I feel myself getting cold feet as I look into the vacant eyes of the pretty petite redhead.

[Issei, I think I've discovered a solution to the problem.]

"Oh, thank gods," I say. No one seems to notice.

'What have you got, Sasami. Make it good.'

[I think we can pull their consciousness which has been suppressed by their hunger, into the Dreamscape. You'll be able to talk to them there and even overlay reality with the dream so they can experience their first time if they want.]

'Wouldn't we have to put them to sleep first?'

[They are effectively asleep already. At least their conscious mind is.]

'What about the time difference?'

[We can adjust that to make the time match up temporarily. It is your Dreamscape, after all.]

'Sasami, I could kiss you. Let's pull the other two in as well. They can help explain the situation.'

[You'll have to put them to sleep first.]

'I know. You set up the space. Let me explain it to them.'

"Hey, Carrera, Shamsiel, can I talk to you for a moment? I need your help with something."

"Are you still hesitating?" Carrera asks, obviously getting frustrated.

"If things go the way I hope, there will be no more problems. Promise."

She lets out a sigh. "Alright, what do you need us to do."

"I need you to go to sleep," I say.

The response is a blank look, so I explain a little more. "I need you to go to sleep so I can pull you and the rest of the girls into a Dreamscape. Once there, we can explain to them what is happening and, with their permission, complete our task.

I'd feel like a scumbag taking a girl's first time and then making her stay with me forever without her having any say in the matter. I feel bad enough about you and Shamsiel."

"Oh, I don't mind," Shamsiel says.

"This way, I can not only get their permission, but because of the Dreamscape, I can overlay the sensations and visuals to them so they can experience their first time."

"Oh, man. I wish you could have done that with me," Shamsiel says.

"Sorry, if I had realized I could do that earlier, that would have solved most of my dilemma," I say.

"Won't they still be in a similar state?" Carrera asks.

"I don't think so. We'll be isolating their consciousness to bring them into the Dreamscape. Their instincts should be, at worst, muted in this case."

"Alright, let's do it," Carrera says, and Shamsiel nods.




The two lay on sleeping bags a few moments later, and I pull all their consciousnesses into the Dreamscape. I decided to keep the extended time in the Dreamscape for now since it could take a while to earn their trust, but once the actual action started, I'd match real-time so the girls would have matching experiences with their bodies.

Within the Dreamscape, Sasami had prepared a space that resembled the dungeon the succubi were kept. When their consciousnesses appeared, it was in the same state they had been in the real world, except for Carrera and Shamsiel, who were returned to their bonds to allow for more verisimilitude of the dream.

Carrera let out a sigh. "Back on the cross. I hope this doesn't take too long."

"At least you're face up. I don't know what that jerk has against pink-haired girls, but he seems to like our asses being in the air. Right, Lolisa?" Shamsiel says.

"U-um. Wh-what happened? How long have I been out?" the light pink-haired girl says.

"You became catatonic after the third day. It was the same with your sister and Mari," Carrera says.

"If we became catatonic," the blue-haired Kurumu says with a frown. "How are we awake now?"

"Well, Master came to rescue us," Shamsiel says playfully.

"M-master? Who's Master?" Kurumu asks.

At this point, it is probably prudent to enter the scene, or Shamsiel may say something to scare them. I open the cell door a crack and knock.

"Excuse me, ladies," I call out. "I was wondering if I could come in and speak to you?"

"N-n-no p-please stay away." Lolisa cries out. "I don't want anyone to see me!"

"It'll be alright, Lisa. I promise," Kurumu says. It's shaky, but she does sound resolved. She's probably been saying things like that to keep her sister going the whole time.

"Alright, alright. Stay calm," I say. A shy succubus? I'm glad this method was available. "I would like to set you free, but I'll stay out here. There is a lot to talk about and not an unlimited amount of time to do it."

I make a sound like snapping my fingers, and the restraints loosen on the women, and the sawhorse under Albedo disappears to be replaced by a soft pillow. I also place a robe next to each girl so she can cover herself. Once they understand they are in a dream, we can adjust things further to make them more comfortable.

"W-what! But how?" Kurumu says, shocked by what happened.

"Don't get too excited yet," Carrera says, picking up the robe and wrapping it around herself. "This is more complicated than it appears. You should tidy yourself up. Issei is probably the only way out of this situation where you keep your sanity and most of your autonomy."

"What do you mean most?" Albedo asks with a hint of suspicion. "And aren't we already out?"

"Sham and I are, but Issei asked us to help get you... You know what, it's better if he explains the situation first and Sham and I confirm it for you. I will say this. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and the alternative is... not good."

"Carrera, please don't scare them. When everyone is ready, I'll be out here waiting."

Mari looks towards the door and then towards Carrera. "So... what's he like?"

Carrera shrugs. "Young. Handsome. A couple of faded scars-"

"And a cock like an impaler demon. I swear, I felt it. Carrera says I was out of it, but when that sweet energy started washing over me, I felt every thrust. And his cum!"

"Enough, Sham. They don't need a play-by-play," Carrera says in exasperation. She turns back to Mari and the rest. "I can tell you that Issei is trying to help us... Even if he is too hesitant about doing what is necessary. He's only hesitating because he doesn't want us to get hurt in the process. It's sweet in a naive way."

'Gee, thanks, Carrera,' my thoughts dripping in sarcasm. Maybe I am too naive, but I can't just shake the feeling of not wanting to traumatize young girls. Especially ones with whom I'm likely to have a long-term relationship. The entire structure of the Harem King's Blessing is based around the Master-Servant Testament and thus around trust and affection.

I set up the area outside the dungeon with a large room with a table and food, well lit and comfortable. It may be a dream, but it's a dream that can manipulate the senses to taste, touch, smell, and all the rest. I'm sure after what they've dealt with; they could use some comfort.

Because it is my dream world, I can see and hear everything here if I choose, whether I'm waiting at the other end of this sizeable comfy room or sitting next to them in the dungeon. It doesn't matter.

They come out of the dungeon room and stare wide-eyed around them.

"This looks different," Mari says.

"Well, that's one of the things we need to talk about," I say.

Everyone stops and looks at me. I wave. Mari waves back with a big smile on her face.

"I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Issei Toujou, and I came here to kill the ever-loving fuck out of Zolgear. In case you didn't know, he's the one that captured you and has been keeping you in a state of starvation. Honestly, I wasn't here to rescue you originally, but one of my companions happens to be a succubus, and she came across your cell while we ransacked his hideout and could sense your hunger. She asked me to help free you."

"While that sounds nice, I have a feeling that there is more to it than that," Kurumu says.

"You'd be right," I say with a nod. "Originally, I was going to just cut you free of your bonds and send you out to our evacuation team. However, Maria- that's the succubus friend of mine- said that we couldn't do that because you were in a state of starvation-induced sexual frenzy and that you'd likely assault some of the people that I brought with me and probably hurt yourselves or them in the process.

She told me, you couldn't passively absorb sexual energy in your state and that the only way to get you the energy you needed to survive was through direct sexual contact. I'm not very comfortable with this for two reasons. One. Sex isn't a one-time thing with me. It's a permanent arrangement with an effect similar to that of a Master-Servant Testament. If I have sex with you, that's it. You're mine. As with the Master-Servant Testament, there are several benefits to the bond, and I'll explain those later if you'd like."

I let them digest that for a minute. Lolisa is the first to say something.

"U-Um. D-does that mean w-we've... had s-sex?" she asks, pink, a darker shade than her hair, fills her cheeks. It's pretty cute.

"Oh. No. I suppose I should have clarified that first," I say. "This relates to the second reason I'm uncomfortable with this situation. I would feel like a scumbag taking that choice out of your hands. This is why I haven't yet freed you from the dungeon. I wanted to find a way to ask you what you wanted to do, and I did- or rather, another friend of mine did."

"Wait. What do you mean, we aren't freed from the dungeon? We're out here, aren't we?" Mari asks.

"Technically, no," I say, shaking my head. "Right now, your consciousness is in what's called a Dreamscape. It's a mental construct within my mind that I can tailor to my needs. We were able to separate your consciousnesses and bring them inside so that we could talk."

"We're... in your mind?" Kurumu says skeptically.

"Technically speaking, yes. I should also mention that we have some time in here. Time flows differently, and at least for now, every month in here is about an hour outside. I'd like to be out sooner than that if possible, but if you would like to take some time to talk it out among yourselves. Or, even if you want to get to know me better- I know I'd like to get to know each of you- we can make the time work."

"What is the point," Albedo says. "You've already said that the only way to save us is through sex. My question is, why should it be you? If sex with you has such a negative effect. Why can't we just have sex with someone else?"

"That's a reasonable question, and the answer is, I have a unique constitution. According to Maria, most people would die having sex with one of you in your current state, drained dry, and only leave behind a withered husk. Maybe some higher state beings could get away with a few of you, but we don't have any others on hand," I say. Carrera purses her lips and nods. "Additionally, I have an ability that, during sex, facilitates healing of all kinds: physical, mental, and spiritual. In other words, you won't just be satiated for your hunger but also soothed of some of your trauma."

"Yeah, basically, he has magic cum that heals wounds and feelings and is packed full of nutrients that a growing succubus needs," Carrera says, rolling her eyes a little.

"And it even tastes amazing," Shamsiel adds. It's my turn to roll my eyes. "It's like if your favorite ice cream had a love child wi-"

Something catches my attention out of the corner of my eye while Shamsiel is waxing poetic about my spooge. It was only for a fraction of a second, but I swear I saw something move.

'Sasami? Are you hiding somewhere in here?'

[No, Issei, I'm in the Palace checking on an anomaly.]

'Anything bad?'

[I don't think so, I just felt something shift.]

'Okay, keep me informed, please.'

[You betcha.]

"-seriously, it better than sex... Well, it's like the cherry on top of sex, I guess," Shamsiel finishes.

"Okay, so, now that we've discussed the flavor profile of my spunk, maybe we can get back to the topic at hand," I say, rolling my eyes. "There is a second complication that makes me uniquely qualified to rescue you. Whatever Zolgear did has caused complications in how you process sexual energy. The only way to fix that currently is for you to overpower that blockage. To do that for Carrera and Shamsiel, I gave them one of these."

I manifest a set of black chess pieces floating in the air. A rook and both knight pieces are changed to a green color. "If any of you are familiar with the devils, you may have heard of their Evil Pieces that they use to create a peerage and to convert other races into devils. This is the same thing but built for demons. Since you're all already demons, this will only give you a power boost and allow me to help you overcome the blockage. Does that make any sort of sense to you?"

They all nod, but based on the vacuous glaze over Mari's eyes, I'm guessing she may not be entirely sure. I let out a sigh and shrug. "Any questions?"

"You're a demon?" Lolisa asks with a curious frown.

"Part. It's complicated, but let's say one of my parents was a demon lord class demon."

"Wait, seriously?" Carrera says. "I didn't know that."

"Of course not. We haven't known each other for even an hour yet. I fucked you, set you free, and then you talked me into fucking your friend. Now we're here."

"You talked him into fucking me?" Shamsiel says. "Aw, thank's Carrera, you're such a good friend."

"That raises even more questions. If you're a demon lord, why are you helping us and even offering powerful benefits?" Albedo asks. "If you wanted to bind us, we couldn't stop you, and we'd be thankful not to be dead anyway."

I sigh. "A couple of reasons. Maria asked me to help you, not subjugate you. She's very special to me, and I wouldn't want to violate her trust," I say, which is true. I'd like to violate her in many ways, but her trust is not one of them. "Second, the Harem King's Blessing improves as trust and affection increase. Forcing you would slow that growth down significantly. But most importantly, I don't want to be a bad guy."

Now, I've really confused them. They all are staring at me with frowns like I'm speaking Swahili.

I explain. "I have stupidly powerful abilities that I could use to do... whatever I want. Those abilities are powered by engaging in hedonistic pleasures. I could easily use my abilities to dominate those around me and bath in hedonistic pleasures like a pig in mud, but that is a huge slippery slope. I walk a thin line. It would be so easy to slide my way down and just take whatever I want, but there is no joy at the end of that slide. I'd be a bad guy—a villain, and I wouldn't be me anymore. I'd be a parasite.

Now don't get me wrong. I've no interest in being the good guy either. There will be no self-sacrifice for the greater good. The greater good will have to accept that I'm doing a service by not becoming a villain. I do what I do because I want to do it. That includes not wanting to screw someone who can't consent. Especially a bunch of virgins. I already have issues around what happened with Shamsiel, and I was ninety-nine percent sure she would be down with it."

"So, what is it you do want?" Albedo asks.

"To build a harem of beautiful, powerful women and travel the worlds engaging in the luxuries and pleasures like gods."

"That... That sounds pretty hedonistic to me," Kurumu says.

"Yeah, but it's hedonism on my terms, not just drowning in it or losing myself to it. As I said, I don't want to be the good guy or the bad guy. I want to be me. If we see injustice and want to help, great. If we decide to leave it to someone else, also great. If we want to steal someone or something because it's pretty. Shiny. We'll be bad guys."

"I thought you said you didn't want to be the bad guy?" Lolisa says, barely above a whisper.

"I'm inconsistent. What can I say." I shrug. "Seriously, though. I have a bottom-line I don't want to cross and a top-line I don't want to cross. In the middle, it's a bit gray. If you want to get to know more about that, you'll have to stick around."

"It's not like we have a choice," Kurumu says.

I take a deep breath and let out a sigh. "What if I gave you a choice?"

Albedo and Lolisa perk up. "What do you mean?"

"I can use my abilities to stabilize you for a while and transport you back to your families, and they can try to find a way to help you out. You won't be bound to me, but I can't guarantee anything more than getting you to them. It'll be their efforts alone that will determine your fate."

"Actually, I kind of like the idea of joining you," Mari says. "Becoming powerful and traveling the world sounds awesome."

"You'd be bound to him forever, you know?" Kurumu says.

Mari shrugs. "Is that so bad?"

"Wh-what are you saying?" Albedo says. "We'd be his slaves."

"I don't think so," she says, then looks at me. "Would we?"

I shake my head. "I only have used the slave rank for hostile people that I feel I can eventually win over, but I am not willing to chance other people for my hubris.

The biggest downside is that betrayals activate a curse similar though more potent than a Succubus Baptism and can only be removed by submitting to the master of the harem. Me. There are also protections built-in, and I will always know where you are. I can communicate with you telepathically, and every time we have sex, you will get a little stronger... Oh, also, your life span will increase, and you may notice that you become even more beautiful as time goes on."

"But you would control us?" Kurumu seems concerned about this.

"I'm not really the controlling sort. Unless it is necessary, as with some of the slave ranks or some sort of sex play that you like, I'm not going to put a lot of restrictions on you. As part of the harem, I'd prefer it if you'd stay with me or at least close to me, but I can always set up teleportation arrays to facilitate contact."

"How many girls are in your harem?" Lolisa asks.

"It's a fairly new harem, but within the ranks are nine, of which I've only had intercourse with three. Oh! Sorry, eleven and five," I say, indicating Carrera and Shamsiel. "Outside of the direct harem are several potential lovers, as well, and the number is only going to grow."

"So many?" Albedo asks. "How will you have time for us all?"

It's a good sign she said 'us.' "Well, remember I have this Dreamscape where one month is equivalent to one hour. Every night I could spend a day with each of you and have time left over to train our abilities... which is what we use this space for now. In the future, I plan to create a dimensional space so that we can go there physically to spend time together, as well."

"You can do that?!" Kurumu says with wide eyes.

"Eventually," I nod. "I have a little ways to go still, but it'll happen."

"Mom's going to kill me," Kurumu mumbles.

I can see they're all on the edge of accepting. Well, except Mari, she's already wondering if we can try to track down her dad in Europe so he can meet her fiance... i.e., me.

"Hey, why don't we slow this down a little. Let's take a week to get to know each other and let you girls think about what you want to do. In that time, we'll spend some one-on-one time and some time together as a group."

"Woo-hoo! Orgy!" Shamsiel yells.

"Not what I was thinking, Sham," I say, which isn't entirely true, but I'm patient. "If you'd like, I can even reconfigure places to look like something more familiar, like your individual homes, so that you can feel more comfortable."

I'm pretty sure I've already got them, but taking a little more time to figure things out will make all of us feel better. I know I sound like a wuss, but I'd rather take more time than have them regret their decision later.

"I-I think that sounds like a good idea. We don't want to rush into anything," Albedo says and then mumbles, "The mistress is going to kill me."

I ended up introducing them to Sasami and creating a replica of my neighborhood with their houses interspersed within. Even though we didn't sleep, everyone needed their own space to work through things. I also kept the day-night cycle so that the days had some variation.

We went on dates and outings. Sasami had, of course, access to all the books and movies in the world, so we were able to spend time, both together and apart, and keep entertained. We even did cliche things like Ferris wheel rides and paddle boats. Shamsiel found out about the pleasure rooms in the mock-up of Kuoh Academy and dragged me there at least once a day. She said it was to make up for not being aware of our first time.

I learned a lot during that week. I asked if any of the girls had significant others in their lives that this situation would impact, but, despite being sex on two legs, succubi aren't that popular at demon high school. This is primarily because of the near-certainty of only being able to birth another succubus in any sort of mating. The other demons tend to want to propagate their own species, not another one. Their loss. Send me your succubi; I'll keep them all.

Mari showed off her shapeshifting ability, which is apparently beyond what a normal succubus can do. I always thought that succubi could shape-change into whoever they wanted to. As a way to seduce their target, but apparently, most could only hide their demonic features and pass as human. It may have been due to Mari's vampiric heritage that she could more fully shapeshift.

Albedo insisted on sparring with me almost every day, and sometimes several times a day. I thought she might be the hardest sell on this, but she became much more interested once she heard I was part demon lord. Mostly in seeing how strong I was. It was a little weird, though.

After sparring with her for a few days, I noticed her watching me more closely and with a great deal of intensity. I saw her speaking with Sasami in hushed whispers at one point but blew it off. Later, when I was looking for her, I homed in on her only to see her riding a body pillow that strangely had my image on it while rubbing her breast with an ecstatic look on her face.

Lolisa, on the other hand, craved reassurance and gentle attention. We went for walks, picnics, and romantic movies. She was nervous and distant at first, but after a couple of days, she began to loosen up, and by the end of the week, she would curl up on my lap during movies.

Kurumu, on the other hand, seemed to accept that she was going to take my offer, but she was of two minds when it came to her sister joining. On the one hand, she knew that I was the best bet to save Lolisa and her lives, but on the other hand, she was having a hard time accepting that her sister would be getting plowed by me. After watching Kurumu interact with Lolisa, I came to realize that Kurumu was a sis-con.

After Lolisa had become comfortable and even began looking forward to when it would happen, I started talking to her about how her big sister would be right there with her the whole time. I told her how I'd show her sister her naughty side and how she'd moan for more. I got a little graphic in my description, nothing outrageous, but I did it all within earshot of Kurumu. I checked on her a few minutes later, and Kurumu was furiously masturbating in her bedroom.

The most mellow of them all was Carrera. We spent some time together, too, in and out of the pleasure rooms. The time we weren't together, Carrera spent reading books and sunbathing. I pointed out that this was still a dream world, and it wouldn't help her sexy tan, but she said it still felt nice. Who am I to argue?

On the last day, after everyone had reached their decision, I spoke with them about what we could do to make this better for them. I told them I could overlay reality with the Dreamscape to experience it more fully, and they liked that idea.

In the end, we returned everyone to the dungeon, and I had Sasami handle the overlay with the real world. I step up to Mari once more in her bondage chair, complete with stirrups, and push her legs apart. Running my hands up her thighs, I smile at the slight mewling sounds coming from her o-ring gagged mouth.

"It's time."