I want to call off the engagement

"You idiot you scared the hell out of me"

Sarang jumped when she heard someone burst open her bedroom door.

It was none other than Sarang's best friends Byeol and GaEun.

Today Sarang was just discharged from the hospital after staying there for almost two weeks. When she was there no visitors were allowed to meet her. So it was hard for her friends to meet her. 

Sarang's father and her brother told her to take rest but after seeing these two she know for sure that she won't be getting any rest. 

"I thought I will never see you again" GaEun cried as she hugged Sarang.

"You fool" Byeol slapped her back.

Sarang felt bad for these two girls. They don't know that their friend was dead. The one who standing in front of them was not their friend. She can't tell them that her soul was transmigrated to Sarang's body. 

"Why are you not saying anything? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?" Byeol cupped Sarang's cheeks.

Sarang shook her head, "I am so touched that Sarang has you guys by her side" unlike her previous life everyone around her was fake in the name of friend. 

"Why are you addressing yourself as a third person?" GaEun looked confused. 

"Ah! I heard that you got amnesia. Do you remember us?" Byeol waved her hands in front of Sarang.

Sarang clasped Byeol's hand, "It's just a temporary memory loss. Now I regained all of memories. So stop waving your hands like I'm blind"

"Are you really okay?" GaEun caressed Sarang cheek. "For nth time I am perfectly fine. There's nothing to worry about" Sarang jumped in her place.

Maybe because she was sharing the same memories with the original owner of the body she felt familiar care and affection for Byeol and GaEun.

"Yeah, she looks fine. Now let's' start" Byeol folded her sleeves up. "Okay" GaEun cracked her knuckles.

"Guys, what are you planning to do? It's kind of scary" Sarang backed away from them.

"Now tell us why did you took those stupid decision" Byeol asked her it's more like demanding her. 

"Don't think you can escape by saying some lame excuses. we only want to hear the truth" GaEun shook Sarang shoulder.

"Hey stop shaking her. What if she loses her memories again" Byeol slapped GaEun's hands away from Sarang's shoulder.

Sarang's father and brother didn't asked her the reason. Maybe they are too scared to ask her but these two girls are so daring.

"I really don't remember why I did that" Sarang tried to avoid their eyes. "As if we believe you. We will get to know it in a hour" GaEun took her phone out and texted someone.

"You follow us" with that they both drag Sarang out of the house. They hailed the cab. On their way Sarang asked them where they were going. But they didn't gave any response. It's like they are kidnapping her. 

The cab stopped in front of the cafe. They paid the money for the cab and entered into the cafe.

"If you want to take me out to the cafe, you should have said. Don't need to sacre me" Sarang took seat near the window. 

But still they were glaring tat her. Sarang felt that something big is going to happen.

Sarang saw a girl around her age walked towards them. "Do you know who is she?" Byeol asked her. 

Sarang looked at the girl as she tried to recall, "She's kind of familiar. Is she from our class?"

"If you are not sick I would have smacked you in the head" GaEun slapped the table which made Sarang to jump from her seat.

"Let's hear what she wanted to say" Byeol lightly tapped Srang's shoulder.

"Hyeri, you can speak now" GaEun ordered the other girl. 

Suddenly Hyeri knelt down in front of Sarang, "I am really sorry. I k-know you were s-standing there. That's why I asked those questions to KangHwan. and the k-kiss" her lips were trembling, "I i-initiated the k-kiss. He didn't k-kiss me back, instead he p-pushed me a-away but before seeing that y-you ran away"

Hyeri choked on tears, "I am s-sorry. I didn't know that you will try to c-commit s-suicide. I couldn't able to s-sleep these days. I am often getting n-nightmares. I know this is my f-fault. I shouldn't have b-bullied you with others. Because of me, you.. I am so s-sorry"

Now Sarang remember this girl. What Hyeri did was wrong. because of her selfishness one life was gone. But it's not good for her if she dwelling on the past. It might become a trauma for her. Moreover she know her mistakes and she repenting on it.

Sarang squat down and hugged Hyeri, "It's okay. What I did was not your fault. It's just that the boy I loved for the past ten years did not accept it. So I decided to take my life." Sarang released the hug and wiped Hyeri's tears, "It's really not your fault so don't blame yourself"

Hyeri cried a lot after hearing Sarang's words after all she bullied Sarang with her friends. But still she decided to forgive her. 

Hyeri apologized again and again before she left the cafe. Kids these days are not thinking about the consequences of their behaviour.

Sarang sighed as she turned to looked at the two shocking faces. 

"That's the reason right? That's the reason you tried to commit suicide?" GaEun shouted at Sarang.

"Why did you do that? Are we not your friends? Can't you share your burden with us?" Byeol cried.

Sarang heart tightened. She hugged them both, "You're sarang's best friends. You guys were there for her whenever she needed you. Sarang doesn't want you guys to be worried. Because you two are her priceless treasure"

As she's in Sarang's body she can feel all her(Sarang) emotions which she had for others.

"Stop making us feel bad for not protecting you" Gaeun hit her head.

Sarang released the hug to rub her head, 'God, this girl is so strong'

"Promise us that you won't decide to end your life again" Byeol asked Sarang.

Sarang nodded her head, "I promise to live my life to the fullest". They smiled and hugged her.

'With them being with me, I think I don't have to worry about anything' Sarang felt warmth in her heart.

"You kind of looked mature when you said that to Hyeri" Byeol smiled at Sarang. "Our baby doll grown a lot" GaEun patted her head. 

They chatted for while and dropped Sarang at her house before they left.

When Sarang went inside to her house she saw few guests were in the living room chatting with her brother and father.

"Oh dear, look how thin you are. I will ask nanny Lee to make some chicken soup for you to drink. Come and sit with me." a lady grabbed Sarang's hand as soon as she saw her.

The lady gave an elegant aura around her. She might be in her early forties. The look in her eyes showed how much she adored Sarang.

Sarang felt someone's intense stare. It's from none other than from a guy who's sitting in front of her. He was glaring at Sarang. 

'Wait, why he looks kind of familiar? ah! he is the one who made Sarang to took her own life. How dare he glare at me? Hey look down before I dug out your eyes and feed it to pigs'

Mrs.Kang noticed their staring contest, "Sarang we tried to visit you in the hospital but the doctors didn't allowed any visitors. They said you needed a complete rest. I am happy that you're fine now"

Sarang looked into her eyes, it doesn't seem that she was faking it.

"Yes, or else Kang Hwan would have been with you all the time taking care of you" 

Sarang almost laughed aloud when she heard Mr.Kang words. 

"Sarang, you should forgive Kang Hwan for not visiting you. So stop sulking" Sarang brother said to her. 

'Hey brother, do I look I am sulking? I am almost want to murder that jerk'

"Of course she will forgive him. I know about my daughter very well" Sarang Father chuckled.

'Oh really? Then can you please throw this jerk out of the house?'

"Kang Hwan, give the flowers to Sarang which you bought for her" Mrs.Kang smiled at her son. 

Sarang saw how Kang Hwan looked at the flowers like he want to throw it to the floor instead of giving it to her. He stood as he walked towards Sarang with flowers in his hands.

Sarang stood up as she looked straight at Kang Hwan and said, "I want to call off the engagement"