"So should we go to your room or..." Maria says as we prepare to test the Dreamscape and my new Incubus Magic.

"Why don't you go to your room. I want to see if I can pull you in from a distance," I respond.

"Awww. I was hoping to cuddle."

I smile. "I'd like that too, but let's test this ability first."

"'kay, 'kay," she says and runs off to her new bigger room with the bed big enough for ten.

Returning to my bed, I lay down, close my eyes, pull some of that sexual energy I gathered earlier, and feel myself begin to drift. I sense my consciousness flow down the bed and almost slither through the door and down the hall to where Maria's bedroom is. It squeezes under the door, crosses the floor, and makes its way up the bed and over to the sweet succubus lying there. My mind wraps around her and connects with her consciousness.

Once united in mind, I pull us both into my dreams, wrapping her in my fantasies and dragging her into my Dreamscape.

"This is amazing," Maria says.

"Thanks. It's the first time I've been here," I say, staring around in wonder.

For the most part, it looks like the Kuoh Academy campus, complete with school buildings and classrooms. The difference is in things like the obstacle course and combat arenas. There are automatons and targets designed to help improve combat skills and other types of rooms for practicing... ahem... other skills. I'm honestly not sure why those are there. There will be plenty of practice with our real bodies. Although, I guess that I can take the girls on a "dream date" and only take a short amount of time in the outside world. It might be an option until I can create my own physical world.

I turn to Maria to ask if she's ready when a sweet voice calls out behind me. "Issei!"

I turn and see three people standing there. Two I recognize, and the third I have a good guess, but holy hell, I did not see it coming. I suddenly realize why the 'pleasure rooms' are there. The first is the one in the front frantically laughing, waving, and calling my name. The last time I saw her was in Yui's dream world. I finally remembered where I'd seen her before. I almost slapped myself when I did.

You have to realize, though. These people don't perfectly resemble their anime counterparts. They look like people that the animes were based off. Or, to put it another way, they look like those realistic versions that talented artists render. So, forgive me if it takes a while to recognize who some of them are.

This one, I know, though—one of my first harem animes and still one of my favorites. I had tried to order the OVA before I... met a certain four-wheeled reaper, but they couldn't fill the order. I was bummed.

Once she has my attention, the little twin-tailed ball of joy and sunshine bounds her way over and leaps into my arms, giggling the whole way. I play along and catch her spinning her around before pulling her in and cradling her close.

"How does it feel, Sasami?" I ask the sapient ability that I used to call Sage.

"It feels amazing, Issei!" she says. "Oh, how do you like the Dreamscape? I tried to make it how you described."

"It looks fantastic. Were there any problems?" I ask.

"Well, Ddraig wanted something a little more-" she starts to tell me how they came to a compromise.

I couldn't get the idea of Sage having her own will and reasoning. I know some might think that it is inefficient and potentially dangerous, but it also is the only actual path to evolution for the ability. Without some level of true intelligence, she'd be stuck at S-rank. I needed to somehow grant her the Wisdom train without using my Edit ability because... well, I can't right now.

That's when Sage reminded me about a certain fellow reincarnator who began his new life with a distinct limb deficiency. In that particular story, powerful beings could grant monsters names which would increase their power and... well, basically everything. It would allow them to evolve.

So, I created an ability that would do the same thing. This ability, called Nomen (A), allows me to "name" entities and grant them power and the Wisdom trait. Wisdom is just sapience by a simpler name. Through this, the creature or entity gains consciousness if they did not have it, to begin with, and creates a link with me, the one who named them.

The name itself may also influence how the entity develops. Naming Sage Sasami, she gained some of the traits of her namesake. A cheerful disposition and a hardworking attitude. Kind of the perfect partner for my lazy ass.

"-and that's how we ended up with a torture chamber under the Occult Research Club building," Sasami says.

"Well, it sounds like you were quite busy while I was talking to the girls," I say with a smile. "Thanks, Sasami."

She blushes cutely. "You're welcome, Issei."

Maria is off to the side talking with the second person in the group, Sora, about the facilities they've put together and what sort of training we can do here, and I can already see the lascivious gleam in Maria's eyes.

The third person is a tall woman with vermillion hair and golden highlights tied up off her shoulders with a few tresses framing her startlingly beautiful face. Long pale, pointed ears and coal-black horns poke through the sea of red and gold. Emerald cat-slitted eyes and red scales that sit like rouge high on her cheeks give an exotic quality to her features.

Her body appears to be human if of exquisite quality, and she wears a shimmering gold halter top and crimson snakeskin leather pants. At least, I think those are pants. She has an exposed midriff that looks like the muscles were carved from marble, and while not as chesty as some of the girls I've "met" lately, she is undoubtedly well proportioned. I'd call it an athletic D-cup.

"Well, took you long enough," she says with a much more melodious voice than the one I'm used to hearing in my head. She spreads her hands as if encompassing the campus, but we both know she's merely presenting herself. "So, what do you think?"

My eyes don't leave her for a second. "Very nice. Even better than I imagined."

She smirks. "Glad you like it, partner."

"I have to admit, I was kind of expecting wings," I say.

Her smirk becomes a smile. "I can adjust it as I need. Having wings and a tail can be troublesome in a human form. It throws off the balance a little. Though, if I want to fly, I have to manifest them. Like so," she says, and great pair of scarlet dragon wings, about a full seven meters in span, sprout from her back, and a long thick scaled tail, crimson with short spikes, winds its way around her legs.

I shake my head. "Still somehow sexy," I say, turning back towards Maria.

"Big brother, this place is incredible. Sora was just telling me about the library and how the more realms you visit, the more full it will get because of Sasami's ability."

"Amazing, isn't she?" I say.

The adorable girl in my arms blushes and hides her face. It really is pretty cute. "So, we have about eight hours in the real world until the alarm goes off, and we have to wake up. In here that's about sixty-four hours from now-"

"Oh!" Sasami perks up. "Actually, I forgot to tell you. Since we integrated the Incubus Magic ability, it has synergy with the Dreamscape, and it increased the overall time dilation you'll experience in here."

"Oh, great. How long?"

"Every hour on the outside is equal to one day in here," she says with a cheerful lilt in her voice.

Well, this is a welcomed turn of events. "So, we could theoretically train for eight full days for every night of sleep we spend in here?" I ask. She nods. "What about rest? Don't our minds and bodies need a certain type of rest in order to recover?"

"Yes, they do, and the Dreamscape will actually help keep you in the deep sleep state longer," Sasami says. "Well, except for the torture chamber. The rest of the Dreamscape promotes growth, memory, learning, and retention. If there were a way to work the body as well, it would be the perfect training venue."

"You can work on that later. For now, just learning and practicing skills and abilities in a safe place is good enough," Maria says.

"Speaking of which," I say, pausing for a second. "There is another ability I've picked up that is a little... controversial, and I wanted your opinions on if I should do what I'm considering doing. The ability will get used, but the particulars are what I'm concerned about."

Three heads tilt slightly with a look of curiosity. Sasami already knows what I'm about to say, so she just sits quietly. I spend the next several minutes outlining the ability and its limitations and drawbacks. Much like with Nomen, there are definite stipulations to what I can accomplish. Once I finish, the three look like you could knock them over with a feather.

"...And you want to do this with Akeno first?" Maria asks.

"I think she's the best choice. The other options aren't exactly ideal right now and could cause a massive problem if things don't go just right," I reply.

"I think... I think you should do it," Maria says.

"I'm with the succubus," Ddraig says. "It would increase your strength."

Sora nods as well.

"Alright, I'll talk to Akeno sometime tomorrow and set up a time this weekend. Actually, I wanted to invite the Gremory and Sitri peerages over for a training session once we've figured the Dreamscape out anyway. It would be a good excuse to work it out with her."

"Well then," Maria says, jumping to her feet. "We should start practicing and make the most of the time we have here."

Ddraig cracks her knuckles and smiles in a way that says that someone is about to get their ass kicked... probably me.




The night was an extremely productive seven days. The biggest problem we had was keeping Ddraig and Maria on task. They each were determined to drag me around to the pleasure rooms Ddraig had designed, which mostly resemble a cross between a BDSM dungeon and a porn set.

I won't lie, it was kind of fun, but one unforeseen effect was that my actual body was becoming increasingly horny. By the end of the seventh day, I could really feel it even in the Dreamscape. My raging hard-on got so bad that I called it a night earlier than I expected. Hence the seven days and not eight.

As I shift uncomfortably in my bed, my hand comes to rest on a warm lump next to me. At first, I thought it was Raynare or Mio sneaking into my bed, and that's a pleasant thought. I know it's not Maria, she must still be in her room asleep.

Turning, I see crimson locks cascading over the blanket, and I smile at my cute little sister looking for some comfort, but then I realize, as the fog of sleep lifts, that the person in my bed is taller than Mio that leaves one possible person.

Throwing back the blankets, I reveal the mouthwatering vision of a very naked Rias. It takes me a second to come to a realization. 'Well, I warned her,' I think.

I grab hold of her shoulder and turn her onto her back, epic breasts jiggling in all their glory. Her eyes open, and she gazes up at me. She obviously isn't sleeping, but her breathing is coming heavy, and her eyes are determined.

I run my hand down her shoulder to caress her breast and brush my thumb over her nipple. She draws a short sharp breath, and the cherry on top stiffens. Like Mio, her breasts are one of her more sensitive erogenous zones.

"Didn't I tell you what would happen if you showed up naked in my bed again, Miss Gremory?" I ask, knowing the answer.

She swallows hard and nods.

"Does that mean you wish to be fiances in more than just name? Once we cross that line, there is no going back. You will be mine, and I will never give you up."

She blinks a little but eventually nods and, in a hoarse whisper, says, "Th-this is my decision. I know what this means, and I have chosen my fate."

My inner self slaps me in the head. 'Oh, that's what this is about, huh. This is the scene where she throws herself at Issei in a last-ditch effort to break the Riser engagement by popping her cherry. Well, alright. Don't mind if I do.'

"Alright, you've chosen. I won't let you go back on your word now." I smile, knowing what's coming.

I slide my hand down her body as I lower myself to her mouth. A flick of my tongue wets those candy red lips, and my mouth touches hers just as my fingers slide across her vulva and down the center slit over her clitoral hood to brush against that most sensitive of spots.

Rias gasps, leaving an opening for my tongue to slide into her mouth. Our tongues meet, and Rias's first moan of the night hums into my mouth as our saliva blends together. Before my fingers can work their way into that oh-so-tight space between her legs, the room glows with white light. I draw back slightly.

Rias looks over to the circle forming on the floor and wistfully whispers, "Looks like I'm a little too late."

I pull her chin back, so she's looking at me once more. "Listen to me. This... may become uncomfortable for you, but play along. Alright?"

Her eyes hold a mix of hope and fear, but she nods nonetheless. We sit up and wait for our early morning visitor to arrive.

A lovely silver-haired woman appears wearing a maid uniform. I'll pause here for the cheers.

Now that that is done, she, of course, starts by trying to insult me. "With this lowborn?" she asks. "Your father and Sirzechs will be saddened."

"Hey, I have high god, demon lord, dragon king, and hero blood running in these veins. I'm about as highborn as they come on this planet," I retort.

"My virtue belongs to-" Rias starts only to be interrupted by me forcing her head down into my lap and her mouth onto my cock.

"Hush, Rias. I need to have a word with this pretty lady," I say.

The silver beauty's eyes widen, and she actually takes a step back. "Wh-what are you doing? Stop that."

"Hey, you interrupted our evening- er, morning, unannounced and uninvited. You're lucky I'm not tying you to the bed and stripping you naked. I have a succubus a couple of rooms over who'd love to play with you. She has a thing for haughty maids."

"I am here at the bequest of my master to safeguard her daughter's purity," she says, having recovered from her initial shock. It catches me off guard as well. She said, 'her daughter's purity.' 'Her,' not 'his,' not 'his sister's.' Interesting.

I recover quickly. "Purity?"

I reach around and lift Rias's body, so she is on her hands and knees on the bed. She tries to lift her head, but I push it back down. "Uh-uh. I don't think you're done yet."

I rub my hand over her smooth ass, down to her thigh, and pull her legs further apart to give me easier access. Reaching back up, I slide my fingers down the crack of her ass and over her anus, pausing for a second to give it a little tap and send a shiver up Rias's spine. Continuing down, I find the opening of her vagina. She's already dripping wet, which makes this much more manageable. I slide a finger inside.

"What are you doing!?" the maid says.

"Relax, sweetie. I'm not going to pop her cherry with my finger. I'm just doing a quick hymen check, and lo and behold; it's actually there. By the way, what's your name? You never introduced yourself."

She looks slightly abashed. "I am Grayfia Lucifuge, servant of the House of Gremory, Queen of Lady Venelana Bael's peerage."

Hang on a minute. I pause, stroking my finger along Rias's hymen, she's practically vibrating, trying to control herself, but Grayfia said something interesting. She's Venelana's Queen, not Sirzechs'... The gods who put this world together must really want me to have the most epic of harems. Not that I wouldn't have targeted Venelana and Grayfia, to begin with, but now I don't even have to work hard for it. Well, I don't have to break her up with Sirzechs anyway.

Rias is sweating, and her hair is sticking to her skin. I brush it out of the way and smile to give her encouragement. "You're doing well, Rias. Keep going." I take a fist full of her hair and help her bob her head more fluidly.

I look at Grayfia and probe for more information while I probe the nethers of the Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess. "So, you mentioned Sirzechs. Who is he to you?"

"He is Lady Venelana's son and one of-" she starts.

"Yeah, yeah," I say. "I know all that, but who is he to you?"

She blinks at the question. "H-he is... my ex-husband."

"Ah. Now, see, that was what I was interested in," I say as I slide a second finger into Rias's tight pussy. She's kind of tall. This move is easier with the shorter girls like Mio or Maria, but I've had a growth spurt recently, and my arms are longer now, so I can keep her mouth on target while playing with her other end relatively comfortably. "Tell me, Miss Grayfia, what was it that led to him being your 'ex' husband? Infidelity, perhaps?"

She blinks a bit. "I'm not sure what business that is of yours?" she says.

"Oh, forgive me. I'm just making small talk. If the subject is painful, I have no problem dropping it," I say.

She hesitates. My index finger is fully lubricated with Rias's juices, so I slide it back out and slow my motions and move the index finger up just a little and circle the rim of her anus, slathering it with her own fluids. Rias whimpers softly as my finger prods her backdoor. She has an extremely tight ass, as any princess should, so her juices are not enough. So, I reach into my Pocket Dimension for a bottle of the lubricant that Maria gave me. Reaching over, I pump a generous amount down the crack of her ass and coat her nethers and my fingers with the slippery goo.

This time the finger slides in with little resistance, and Rias's whimper becomes a gasp. Grayfia seems transfixed. Whether it is because her young miss is being violated right in front of her or because it's been so long since she herself has, I'm not sure, but I'm eager to find out.

I break the silence myself. "So, Miss Grayfia, you were telling me why you left that cheating bastard."

Grayfia shakes just a little. "W-well, it wasn't so much the cheating. A man with his status and power is expected to take more than one wife," she says, focusing on a point in the past to avoid acknowledging the soft moans emanating from Rias as she bobs on my cock. At this point, I've extended my aura around her chest and added a rippling pulse across her breasts and nipples. She truly does have an epic set of tits, I'd prefer to use my hands on them, but both of those are occupied at the moment.

"So, not the cheating. What was it then?" I ask.

"H-he just wasn't the man I thought he was. When we met, he was bold and fought for his principles, but he abandoned those and the children he fathered because of political pressure," Grayfia says with undisguised contempt.

I raise an eyebrow. Could it really be that obvious? If it is, the gods really wanted this gift wrapped for me, didn't they? I probably should confirm my suspicions. "Do you know who the children are?"

"Unfortunately, no, or Lady Venelana would be certain to find her grandchildren. She has been quite enraged with Sirzechs over this for years. Barely speaking a word to him," she says.

'Sasami,' I think.

[Yes, Issei?]

'Can we identify Mio and Maria's paternal line yet?'

[I can with ninety-nine point seven percent certain determine that both Mio and Maria's paternal father is Sirzechs Lucifer. Both possess the High Devil bloodline, and each also has the potential for the Power of Destruction ability, although both bloodline and ability are currently sealed.]

'Can we break those seals?'

[It should be possible.]

'Yeah, I thought so. Thanks, Sasami.'

[Of course, Issei.]

"Well, what a bastard. I myself am not interested in having children anytime soon, but once that die has been cast, a father has certain responsibilities. What kind of man would abandon his children. Similarly, what kind of man would sell his child," I say. The stab at Zeoticus seems to strike true because Grayfia twitches slightly before schooling her features. She appears to be of the same mind.

"So, what is this nonsense about me not being able to fuck my fiance when she is literally begging me to?" I ask.

Grayfia sighs. "The Gremory and Phenex families are contesting the engagement. Both are claiming prior commitment, and due to the wording of the original marriage contract, the bride's virginity is to remain intact until her rightful husband claims it during the consummation of the marriage... Lady Rias is aware of this stipulation. Any deviation could lead to a war between the families involved, and that could have dire consequences for the entirety of the Underworld."

"Is this true, Rias?" I ask.

Rias tries to look up at me with pleading eyes. It is rather pitiful. It's also incredibly erotic. Imagine those teary blue eyes in a crimson framed heartbreakingly gorgeous face with her lips wrapped snuggly around your cock looking up at you. Begging you. Yeah, I almost shot a load right there, but I held back.

"Well, damn. We are at a bit of an impasse, aren't we?" I say, looking at Grayfia. "On the one hand, there is a marriage contract that Rias and I don't recognize the validity of, and on the other, I have a naughty horny little minx who challenged my rule over my own bed and other offenses for which she needs to receive the promised punishment."

Grayfia frowns, and Rias lets out a long moan at my words. Well, Rias is probably moaning because of the vigorous motion of my fingers in her ass and pussy, but close enough. The moan gave a nice little reverberation against the frenulum. "Oh, that was rather nice. Keep that up, Rias; you're getting the hang of this."

"So, Miss Grayfia, how do we remedy this situation? Obviously, I can't let Rias's transgression go unpunished. I think you'd agree that discipline is important to instill early."

"I..." Grayfia says with a frown.

"And of course, we can't violate the contract, at least until it has been properly nullified. So, what shall we do?"

Grayfia steadies. "Is there an alternate punishment that you could administer?"

"I don't believe so. A specific punishment was listed and agreed upon at the time the rule was made. If Rias were to enter my bed naked once more, I would claim her body as recompense for the trespass."

We're quiet for a moment. I notice that as Rias moans and slurps more enthusiastically, Grayfia is starting to crack. Her complexion has taken on a rosy hue, and her chest is heaving as her breathing accelerates to keep up with her heart rate.

"Is it really just that silly little bit of flesh that we mustn't break?" I ask.

She nods. "That would be adhering to the letter of the contract."

I let out a sigh. "Well, there are a couple of ways I can see around this," I say. Grayfia perks up. "The first is to embrace an ancient noble tradition. The whipping boy. If you wish Miss Grayfia, you could take the punishment in her place."

Grayfia blanches. She looks down at Rias. Hair, a sweaty, tangled mess, eyes red with tears from gagging on the dragon cock shoved half down her throat, face coated with her own spit and maybe a bit of precum for good measure.

"W-we-well, I don't think I'd be the proper choice. Surely one of her peerage should take her place," she says.

"Akeno has been practically begging me to fuck her since the day we met, thus not a punishment, and I see Koneko as my little sister." Yeah, step-sister maybe, in the adult movie sense of the word. "I don't swing Kiba or Gasper's way, and as for the new girl, she's untrained and recently suffered sexual trauma. I wouldn't dream of using her for this."

"Well, I... I don't think I can..." she says.

"No? Well, that's a pity," I say and pull Rias's head up free my rod. "I'm afraid, princess, that we're going to have to do this the hard way."

I use a bit of my speed and lift Rias, wrapping one of her arms behind my head so that she faces Grayfia with her legs spread wide, exposing her dripping wet pussy. Grayfia is stunned by the sudden change of position and doesn't respond quickly enough as I line my spit-soaked cock up with the Rias's virgin asshole and ease her down.

The reaction is immediate as the glans slowly penetrates the puckered hole. Rias gasps like a diver's first breath of air after a deep free dive. Her chest thrusts out as she scrambles for purchase that she doesn't have.

Grayfia is in a state of shock seeing my member pushing against her charge's backdoor. I watch her eyes for telltale signs of anger, acceptance, or if I'm lucky, arousal. Mainly it's circulating through her mind as a series of error messages. I'm pretty sure she wasn't expecting this. It's too far from what the original scene looked like. Something has gone off the track—a glitch in the system. One the system is having trouble compensating for.

I ease Rias down a little further until the entire head has entered her anus. My hands are busy holding her in place, so I let my aura run wild over her body, being sure to stroke along her tongue, tits, and especially her pussy. Paying extra attention to the clit touching it in ways a tangible tongue or fingers never could. Activating the nerve clusters in the most pleasurable way.

Rias seizes in orgasm her vagina and anus spasming. She jerks in pleasure, forcing her body further down my cock. Another wave hits, and Rias's tits vibrate from the force of it, her tongue forced out in a total ahegao of ecstasy.

I look over at the stunned maid. "Miss Grayfia," I say in a dispassionate voice. "Perhaps you would like to return to let Lady Venelana know that you have successfully vouchsafed her daughter's most 'sacred' bit of flesh. I will be a little while at this until Rias is properly chastised."

She starts to say something, but I interrupt. "Have no fear. I swear that I will not penetrate that most significant of structures," I say, laying the sarcasm on a little thick perhaps, but I emphasize it with a slight thrust of my hips, ripping another cry from Rias's tortured throat. Still, I'm a little less than halfway in.

She blinks a little before taking a breath and sighing. "Very well. I shall hold you to your word."

As the light of the teleportation fills the room, I move Rias to her knees on the floor in front of Grayfia and pulling her arms back, so she is forced to look up at the prim maid.

"Safe travels Miss Grayfia," I say.

"Uhng!" Rias moans.

"Give my regards to Lady Venelana."


"If you're interested, you can ask Rias how she got into this position."

"Oh Fuck! Yes!"

As the teleportation circle activates, I bid farewell to Grayfia, and every sentence is punctuated with a thrust burying my rod deeper and deeper in Rias until I finally am fully sheathed inside her. Rias pulled up and back with each thrust, giving a beautiful view of her undulating chest to Grayfia as she disappeared from the room.

The light fades, and the circle disappears. "It's... over," Rias groans.

"What?" I say. "You think this is over? Sweetheart, it has only just begun. You nearly caused a war because you were impatient. Not to mention you tried to put me in the middle of it. What you have experienced so far is just the tip of the iceberg."

I draw my hips back. "I've got a couple of hours before I have to get ready, until that time... your ass is mine." I drive forward with a loud slap as her ass claps against my waist. "And when I am done, you will be mine in body, mind, and soul."