As far as dates go, it honestly wasn't that bad. We both deserve Oscars for our performances. In terms of content, it was a standard getting to know you kind of date. We walked, talked, got lunch, did a little shopping, and strolled through the park.
The raven-haired beauty was quite cute in her little black skirt and cardigan. When I took her hand, she blushed, and I laughed and twirled her around. If there had been music, I would have even danced with her. Lucky for her, there wasn't, and I didn't. I never was a very good dancer. Maybe I should buy a 'dance' ability at some point so I can dance with my girls.
As the sun was setting, we arrived at the fountain, just like in the anime. Yuuma was smiling, and I was starting to wonder if she actually meant it. Maybe the sociopathic sadist Raynare is more an act than she let on. Like she's psyching herself up to be a villain. No point taking the chance, though. There's only one way tonight is going to end.
"I had lots of fun today," Yuuma says.
"Me too. I hope we can do it again sometime."
She jogs up to the fountain. Here we go. "Hey, Issei-kun..." she says. Then, turning to face me, she starts edging her way back over. "To celebrate our first date, will you do me a favor?"
"I suppose that depends on the favor."
Her cute face twists into a sadistic leer, and her innocent black eyes show casual malice. "Would you drop dead for me?"
"Been there. Not interested."
Oblivious to my actual statement, she leans in more and whispers, "Would you drop dead for me?"
"My answer hasn't changed."
She leaps back into a transformation scene. But, you know, while still somewhat impressive to see, and of course, her body is immaculate, it's the camera angles and kinetic action that make those scenes hot. Once done, the doe-eyed beauty is gone, and the bondage Barbie with a feather fetish is what remains.
"I did have fun. Although our time together was short. Dating someone like you- a naive child. And this thing you bought me- I'll treasure it forever. So..." she says, red energy forming between her hands forms a javelin of solid light. "Drop dead for me."
She stabs forward and penetrates my chest... well, the chest of my after image.
"What?!" she yells, confused about where I went. It would be rude not to enlighten her. Kicking her feet out from under her, I grab the back of her neck with my right hand and drive her to the ground. Twisting, I drop a knee into the small of her back, use my other leg to pin her left arm, and grab hold of her left-wing with the Boosted Gear.
"AH! Let... go of me, you bastard."
"Oh, sweetie. Don't be so cruel. Although, now that I think about it, there is a definite possibility that dad never married my moms before I was born. But that's a question for another day. So, for now, only one question really matters. Do you surrender yourself to me?"
"Never! I would rather die than surrender to you," she says with lots of bravado. I release her neck and pull my newly redesigned Brynhildr and drive into the ground inches in front of her eyes.
"Are you sure?" I lean in to ask, stretching her raven wing hard against what passes for a joint. "Death is so... final. For you anyway. Anyone killed with this sword has their soul sheared apart and added to my power. No heaven, no hell, not even oblivion."
Okay, so I'm bull shitting here. Stretching the truth at the very least, but she's scared and probably isn't paying too much attention as she can probably feel Brynhildr's aura and thinking that it might be true. Her eyes tell the tale of desperation and fear. She'll surrender.
"Please, I know I said mean things, but it's my duty as a fallen angel," she says in her Yuuma voice. She can't transform because I'm holding her down.
"Drop the act, Raynare. Surrender and live, or keep playing games and find out."
"H-how do you know my name?"
"I looked you up—final chance. Surrender," I say, pulling back Brynhildr.
She swallows and finally goes limp. "I surrender."
I had copied Mio's Servant pact before I left the house this morning. So as long as I don't copy something else or paste, I have one in the chamber. A Master-Servant pact seal appears around her throat, and a sigil glows green on the back of my hand. I release Raynare and sit back on the edge of the fountain.
"You should probably show your submission and kiss the back of my hand now. It's for your own good," I say, expecting some futile act of betrayal.
And I'm not disappointed. Raynare throws herself into the air and conjures two light javelins, the pact mark burning hot pink. She draws back to throw the javelins, and her eyes go wide in panic as the curse takes over. Her weapons flicker out, and her body seizes, dropping like a stone. Being a gentleman and not wanting to see a lady bruised, I, of course, move to catch her in a princess carry.
Her body is on fire, metaphorically, but she is really hot in multiple ways. "Wh-what's hap-happening to me?" she asks.
"You silly girl. You've activated the Master-Servant curse. Now you will have to suffer the consequences."
"Wh-why do I... f-feel like this?"
"Because the Master-Servant pact is based around a succubus's magic. Therefore the curse is the curse of the succubus."
Her flushed face goes liquid-paper white, and panic fully sets in. "No! Don't! Stay-"
"Raynare!" I say. She shuts up. "It isn't me. I'm not going to do a thing to you unless you let me. You're going to have to satisfy the pact and the curse with your subservience."
"I submit! I swear, I submit!"
I look at her with a sad expression. "Do you really think you can convince ancient magic like that? It's not something you can lie to. It's part of you now. It knows your heart. Black as that might be."
If she were human, she'd be hyperventilating. I truly don't like to see her this way. There are very few people I'd want to see this way. I know she planned to kill me, but I didn't say I was always logical.
'What's wrong?' Ddraig asks.
'I know, she's evil, but it still rubs me the wrong way to reduce a woman to this. It's a character flaw of mine. A guy would not get nearly as much sympathy from me. It's sexist, I'm sure, but I can't help it,' I think. 'Don't worry, I won't risk myself or those I care about, but it still upsets me. Makes me feel like the bad guy.'
'Sometimes, you have to be the bad guy,' Ddraig says.
'Yeah, I know. But, that doesn't mean I have to like it.'
'That just means you're not a total scumbag.'
'Thanks... I think.'
I start walking, and Raynare jerks in my arms. "Where are we going?"
I look down at her panicked eyes and then away. "I've rented a room in a hotel nearby. I thought something like this might happen, and I have no intention of letting others see you in this state."
"Wh-why are you doing this?" she asks.
I take a deep breath and let out a sigh. "Because the world is filled with stories, and I don't like the way yours ends," I say and look her in the eyes. "So, I'm changing it."
I made sure no one saw us enter the hotel. Raynare couldn't take her Yuuma form, so I wrapped her in a blanket I'd placed in my Pocket Dimension. Like a certain caped crusader, I believe in always being prepared. I even keep shark repellant on hand. Just kidding... or am I?
I lay Raynare on the bed and go into the bathroom to get a cool cloth. Then, walking back over to her, I sit on the edge of the bed as she watches me warily, perspiration on her brow and breast, breath coming in shuddering pants. "W-what are you doing?"
I hold up the damp cloth. "Just to wipe the dirt and sweat off your face, alright?"
She looks like she's about to reject, but a bead of sweat runs into her eye, and she grudgingly nods. Once I'm done wiping her face, I look into her pleading eyes and brush my thumb across her upper lip. "You know what has to be done, Raynare. I won't do it for you."
"I-I can't. I won't. N-not with a lowly human," she says.
"Is that what's bothering you?" I ask, feigning incredulity. "Tsk. Do you still think I'm just a human? Even if I was, I managed to put you down in a split second. Your pride is what got you into this situation, to begin with."
"Y-you're not human?"
"Don't worry about that?" I ask. Snapping my fingers to get her attention. "Focus. Let go of your false pride. Think about why you are here. About what you can do to redeem yourself."
I stand up and walk over to a chair on the other side of the room. I spin it around and sit facing the fallen angel. I still feel wrong for doing it this way, but the alternative isn't better. Why do angels fall? Because they commit some sin, right? I wonder which she fell for? I'll bet dollars to donuts that it was pride.
'What'll happen if she doesn't break?' Ddraig asks.
'If I had to guess, one of two things. Either her mind will shut down to protect itself, and she'll enter a catatonic state, or she'll break the Master-Servant pact, and we'll have to start all over, but I don't think that will be a problem. When the chips are down, she'll throw away her pride to save her life.'
'I suppose that's true...'
'Did you have another question?'
'You seem... good at this.'
'Pfft. You flatter me, but I'm a rank amateur. As the Red Dragon Empress of Domination, you know there are people much better at this than I am. I just wouldn't want to be one of them. I'm making it up as I go. She's a pretty easy mark, really. The giant chip on her shoulder makes it easier to manipulate her. If I was less scrupulous, she'd already have broken, but I don't want her broken. I want her molded into a being that can exist alongside us.'
'So, is there a reason you cleaned her up then?'
'I have an ability that heightens the pleasure of my touch. I wanted her to know that I can scratch that itch she is feeling.'
'And mentioning that you may not be human?'
'Supplying her fodder for the excuses she's going to make for why she'll eventually submit.'
'That's ...'
'Manipulative? Awful?'
'A good strategy. You must remember, Issei, these are not innocent mortals you're dealing with. They are powers in their own right that would have no qualms about crushing you or those you care about. Only by exerting your dominance can you protect those you care for.'
'As though I'm not manipulating them too. I get what you mean, though. I just don't want to cross a line and become something I'd regret.'
"I-Is-Issei-kun?" Raynare calls out, sounding like her Yuuma voice.
"Issei-kun isn't here right now, Raynare," I call back coldly.
"P-Please! Help me. Make it stop!" She's rolling on the bed, which is pretty impressive with the wings.
"Only you can make it stop, Raynare," my voice flat and emotionless.
A few minutes later and she's already soaked the sheet and thrown all the bedding on the floor. What passed for clothing is torn and discarded, her fingers are sticky with fluids from digging in her pussy. She pants like a bitch in heat, tongue lolling out in full ahegao, but no matter what she does, relief isn't coming. She's burning up; I can practically see her breath steaming out of her mouth. She stares at me with glazed heavy-lidded eyes, begging me to relieve her.
"I-Issei-kun!" she whines.
"Issei isn't here right now."
"A good master helps those servants who help themselves."
"Issei isn't here right now," I say with finality glaring at her.
Eventually, the stubborn girl pulls herself off the bed, falling limply to the floor, too weak to stand. Then, shakily she pulls herself to her knees and crawls over to me, raven wings limp and listless, dragging behind her.
"Mh..." she starts. "M-ma-master, puh-please, help me. I-I can't take it anymore. I'm losing my mind."
'Oh, please. That was lost long before this evening,' Ddraig snipes. I can't help but agree with her. This is definitely going to be a game of 'Sticking it in the Crazy,' but there was always something about Raynare that I liked. Maybe I'm more sadistic than I want to admit, but breaking this fallen angel down and remaking her has a certain appeal.
I look down at her eyes, pools of liquid night, and I drop my voice an octave. "You understand the nature of the curse, and you understand the severity of your betrayal. Only you can atone for your sins. Only you can seek forgiveness."
'I'm really getting a lot of mileage out of the Mask of Thespis ability.'
Raynare thought for a moment, eyes blinking as one coherent thought trips through her mind. Then, licking her lips, she pulled herself up my legs and knelt in front of me. Her face a picture of despair torn between pride and torment, the never-ending need of the curse. The face, the wings, the corrupted innocence, the sensuality of it all is utterly breathtaking. I wish I could take a picture of this, but it would fuck up the mood.
Her hands clutch at my pant legs. Eventually, she comes to her decision. Her hands move to my belt, and I lean back, resting my chin on my hand. Finally, she manages the buckle and the button and slid my pants and boxers partway down my leg freeing my cock. She jerks back in surprise as the engorged member nearly slaps her in the face. Well, I am part dragon, after all.
I'm running two weeks of being blue balled by a demon lord and a succubus, so reaching an erect state with a gorgeous, fully naked, literal angel, admittedly fallen, kneeling in front of me. I'm a man, not made of stone, despite all evidence to the contrary.
I really can't blame Mio and Maria, especially Maria; she wanted to help relieve my condition, but I've got a plan, and I'm sticking with it. Admittedly, it's a masochistic plan, but it's healthier for those two. This one, however, her mental health might be improved by a good hard fuck.
Raynare hesitates for a moment before reaching out to touch me. Her fingers shaking, she slowly wraps them around the beast in front of her. Her hand moves hesitantly back and forth along the shaft. She's... awful at this. Absolutely no technique, just a limp effort.
"First time?" I ask.
"Of course, it is," she says, a little angry. Understandable. I basically called her an amateur. "I was an angel, not a whore."
I shrug and sling some bullshit. "True. Whores get paid. Angels were made to serve without complaint and are cast out if they disobey or even question. It's in their very nature to serve their master, and when they refuse, they suffer. As you are right now, it is as you were made. Angels need someone to serve; without guidance and purpose, they whither and become twisted."
She frowns. "Or are you going to tell me that your edge-lord pseudo-S&M cosplay is the same as when you served in Heaven? Please, it's so obvious that you're overcompensating. You're like a petulant child acting out because daddy grounded you," I say in a bland voice, and she blushes as her limp attempt at a handjob continues.
"You know, this false submission will not fool the curse," I say. "It will keep growing until either your mind can't take it anymore, and you lose yourself in lust, or you willingly submit to your master."
"W-well, what should I do?!" she cries, tears edging her eyes—frustration overwhelming her pride.
I caress her hair, guiding her closer to me. "Shh... Relax, Raynare. The problem is you aren't committed to what you are supposed to do. You haven't submitted. You're just going through the motions of what you think it wants."
"But-" she starts.
I place a finger on her lips, halting her words. "Shh... I will guide you."
I reach into Pocket Dimension and pull out a bottle, "Sit up higher and cup your breasts. Push them together."
She hesitates for a second. "Do you want help or not?" I ask.
She slumps briefly and pushes herself upright on her knees, cupping her breast and pushing them together. I snap the bottle open and squeeze a slightly viscous gel across her breasts. "Rub your tits and spread that around. Make sure to get it thoroughly between them."
She moves her hands over and around her breast, coating them with the lubricant. Her eyelids flutter, and her body shakes from the sensation. "Why... does this feel... so weird?"
"Don't worry; it's just a warming lubricant. Nothing dangerous," I say and lean back to give her easier access. "Now, I want you to wrap your tits around my cock, squeeze them together, and rub them up and down over it. Do you think you can you do that?"
"O-of course, I can. I'm n-not an idiot," she snips but does as she's told.
As she moves, I desperately want to play with her nipples. Pinch them, knead the warm flesh of her breasts, take over and fuck her tits, but I restrain myself. She has to do it. She has to feel the pleasure of pleasuring her master. It's cheating, but the ability Reciprocal Ardor is perfect for this kind of training. The better she does, the better she feels. The more she wants to please me.
"That's nice, but I think you can do better. Really squeeze your tits around my rod and move a bit faster," I say. Honestly, it's an amazing feeling, her breasts, just a little smaller than Mio's, are firm enough to apply pressure but soft enough to feel like I'm being buried in them. The lube applies a warming sensation that is a contrast to the feel of her breath when the tip slides free from her plush mountains of pleasure.
She pants, her breath coming roughly, as her body jerks back and forth quickly, trying desperately to satisfy the curse. It's cute how amateurish she really is at this. "You know, you don't have to move your whole body. You can just move your tits, slide them back and forth with your hands, alternate their movements sometimes, get creative," She slows, looking embarrassed. Gradually, she readjusts, and her face settles inches from the tip.
Her eyes are getting that glazed look. It's the same thing that happened to Mio and Maria, my pleasure is rebounding on her, and with the addition of the curse, her body has already triggered several small orgasms. "Oh, it looks like you wiped off some of the lube there. Why don't you add a little saliva to the mix? I leave it to you how you want to apply it."
At first, she just lets her tongue loll out and drools on the head of my penis, but another wave of orgasm hits, and her body lurches forward, sliding her tongue along the head and frenulum. A jolt of pleasure rockets through me, and I nearly cum. A small gasp escaping my mouth, but it's nothing compared to the reaction that Raynare has. She groans as her body snaps up rigid, bowing back, her wings flare behind her, and a veritable flood of fluids stream down her legs into a puddle on the floor beneath her.
A moment later, still shaking from with aftershocks of her first full body orgasm, Raynare's resistance has started to fragment. Confusion and longing war within her eyes. The curse is pressing her forward, but the fear is holding her back. If she gives in, what will happen to her. I see the shift in her eyes, the crumbling of the wall, the curse becoming more demanding by the second. In a last bid for some measure of control, she surrenders to her desire and tries to mount me.
But before her leg can fully extend, my gauntlet-clad hand grabs her by the throat. I stand, lifting her off the floor, feet dangling, and march us to the bed, pinning her down. It's probably a good thing she can't see the awkward position my pants are in as I surreptitiously slide them the rest of the way down while locking her gaze with mine.
"You," I snarl. "Have not earned that. Do you truly think I want your lowly self straddling me like some animal?"
I mean, I do. I really do. Like seeing those tits bounce above me while hearing those moans and feeling that wet tightness. It's a beautiful picture. Yeah. I really want that. Stupid fucking question. But I can't let her, right now. This is a dominance thing. She is on the bottom. No question. Even if I prefer a little cowgirl action, I can't let her ride this ride... yet. But the view really would be amazing.
"Who. Am. I?" I ask, channeling as much draconian fury as I can.
She looks around in a panic, trying to think of what the answer I want is.
"Who am I?!"
"Is that a fucking question?!" I roar. God, I hope these are thick walls.
"No! No, master!"
God damn, this is cringy. I hope I don't have to play this role forever. It would be exhausting. All to try to untwist an evil sadistic cunt, so that I can eventually have a three-way with her eating Asia's pussy while I fuck her in the ass.
"And what are you?"
"I-I am... your servant," she says, the last flame of defiance dying with her admission. I release her and step back.
"And what should a good servant be doing, right now?" I ask and pull off my shirt, revealing my toned and scarred body.
Raynare slides off the bed once more and crawls the few feet over to me. Raising to her knees, she runs her hands up my thighs. A pleasant feeling. She sees it now. That small amount of pleasure from her hands on my thighs rebounded and struck her as well. The moment of realization dawns, and her hands caress my cock, sending a shudder running through her sensitive body.
She brings her tongue to the head of my rod, but I reach out and grab her by the hair, jerking her head back. Then, looking into her eyes, I ask one more time. "Who am I?"
"Whose master?"
"My master. You are my master."
"And what does that make you?"
"I am- I am your servant."
I lean back and pull her head forward, sliding her warm, wet mouth over my thick shaft. "Then... serve."