Will you be my bride?

After chased out by Sarang, SungJin went to see his baby brother.

"Brother, is that big sister awake?" SungHo jumped from his bed.

SungJin caught him in his arms, "Yes"

SungHo grinned, "Take me to her. I want to see her"

Jae Bum chuckled thinking about the way SungJin was chased out by Sarang. If he went once again, Sarang might murder him.

"Not now. I'll take you later to meet her" SungHo pouted his lips when he heard that.

He badly wanted to meet that big sister who saved him. His mother said if that big sister didn't saved him on time he would have gone to meet the god in heaven.

"But brother, when will you? I want to give this to her" SungHo showed the drawing which he drew, "Mom said that big sister is so beautiful. Is it true?"

SungJin thought about the watery eyes, clean forehead, cherry lips, peaches cheeks automatically made his lips curved, "Hmm. She is beautiful"

"Then can I marry her?"

SungJin looked at his baby brother's eyes, "No"