Open College Talent (3)

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Sarang won" Byeol jumped in happiness. GaEun was too emotional that she couldn't open her mouth to speak.

Chan Woo waved his hands at Sarang jumping up and down. Jae Suk was really surprised that Sarang beat the Hacker god in thirty minutes.

On the other side Jin Chen was confused. As far he heard this round will be go on for hours but why did it got over in thirty minutes. "What happened? Why everyone was shocked? Why the contestants are focusing on Sarang? If they do not concentrate don't they lose?" Jin Chen looked around.

Lian Mo who was shocked as well as he explained the whole situation to him.

The competition got over in thirty minutes because the contestants were too shocked by Sarang and failed to focus on their hacking.

Jin Chen looked at Sarang who was sitting their like nothing was happened. He started to admire her more than before.

"This day should be written in history. No one ever dared to beat our Legend Joo Won. But one of the NLU first year student broke the record even created a history. Let's welcome our honorable guest Jin Chen to give her an award" the host finished her speaking.

Sarang was shocked to see Jin Chen who was walking up to her. Her mind recalled how she punched him on his stomach.

Jin Chen walked to her and handed the trophy. Sarang got the award in her hands but Jin Chen didn't let go the trophy. Sarang raised her eyebrow.

"Hey, isn't that the pervert?" Byeol asked them. "I think so. But why is he the guest?" GaEun looked worried what if he get angry at Sarang.

"Why are they asking a pervert to award her? And why is he still holding the trophy?" Chan Woo was annoyed.

"What are you doing?" Sarang whispered to him. "Buy me food. I will let go" Jin Chen said to her. "Are you gone mad? Buy your own food" Sarang tried to use her strength to pull the trophy but Jin Chen tightened his grip.

"Do you want me to tell everyone that how you and your friends harrassed me?" He mischievously smiled at her.

Sarang was losing her patience, everyone was wondering what the two were whispering with each other. Sarang doesn't like to be in spot light. So she agreed to buy him. But he insisted her to buy food for ten times. He tried to play the same trick which he used it on his father.

Sarang never seen a brazen person like him other than Mina's people. Finally she agreed to his stupid deal.

"Thank you, Miss Sarang for agreeing to teach me. I'm happy to be your student" Jin Chen said it aloud as he let go of the trophy.

Sarang eyes widened in shock that she fell for his trap. In other people eyes they might be suspicious because of their whispering so he covered it with another lie. Even the crowd believed what he said. He winked at her before he got down from the stage.

Sarang stomped her legs while she went towards to meet her friends.

"Are you not happy? Why you look so annoyed?" GaEun cupped her cheeks.

"Is it because of that pervert? Tell me I'll break his legs" Chan Woo cracked his knuckles.

"I don't want to spoil my mood because of him. I'm so tired I want to relax" Sarang fell on Byeol who was hugging her.

"Let's go to my house. You can relax there. It's weekend so you guys can stay there" Chan Woo suggested to them. Sarang was too tired to say anything. GaEun looked at her and agreed to go with Chan Woo. After all she spent whole day in winning.

"Let's leave before the reporters could catch her" Jae Suk held Byeol's hands and ran towards the parking.

When Sarang heard the word 'reporters' she ran as fast as she could. "I thought she was tired" GaEun chuckled and ran after her. "Hey, why are you leaving me behind" Chan Woo chased after them.

"I think she don't want to be interviewed by the reporters. Make sure no one should reveal her name or photo" SungJin said to Beom Seok after he saw Sarang ran as soon as she saw the reporters approaching her.

Chan Woo brought them to his three-story mansion with overlooking pool and backyard. It was gifted by Chan Woo's grandfather on his tenth birthday before he left the country.

Sarang doesn't have feeling to look around. She was so tried that her eyelids became heavy. So Chan Woo brought her directly to the guestroom which was already prepared for them.

Sarang didn't even waited for him to say anything, she just plop on the bed.

"I never seen her like this" Byeol looked worried. "It's because she used all her energy to win. Let her sleep for a while" GaEun closed the door.

Chan Woo took them to the mall which was just two blocks away from his house. GaEun and Byeol bought few dresses for them and for Sarang. Meanwhile Jae Suk and Chan Woo went for a grocery shopping.

It was around seven in the evening when they returned home. Byeol woke Sarang and ask her to change her dress. Sarang lazily took a bath and changed into the dress which was given to her.

They all changed their dress and went to the swimming area where Jae Suk was grilling the meat.

"You know to cook?" Byeol jump over to him. "Yes, if you want, I can cook for you for the rest of my life" Jae Suk gave her a piece of meat to taste. "It's so tasty" Byeol showed her thumbs up.

"I rather sleep to see them" Sarang closed her eyes. "Ignore them. Here have some" Chan Woo gave her and GaEun the meat he grilled.

They were laughing and talking when Chan Woo suddenly remembered the bet they had in the afternoon, "You won the bet. So what's your wish"

Sarang stopped drinking her juice. "Hey why you look so serious?" Byeol looked at Sarang's face which became darkened.

"I want you guys to help me to find about JinAe. I need to know what happened to her"