[Crista and zen can you come down there was a problem?]asked dracul

[we are coming your highness.]said zyndrahr

Then out of thin air two beings suddenly appear they were zyndrahr and Crista.

"Who are they are the bad people?" Said Sakura nervously.

"No they are my butler and betrothed the one with green hair is zyndrahr but you can call him zen the lady in white with blonde hair is Crista she my betrothed" said dracul with a a nonchalant tone

"Drac is that how you're going to introduce your soon to be wife?"crista said whit a pouting face

"Crista how many times have I told you to stop calling me drac" said dracul with a tick mark on his forehead.

"But the nickname I came up with is cute don't you think zen"asked Crista

"You're and supposed to call him your highness he's a prince of both out races and the most talented of them too."said zyndrahr

"Crista you can use the rapier right"asked dracul

"Yes but why do you ask you use a katana."said Crista

" let me Introduce you both to Sakura she's from the 9 tailed fox race and was chased my humans and was going to be sold into slavery"said dracul as he introduced Sakura

"HUMANS"said said Crista with bloodlust in her voice.

Her hair was floating and cracks where forming on the ground

"Crista calm down they are dead see look behind you" said dracul as he hugged her and stroked her hair to calm her down.

"Sorry drac you know how I feel about humans they took our queen away it just pisses me off"sad Crista" drac why are humans so greedy?"asked Crista ( Crista is older then dracul she is 115 which is 15 in celestial years she looks like she's in her 20s she stop aging at 25)

"Because they are weak the only strong humans are the apostles and if they are lucky then a demigod but that's highly unlikely"said dracul

"Ok so your name is Sakura I'm sorry if I scared you hehe"said Crista with a giggle.

"Nice to meet you are you the one dracul was talking about are you gonna teach me"asked Sakura

"Well it depends why do you want to get stronger if I don't like your answer I'm not teaching you"said Crista with a nonchalant tone

"I was to get back to my home protect My people from those filthy humans and I need to get stronger I'm only tier 35 but I with not give up" said Sakura with a determined look in her eyes

"Ok I'll train you but under one condition you with never betray drac's trust if you do I'll kill you myself"said Crista with a disgusted look on her face

"I'll never do such a thing I own him and I don't want to drag him down so I want to get stronger so thank you do the opportunity" said Sakura with a a nervous tone.

"Ok I'll train you every single day until you can beat me which will never happen"said Crista with a playful tone

"Ok zen and Crista take Sakura I have to get fathers sword"commanded dracul

"As you wish your highness let's go ladies" said zyndrahr as they all teleported away (Crista grabbed Sakura and teleported away with her)

'Now time to get the strongest sword on the planet' said dracul with a grin as he rushed through the forest

Dracul encountered demonic beast along the way and dealt with them no he's in front of a door

Dracul walks forward and opens the door and waves of mana storms out and in the middle of the room was a sword the ground but he looks up and sees two big red eyes with vertical slits in them

'Is that a wyvern sorry excuse of a dragon' thought dracul and his bloodlust leaked out

"Eyes of truth"


Name: jackel





(Eyes of truth is a skill celestials can use it tell the user the details and shows the truth and details of a being it's an active and passive skill the active part shows detail of a being and the passive let's you tell when someone is lying)

"What is a lesser species doing guarding fathers sword"

"Father so you're the kings offspring he told my to tell you something when you made it here"and jackel

"What did he say tell me" said dracul with a annoyed tone

"You have to defeat me and claim the sword then I'll tell you the message he gave me"said jackel as he released his bloodlust

"Fine" said dracul as he unsheathed his sword from his back( he has his sword like sasuke's on is back)

'So that fathers sword over there i my instincts tell me to run but it's also calling to me like it wants we to have it I'll use e.o.t'

[A/N: E.O.T= eyes of truth]







'The tier and the race are are blocked out it's that strong an i able to use it?' Thought dracul

Dracul got a his stance and said "let Dance"

[A/N: just to let you know if you use your weapon for a long time it will gain intelligence but it's hard your sword has to see battle for hundreds of years for it to get intelligence and as for why race was"???" You with find out on the next episode of dragon ball z kai 😂😂]