"Did you know this little kitten and I share a surname?" I say softly, looking up at the now smiling Akeno and Rias. They shake their heads, an odd sense of peace about them. "Maybe it means nothing, but who knows, maybe she's a long-lost cousin from my dad's long-lost brother or something. It's one of those grey areas in the story. Coincidence? Maybe it means something. Maybe it doesn't."
I don't remember having a loli fetish in my previous life, so I'm blaming my desire to cuddle the girls like Maria and Koneko on one of the characters with which I've fuzed. With Maria, I thought it was the succubus wing-man thing, but now I'm questioning myself. Kittenish Koneko is just too cute for words. Maybe I'll have a sub-harem of adorable legal lolis. Hmmm. I wonder if Hestia and Liliruka are in Orario? Mmm... Haruhime. Wait, she's not a loli.
I shake my head lightly to clear the thoughts but not wake up Koneko. "Ahem. So, where were we?"
"I believe we were going to discuss our alliance; you said you could help significantly strengthen my peerage, but you never told me exactly how or what you want in return. Perhaps we can start there?"
I nod, acknowledging the topic at hand. "There are a lot of ways I can help, but they all have an associated cost in one way or another. Such as with Mio, Maria, and now Yuuma-chan, we have a Master-Servant pact between us. Through submission, all parties become stronger. The more parties involved, the more power. The deeper the commitment and trust between parties, the greater the effect," I say.
Their hesitance is palpable. I hold up my hand. "Now, the Testament can be withdrawn on the full moon, and with it the benefits, but..." I say, waiting to continue until I see them lean in. "I have an ability that grants significant mutual growth when two or more people engage in carnal pleasures. The catch is there needs to be a preexisting conduit between the parties to facilitate the growth, i.e., a magical pact or testament. The upside is that this growth is permanent even if the pact becomes invalid."
They both stare at me slack-jawed. Rias recovers first while Akeno seems to be drooling slightly. "W-what are you? Some kind of incubus?" Rias asks.
"Oh! No. No, I think my abilities were affected by Maria's powers when she initiated the original pact between Mio and me. In fact, I have developed another ability that would allow me to augment your powers and abilities directly, but that requires a specific form of energy that once again relates back to carnal pleasures."
Okay, so I'm spewing nonsense right now, but it sounded good in my head, and it pushes my agenda forward a little more.
"Directly how, exactly?" Rias asks with a frown.
"Well, let's take Akeno here," I say.
"What!? Now?" Akeno says, shocked out of her daze, a blaze of red spreading across her face. "I-I'm not ready. It's too soon."
I blink. Rias blinks. If Koneko was awake, I'm sure she'd say something like, "Pervert."
"No, Miss Himejima, I don't mean that. I just meant as an example. You have magic related to the elements. If I were to put that talent on a game scale, it would be around a C-rank currently. Over time this will probably improve though I don't know exactly how much, possibly up to A-rank or higher. I can, right now, improve you to B-rank, and your elemental magic will be significantly stronger. I could also create an ability within you to augment your innate control of the elements. Allowing for more precise manipulation.
You also have another divine element from your bloodline, Holy Lightning, or as I like to think of it, the Smite Button. This is already at an A-rank, but because your bloodline is slightly suppressed by being a devil, you are currently only able to exhibit it as a B-rank. I currently can't improve the actual ability but, I could create a workaround to remove the suppression or, if I get creative enough, something more impressive.
This doesn't take the need to practice away though, these are all abilities to help or to push you beyond what someone at your level can achieve, but you still have to refine these abilities and your combat ability through training. And, of course, these all cost that energy. That energy is tied into my life force, so I call it LP, or Life Points."
"H-how do you know about all this?" Akeno asks.
"Well, a lot of it is from what I described before. I also have an ability that helps discern the nature of things. The fact that you're here tells me that there is a good chance that your history is the same as it is in the vision." Television, that is.
"What about me?" Rias asks.
"You are a bit more complicated as your specialty is your Power of Destruction. That's a bar too high for me to reach... right now. As I get stronger, I'll be able to affect more." Once I figure out a good way to advance Edit, Get Creative, and Bestow. "For now, as long as the power or ability comes in below S-ranked, I should be able to help you out. For a price, of course."
"So, I get this for the women of the group, but what about the men?" Aken asks. "Ara ara, you don't swing both ways, do you?" A twinkle developing in her eye.
"One. Get that thought out of your mind. I'm sorry to say, but no, I don't switch hit. Two. I can still use the last option to create abilities to augment their powers, but someone else will have to help me gather the requisite LP."
"So, for the 'LP' gathering, it isn't tied to a specific person, but a pool then?" Rias asks.
"Correct. If you and Akeno are willing to spend an entire night helping me gather LP, I am more than willing to help Kiba or Gasper. I doubt either of them would be comfortable with the whole 'carnal desires' portion of the other abilities," I say, chuckling.
Both girls turn pink again. "Actually, Kiba would probably be okay with it," Rias says.
"And Gasper might not object as well. We're not sure," Akeno finishes.
"Wait... Is Kiba gay?" I ask. "That would explain so much. I always thought he was a eunuch or something."
The three of us just look at each other. "Well, either way, I'm not comfortable with it. So, it won't work. Like I said, if someone else is willing to help out, I'll happily add abilities to them."
"So, by 'help out,' you mean... sex, right?" Rias asks.
"Ah, not necessarily sex, per se. Sex would probably get us the best bang for our buck, no pun intended, but I'd call it... satisfying intimate contact. Take Koneko here," I say, looking down at the kitten as her eyes open. I felt the change in her breathing a moment earlier when I was explaining about 'Get Creative' and 'Bestow.' "Just sitting here stroking her hair was so intimately satisfying that I gained several hundred LP."
"Really!?" Rias says. "Just that. Is several hundred a lot?"
I shake my head. "Not really, but it's enough to create a low-ranking ability and confer it onto her," I say. Turning back to Koneko, I smile warmly. "So, how about it? Would you like something small, maybe a minor tweak to your abilities or something? If it isn't too much, I can do it."
She thinks for a moment. "Can you...mm-m-m-m-mm," she mumbles the last part so much I can't hear it.
"I'm sorry, can you repeat that?"
"Can you... make my breasts grow bigger?"
If a pin dropped, you could hear it. My first thought, 'But I like my little loli just the way she is.'
But this isn't about me. "You know, you're beautiful just the way you are, right?"
"I want to look more mature. Only perverts want to date me now because I look so young. Buncha loli-cons."
Okay, so only a small knife to the heart, but still. I sigh. "I was going to say that I'd date you, but that wouldn't change the validity of your statement. Although I don't count myself as a loli-con, I see where you're coming from. Why your boobs, though? You could have asked to be taller, you know?"
She looks down a moment and then shakes her head. "Mm. No, I want bigger boobs."
"Okay. Your body, your choice, but so all your fans don't lynch me, I'm only going to increase them one bust size, alright?" I say. She thinks about that and then nods. "Anyway, if I made them too big, it would throw off your balance."
I used 'Get Creative' and 'Bestow' to add the E-ranks ability, Bust Up, to Koneko. Her cup size increased from an A to a B. A difference of about three centimeters. She could up it by one more if she concentrates, but I'll let her get used to this before bringing that up.
She looks down and, smiling, cups her covered breasts. She looks at Rias. "It worked. Can we go shopping?"
We all get a chuckle out of that. "In a little while, we need to finish the meeting first. Why don't you go and examine your assets in the mirror in the bathroom?" Rias says.
Koneko nods. "Mm." she jumps off my lap but stops and turns to me before she leaves. She jumps back up, wraps her arms around my neck, and plants a light peck on my cheek. "Thank you." Then she jumps off again and runs towards the bathroom.
I turn back to Rias; my mood is even more elevated than before. "So, other than my abilities, I'm also a trained warrior from the Hero Clan; what they didn't teach me, my dad did. I'm willing to help with many things, from patrolling the city to answering contracts, and I can even help you find and recruit more peerage members since Mio, Maria, and I can't join. In fact, I already have one in mind for a bishop for you, but we'll save that for later."
Rias and Akeno raise an eyebrow each. "This all sounds wonderful but, what is it you expect to get back from us?"
"Well, depending on how much you want from my abilities, I will definitely need help gaining LP, but in a more normal sense... I want Akeno, specifically-"
"Ara ara," she says, perking up. I hold back a chuckle.
"I'd like you, Akeno, to help train Mio in magic. Maria has done a good job with the fundamentals, and Mio has a lot of power and talent, but her control isn't what it needs to be. I think you're the best candidate to whip her into shape."
"Oh, my. That's my specialty," she says.
"I'm sure. Rias, I was also hoping you could use your connections in the underworld to help us out. Information on the interested parties would be ideal. Also, I know you have some powerful people who might be able to identify Maria and Mio's hidden lineage. If we could get a bead on what other surprises may come from that, it would be great."
"You can't identify it?"
"No, it's too powerful for my ability right now. It's like staring at the sun with no sunglasses. It also wasn't an issue in the vision as it was irrelevant. Now though, it could be a problem waiting to happen."
"I'll contact some people."
"Other than that, I'd like us to be friends. Work together, train together, and have each others' back when problems come along," I say. "Speaking of problems, there is a serious one in the wind. One of the leaders of the Grigori wants to restart the war based on some non-sense supremacy shit. The other leaders are aware of his position, but not that he's planning something. His plan involves kicking off the war by killing you and Sona Sitri and presenting your heads to your respective sis-con siblings. I want to kill him just based on that idea, and I've only just met you. Your brother would probably vaporize a city to make sure he died for it."
"Do you know when?" Rias asks, trying to look calm and failing.
"In theory, not for a while. We should be able to deal with the other issue before that problem comes about. It's one reason I went after Yuuma and am going after the rest of the fallen angels in the area. I've killed one, claimed one, and anticipate claiming the other two in the next couple of weeks."
I wait a moment before continuing. "I've given you a lot to think about. Let's pick this up tomorrow at my place. You can all come, and I'll make us dinner. That way, you can meet Mio and Maria officially, and they can be filled in on the particulars. Have you told the rest of your peerage about..."
Rias shook her head. "Well, alright. I'll see you tomorrow."
The two girls were lost in thought and obviously stressing. Before I closed the door, I call back. "Have another cupcake. It'll help you relax."
I closed the door and walked back to the school to pay a quick visit to my favorite school nurse, a box of cupcakes appearing in my hand.
The school was getting ready to close up for the night, clubs were getting out, and students are on their way home. The hall outside the nurses' office is empty, but the light is still on, so I open the door and walk inside.
"Miss Hasegawa, are you still here? I've brought something for you," I call out.
"Cooommming," a cheerful voice calls, sounding exactly like how you'd imaging the person it's attached to sounds. Tall, blonde, and beautiful with milk chocolate eyes and a chest that would be causing her severe back problems if this were not a magical world. Her figure is similar to Akeno's, amazing, but she's a little taller. And I recognize her. Shizuka Marikawa. I was hoping she would be here.
"Hi there, are you not feeling well? School's almost out, so unless it's serious, you should probably just head home," she says in her bubbly voice. She's so cute. It's almost mind-numbing.
"No, I'm fine. Miss Hasegawa helped me out the other day, and I made some cupcakes, so I thought I'd bring some as a thank you," I said
"Oh, that is so sweet. Miss Hasegawa went out for a bit, but her jacket is still here, so I think she'll be coming back. Would you like to wait?"
Don't mind if I do. "That would be great," I say. "Hey, I've got an entire box of cupcakes here. Would you like to try one? Not to brag, but I'm quite the baker."
"Hmm. I don't know. I'm trying to watch my figure," she says. Me too, Shizuka. Me too.
"Oh, please. With your figure, you could eat the entire box and still be gorgeous. One won't hurt."
As far as I can tell, all weight has bypassed the typical trouble spots and gone straight to the tits.
"Well, alright, but just one," she says, picking one from the box. Biting into it, the effect is immediate. Her pupils dilate, nipples stiffen to the point that they're clearly visible under her shirt, her cheeks flush, and she lets out a sensual moan.
Reaching out, she pushes me back a step onto one of the beds and flops down next to me. She turns to me and places a hand on my chest. "These are amaazzzing," she says and then pauses to run her hand over the muscles in my chest and arm. "These are amazing too. You have a wonderful body."
"W-why thank you, ma'am." What the hell? Is it more effective because she's a normal human, or is she just like this in general? I remember in the anime her flirting with two main guys while drunk, but she barely had a bite of the cupcake.
She leans back a bit. "You can call me Shizuka. Shizuka Markikawa. I'm the other school nurse besides Chisato," she says. Taking another bite, she moans some more. "This is soooo good. All I need now is a drink and a massage, and my day will be the best."
I set the box down and shift around to a chair opposite her and reach for her leg. "I can't help you with the drink, at least the kind you were talking about, but I give a pretty good massage." Before I touch her leg, I look her in the eyes and ask, "May I?"
She looks a bit torn at first but then bites her lip and nods. I take her calf in hand and raise her leg up before removing her pump and placing her foot on the seat between my legs. Starting with my thumbs on either side of her tibia, I run my finger up the back of her leg to the knee and then back down to the base of her heel. A slight tremor follows my movement and her groan becomes even more erotic.
I bring my thumb around to her arch and dig into the meat of the sole of her foot, and the slight tremor has graduated to a full-body convulsion. She falls back on the bed; the cupcake is forgotten. That's okay; she ate most of it, and her skirt has ridden up to reveal the thong beneath. It's a good day.
I work her foot until the moans become virtual screams and the sheets on the bed are soaked with Shizuka's arousal. A squirt and the violent undulations of her chest let me know when she's climaxed, though I would have known even if I didn't see that because-
"Cuuummming!" her high strained voice screams out. Her foot jerks out of my hand as she rises like a missile from the bed, shirt torn open, breasts exposed, arms wide as she launches herself at me. I barely manage to keep the chair upright as she lands in my lap, soaked barely-there panties rubbing against my crotch, one of my hands clutching her enormous mounds while the other secures her to me by the small of her back. Her lips latch on to mine, and her tongue pushed into my mouth.
Now, I'm not complaining, but holy shit. Either that cupcake has a lot stronger effects on normies, or Shizuka is a straight-up nympho. My hand on her breast finds her erect nipple, and I roll it between my finger and thumb. She responds with a deep moan into my mouth and her hips grinding her pussy against my sadly covered erection.
My hand at the small of her back slides down to grab ahold of her meaty ass. Rocking her back and forth, I slide that hand under the thin material of her thong and down to the very rim of her asshole, brushing gently against it. A shudder runs through her body, and I slide a finger harder against that button reaching beyond to her wetness. I coat my finger in her natural lubricant and glide back up past the taint, rolling the tip around the puckered exit.
She moans into my mouth, her tongue twisting and working around mine. Her head bobs up and down in what feels like enthusiastic consent. I move my finger faster back and forth, and she mewls a "please" without ever stopping her tongue. I press my finger over her backdoor, slowly pressing my way in. Before it's even past the tip, she's already trembling. She pulls back from the kiss, her breath coming in a vibrating staccato and her glazed eyes starting to roll back. I finish the motion, and the finger pushes through. Her head is thrown back, and a wild keening echoes through the nurses' office. Her glorious breasts rise high above her body, and her anus squeezes my finger tight.
As she starts to come down from her orgasm, I start to push my finger further in but stop when the distinct sound of-
"Ahem," comes from the doorway.