he spent 3 years mastering his dragon lighting magic and now it's fully mastered.

"Prince dracul let me ask you to you know the 7 deadly sins" (dragon elder)

"Yes I do father told be stories how he conquered the forest of wrath" (dracul)

"Very well your father instructed us to make you conquer the forest of and get the sword crafted from one of your fathers scales the swords name is TENGOKU which means heaven"

AC/ I'm not going to write is a correct way so if you see things that look out of line then you can drop the story of keep reading I'm not forcing you to stay.