She was totally disappeared

Sarang friend's insisted to be with her when Jae Bum invited Sarang to meet SungJin regarding JinAe. It's because they don't want Sarang to face those problems alone and also they want to meet their Idol.

Then Jae Bum arranged them to meet in SungJin's villa.

Jae Bum felt dizzy when they started to behave like a tourist. No one can blame them to get attract at this European style garden with jade crystal water fountain. It's kind of mixed combination which makes everyone to fall in love with the fountain.

Even Jae Bum and Beom Seok was awestruck when they first came here. So he somewhat understood the kids.

Garden was filled different types of flowers. Especially Tulips was caught Sarang's attention. She was a fan of Tulip.

When she was JinAe, most of her accessories have Tulip designs. Her Uncle promised her when she reached at the age of twenty, he will gift her a Tulip farm. Unfortunately, before she could receive her gift, JinAe has became Sarang.

"Do you like Tulip?"

"I love them the most" Sarang said without thinking. When she realised, her eyes met with an mesmerising eyes which belonged to the most handsome men, SungJin. He was standing so close to her. Sarang back was touching SungJin's hard chest. It's like he was back hugging her.

Sarang was taken back by his sudden closeness so she tried to move. But stopped when he asked, "How do you know JinAe?"

Sarang somewhat guessed he would've ask this question to her like how her friends asked her. So Sarang gave him the same answer which she given to her friends.

SungJin looked at her for few seconds. He know that they were not close enough for her to tell him the real reason. He know what she said was a lie. But he decided to wait until Sarang to open up to him.

"Okay, Let's go. I'm sure your friends were waiting for us" SungJin held her hand casually like it's natural to hold her hands. Sarang was shocked at the warmth she felt in her hands.

When SungJin realised that Sarang was not moving he turned to look at her. Sarang pointed at their hands. SungJin lips curved when he saw her blushing face.

"Do you want me to carry you inside?"

Sarang shook her head and started to walk along with him.

When they entered the living room holding their hands, her friends were shocked.

Jae Bum almost choked on the biscuits which he was eating.

Beom Seok eyes widened when he saw his friend holding a female hands. Finally he won't be labeled as a gay anymore.

Sarang shook her hand from SungJin's grip and ran to her friends.

SungJin felt that his girl was so shy to held his hands in front of the others. He has to train her more so that she will become immune to their skinship.

But he felt empty when her warmth left his hands.

"Oh my god. My best friend and my Idol. Wow" Chan Woo squealed like a fangirl.

"They look so perfect" GaEun nodded her head as she approved of her best friend to be with her Idol.

"What nonsense are you talking? She is still a kid" Jae Suk pushed them away from Sarang who were glaring at them for teasing her.

Sarang doesn't want to be in a relationship before she gets to know what really happened to JinAe.

The real Sarang died because of Love. JinAe whereabouts were unknown because of Mina's Love.

Who knows what's awaiting for her in the future. Sarang doesn't want to be in love.

Sarang turned to SungJin, "Mr.SungJin, can you tell us what you have find about JinAe?"

Her sudden change startled everyone in the living room including SungJin. She was blushing like cherry blossom just a minute ago, now she was totally treating him as stranger.

Jae Bum and Beom Seok turned to look at SungJin knowing that their Big Boss love going to be end even before it's starts.

SungJin looked at her as he trying to see the shy girl but he couldn't. He realised that other than JinAe, nothing matters to her. He handed the file to Sarang which was given by Beom Seok.

"She was totally disappeared after she escaped from the police. All the CCTV camers in the area has been tampered. For two years there is no clue where she might be" Beom Seok said to her.

"Escape? What do you mean by she escaped?" Sarang asked him. This was news to Sarang.

"After police arrested her because of that scandal, JinAe was escaped on the way to the police station" Jae Bum said to her.

"Rubbish" Sarang threw the file on the floor, "JinAe was voluntarily called the police to arrest her to took the blame for Mina. So why did she have to escape form the police? JinAe didn't escaped from the police"

Everyone was shocked at her statement.

"Infact the persons who arrested JinAe was not even a police. They kidnapped her by imposing as a police to deceive everyone"

Still she remember how the police's car went into the cemetery yard instead of police station. Before she could even realize what's happening around her, someone hit her hard on her head which made her to lose consciousness.

Sarang friends were taken back by her sudden outburst. "Sarang, how did you know that they were not police?" GaEun asked her.

"Yeah, in the file it's clearly said that the police who took her with them. So how did you know?" Jae Suk asked her because in the file its mentioned as the Head of the department and the students were personally saw that JinAe was arrested by the police during the class hours. But how come Sarang saying that they are imposters.

Sarang blinked twice realising that she was spoken too much. "Ahm.. It's because JinAe, She.. JinAe contacted me after she briefly escaped from the kidnappers"

SungJin eyes never left Sarang for a second when she received a file regarding JinAe until now. He saw her every reaction to the news and her outburst.

Before anyone could question her SungJin interrupted and said, "Jae Bum, once again investigate the persons who arrested JinAe. Also check whether those persons have received any monetary benefits in these past two years"

Jae Bum was also doubted Sarang's reaction. He nodded his head and went out to do his work immediately.

"It's getting late. Tomorrow is a weekend so you guys don't have class. I have already arranged a room for you all to stay here. Beom Seok, show them their room" with that SungJin went to his study room.

Sarang felt guilty to stay here after behaving indifferently to SungJin, but Byeol said she was really tired after walking in the garden. Chan Woo also said that he want to stay in his Idol's villa. So, Sarang decided to stay here.

SungJin's villa has four storey with two master bedrooms in third and fourth floor, eight guestrooms, a mini theater and a gym in the fourth floor, two sauna along with an indoor and outdoor swimming pool.

Byeol and GaEun said they wanted to have a separate room for themselves because this will be once in a lifetime opportunity for them to enjoy. So Beom Seok arranged them to stay in the second floor guestrooms.

He then turned to Sarang and said that all the guestrooms in the second floor were occupied by her friends. After hearing that Sarang said that she can stay in the third floor.

Beom Seok grinned cunningly when he saw Sarang has fallen into his trap.