Boss, I want to live

"Sarang, have you prepared well?" Jae Suk handed her the chocolate bar which she recently fallen in love with.

"I did. But I don't think your girlfriend did" Sarang pointed at Byeol who were sulking in the corner.

Jae Suk sat next to his sulking girlfriend, "I don't mind even if she fail. I can support her". He rubbed her head dotingly making the others to turn their head in jealous.

"Now a days, these two overly flaunting their love in front of us. Hurting the singles" Chan Woo buried his head in the book.

"You right" GaEun nodded her head.


"He is Mr.Ye Jun. Our new Director" Jae Bum introduced Ye Jun to SungJin and Beom Seok.

Ye Jun and SungJin shook their hands. "I'm looking forward to see your achievements in the future" SungJin said to him.

"You will" Ye Jun replied with his poker face and left to his room.

"Why did you recruit another cold face? Is SungJin not enough?" Beom Seok whispered to Jae Bum.